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Everything posted by wlie

  1. wireless online hooter-surfing comes to mind My other ride is the relative wind.
  2. I'm sooooo jealous While today and tomorrow may be the bestest days of the week, I'ze got my rig gettin' repacked. Oooh! Dumb dumb dumb. Didn't think I could have jumped it then left it for me rigger My other ride is the relative wind.
  3. I just unplug it My other ride is the relative wind.
  4. wlie

    Your Porn Name

    I thought we had a thread about this; and I became known as BoobieCootie My other ride is the relative wind.
  5. Most definitely. And if the brew gets lots of head, most likely it is due to large amouns of soap deposits. You might want to try some Tilex to rememdy this. Also, if it has a sour aftertaste, it could very well be mildew. My other ride is the relative wind.
  6. Did you start with a clean bathtub? Incidentally, I am just now transfered my brew to secondary. Here's my recipe: 8 lbs Pilsner malt extract (lightest one w/o corn sugar) 1 lb Victory 1/2 lb Crystal 40 1/2lb Flaked Oats 1/8 lb chocolate malt 2 oz Columbus 1 oz Saaz (last 20 min of boil) Wyeast 2565 Kolsch yeast I forgot to take the OG, so I'm guessing it's about ~1.065 'coz that's usually what I get for this recipe. My other ride is the relative wind.
  7. I should be there around noon. Some patches of blue. Let me get back to doing my sunshine chants. My other ride is the relative wind.
  8. You have a safe weekend too.
  9. 'Coz daddy might cut the S/L with a hook knife? just kidding man... only kidding}}}}}}}}}})))))))) ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. My other ride is the relative wind.
  10. Bloody allergies Took me a good 10+ minutes to clean up the mess My other ride is the relative wind.
  11. Sounds like baby's right over the spot. DOOR! Good luck Rhino. May you have a healthy baby, and mama gets a smooth delivery
  12. Ok. What's this from? Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home an f#$% the prom queen. Carla was a prom queen. Really? My other ride is the relative wind.
  13. My other ride is the relative wind.
  14. That movie gets gooder and gooder the more you watch it. And that scene where Dude flicks out a butt w/o winding down the window, the butt lands on his lap, he panics, douses it with his beer and crashes into a lamp post. My other ride is the relative wind.
  15. wlie

    WMDs found!!

    DZ.com would also be classified as WMD as well My other ride is the relative wind.
  16. "...in bed." That's what your's said My other ride is the relative wind.
  17. Has to be the Chinese restaurant scene from Magnum Force. You forgot your fortune cookie It says, "You're shit out of luck." And blows away the robber. My other ride is the relative wind.
  18. Coincedentally... My other ride is the relative wind.
  19. Wha! Impressive sit right off the exit My other ride is the relative wind.
  20. wlie

    A License!!!

    Use the Force Ivan My other ride is the relative wind.
  21. wlie

    A License!!!

    Obi Wan has taught you well
  22. Dude! You'll never forget the first solo like you'd never forget your first... SOLO what else? It's like you have the power to stop time. My other ride is the relative wind.
  23. wlie

    A License!!!

    Definitely. And summer's the best time to do the wet t-shirt contest. I mean water training requirement. My other ride is the relative wind.