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Everything posted by chiquita24

  1. ok oops try this!
  2. I'm going to have to memorize that one!
  3. Oh my gosh I would be freaking out for more reasons than one! I hope you find her soon Lisa!
  4. Ok now that I finally figured out how to convert my DVD's, here's a link to my very first tandem! Jan 2004 in Ixtapa Mexico with ROOK Nelson! I take full credit for being a goofy dumbass in this video! Enjoy!
  5. Wait, you have a loose snake in your house??
  6. I'm uploading them right now! I'll post my very first skydive first since I think it's the funniest video ever!
  7. I had to install the xvid codec
  8. There we go! Apparently that's what I needed! It's working now! Thanks so much for your help!
  9. Oh yeah .. And change the codec to MPEG-4 (XVID). Didn't work either. All I see is the same thing I described above
  10. It is confusing to me simply because I don't know what all of it means or does! Ever heard of format factory? I have that too and used it once before awhile ago and now can't remember how I did that either!
  11. oh ok I saw this after I did it! Will try once again.
  12. Converting it to AVI didn't work either. Now it opens in Windows Media player and I hear the music, but all I see for a picture is the random neon line moving sequence (I don't know what it's called!) that windows movie player plays when like a music cd is inserted.
  13. Ok I'm going to try it again! Thanks!
  14. the file that I have say M4v
  15. Under output settings it says (PRESET: NORMAL)
  16. Yes I know all about the problems with Vista! Can't say it's my fav. either but... Anyway, no I'm not sure if I picked the right preset. All I did was I put the DVD in, at the top it says " click 'source' to continue" So I clicked source, found my DVD and loaded the DVD Video TS file. Clicked Browse and gave it a spot to save on my computer. So maybe I'm missing a step?? I see that where it saved on my computer, it appears to load a MAC video player through Quick Time, but it won't play if I click play. However if I move the cursor and fast forward, I see the video. Does that make sense??
  17. Anyone used it before? I'm looking for a way to get some of my skydiving vids from DVD's onto computer so that I am able to upload them and perhaps transfer them into i-tunes later. I downloaded this Handbrake program and went through all the steps of encoding it and it's saved under my videos, but it doesn't play. Any suggestions? I'm running Vista if that helps.
  18. chiquita24


    I really wanted to go bowling too! Drinking and bowling go great together!
  19. Shit! You beat me to it! That's what I was going to say I'm giving up too! Well not like I'm not really giving it up, it's non-existent anyway
  20. I'll take the bug in Africa any day. Just looking at those eggs makes me wanna puke. I HATE eggs. Don't like the look of em, smell of em, taste of em, feel of me, absolutely nothing about them!
  21. Sounds like an amazing trip so far!!! Don't know where you are, but if perhaps you are in still in Mexico City make sure you make it to Chalputepec (sp?), Zona Rosa, and Basillica. All Beautiful places!
  22. chiquita24


    It's my birthday and all my friends are being lame-o or are sick so I'm at home now and having a nice stiff drink by myself! I've been in Mexico for my past 5 birthdays and now i'm stuck here in COLD MN and it's not so much fun. Missing my mom like crazy on this day too. What's everyone else up to??
  23. I don't know who ordered it, but it looks like it's coming my way too. I was so hoping we were almost out of it with all the nice weather we had last week! Oh well, as long as it's not a snowstorm on Monday so I can I celebrate my birthday!
  24. LMAO He humps her, then starts beating her then goes back at it again and makes noises.