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Everything posted by wlie

  1. wlie

    almost chopped

    That makes the 2 of us My other ride is the relative wind.
  2. Senior citizen discount on auto insurance. How the hell did this get introduced? My other ride is the relative wind.
  3. Couldn't he just ask? As SkydiveXXL's sig goes "Was she "what's your major" young, or "show me on the dolly where the bad man touched you" young?"
  4. I think I'll make a run to the local used book store and pick up an old copy of Premiere My other ride is the relative wind.
  5. when in doubt, whip this out My other ride is the relative wind.
  6. Had I started jumping in my college days, I might have studied calculus more diligently. The cover of the textbook had a big-way. I don't remember how many, just like I don't remember calculus My other ride is the relative wind.
  7. My other ride is the relative wind.
  8. If there's one book to read this summer, I recommend "Art of Deception" by notorious hacker Kevin Mitnik. My other ride is the relative wind.
  9. Not a blonde joke, but since the model's blonde; what the hell Seems it's now fashionable to wear a high heels on your head http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/ae/subcategory.asp?SubID=473&DisplayType=Slide My other ride is the relative wind.
  10. You make me sooooooooooo jealous My other ride is the relative wind.
  11. wlie


    VVV VVV IIIIIIIII BBBBBBB EEEEEEEE SSSSS VVV VVV IIIIIIIII BBBBBBBB EEEEEEEE SSSSSSS VVV VVV III BBB BBB EEE SSS SSS VVV VVV III BBB BBB EEE SSS SSS VVV VVV III BBB BBB EEEEEE SSS VVV VVV III BBBBBB EEEEEE SSS VVV VVV III BBBBBB EEE SSSSSSS VVV VVV III BBB BBB EEE SSS VVV VVV III BBB BBB EEE SSS VVVVV III BBB BBB EEE SSS SSS VVVVV IIIIIIIII BBBBBBBB EEEEEEEE SSS SSS VVV IIIIIIIII BBBBBBB EEEEEEEE SSSSSSS SSSSS I quit my job about 6 weeks ago. Yeah I'm still unemployed, but it's not like I've been diligently looking either. I've been so burnt out in my last job (code whore for the last 6 years) and it just wasn't doing any good for my physical & mental health. Since leaving my old job, I've been volunteering at my church's dining hall serving over 120 needy folks daily. Just something different for me to do and helps to keep me from getting lazy. My other ride is the relative wind.
  12. yap. Helpful enough, but I still admire how you guys sum up all that courage to go under the knife. Regardless of whether or not it you're still a horny beast, I still say if it ain't broken don't break it with features Now off to different angle: How did you and if applicable, your S.O. reach the conclusion to get fixed? My other ride is the relative wind.
  13. Hly Mly!!! Sure beats the heck out of my "getting fixed" paranoia My other ride is the relative wind.
  14. Yaaa.. but that don't mean I go looking to get hurt And remember Brandon Lee? It wasn't a live bullet that took him out. My other ride is the relative wind.
  15. You guys must really love your wives for getting the procedure done. Me? While I woudn't mess with my nuts, I wouldn't have my wife get her tubes tied either. I'll pull when it's time to pull. My other ride is the relative wind.
  16. BULLSHIT!!! I've heard that it could feel like you've been kicked between the legs and the feeling lasts a month My other ride is the relative wind.
  17. HERE HERE knives and nads - bad combo. YEAH!!! And thoughts of circumsitions too!!! Oooh! And getting kicked in the nads My other ride is the relative wind.
  18. And me thinks there is reason why one is born with TWO. This applies both to testicles and ovaries. Same as to why one jumps with 2 parachutes. My other ride is the relative wind.
  19. Thoughts of getting snipped and/or castrated. My other ride is the relative wind.
  20. Man!!! My other ride is the relative wind.
  21. That's like drinking non-alcoholic beer My other ride is the relative wind.
  22. ok... but what about the other 95-97%? And what happens if one is perpetually on the job? I mean we know what happens with large amounts of internal bleeding. Just the thought of messing with my nuts is crazy. And I've never heard of only having one nut operated on. Even if that has ever happened, I'm guessing that the other nut will grow bigger and work 2x as hard to produce well... make up the difference right? My other ride is the relative wind.
  23. Ok... I'm starting to see the picture, but by not relieving off your system, doesn't that drive a man nutzso? I mean it's like a constipation in a sense right? My other ride is the relative wind.
  24. wlie

    probation officers

    Doh!!! I voted I never had one, but I actually do have one. My wife edit: I hope she doesn't ever read this My other ride is the relative wind.
  25. In response to the "Sperm Free in 2003" thread. Just how the hell do you boys orgasm? Do you mellow out just like dogs? I'm assuming that your nuts are not permanently zapped so it's got to go somewhere. So what happens to the buildup? Just curious.