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Everything posted by bloody_trauma

  1. um patrolling the streets of iraq? that one just really sticks out in my mind... sorry people im just really bitter about being stuck here Fly it like you stole it
  2. i love my ipod, its easy to use and has a great support base, alot of people having them shouldnt be a factor in your decision to buy a product, i mean it really says hey lotsa people like this product and it works good and thats why peopl ebuy them, plus there are so many options for the ipod, i mean the damn thing syncs with my car stereo and displays my music col!ection, i dock it to the stereo sytem installed in my house and it can be played from any room! Fly it like you stole it
  3. hahaha you got sick of the domestic food? I'm pretty sure i'm immune to every bacteria known to this country, after i almost drowned in that shit water i drank so much of it that i can eat anything now, except certain vegetables that are grown in different places due to the use of night soil (soil fertilized with human excrement) Fly it like you stole it
  4. i show my support by PUTTING MY BOOTS ON BAGHDAD SOIL! i don't need no stinkin ribbon... actually family members who have a loved one deploy either wear or display a small banner with a red border and a blue star on a white background with increasing numbers of stars for the numbers of loved ones deployed or serving Fly it like you stole it
  5. um who ever it was that says you doubt that a round that has been shot into the air could hurt someone your wrong... very wrong. It just happens that a stray round fired into the air left a rather large gash in my bicep when i was in baghdad the first time, thats how i got my first purple heart, another soldier had a round go through the skin on his forearm, who ever you are i wouldnt recommend firing a weapon into the air, its illegal and dangerous. use a blank round and pretend its a live round or use a squib or something Fly it like you stole it
  6. 100th post bitches!!! Fly it like you stole it
  7. foamy rules ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fly it like you stole it
  8. so uh who buys the beer for this one? Fly it like you stole it
  9. monkey style? wtf's that? i might jsut make i over to raeford, im going to be at fort gordon at DDEMC for 10 months for the M6 course so well see Fly it like you stole it
  10. ok i did get to go home on leave for two weeks but damn i still got a few months left and i think im about to start making those horrible horny cat noises, the scene from the cat orgy on southpark comes to mind and then thats bad cuz theres nuthin but dudes around here Fly it like you stole it
  11. maybe i should get me a pair of those high speed airborne glasses... we got a guy who wears them on patrols out here and hes not even air borne or air assault hes just a leg! a red leg at that Fly it like you stole it
  12. deployed... southwest asia... baghdad... no snooch in sight... must find poon tang... masturbating not doing it anymore... must find... pocket pussy Fly it like you stole it
  13. ever wonder why cats make that wierd noise when thier heat... go without sex for a year and you'll know, i'm dying to get home to my wife folks seriously its just torture! Fly it like you stole it
  14. what can i say i like to eat snootch Fly it like you stole it
  15. perhaps times like these call for a fresh start, instead of modifying the name may haps you should rename it entirely and market it as something new, people in your immediate community watch the news and associate the current name with "plane crash"... i'm sure there are lots of talented digital graphics artists in this community who could help you design and market your "new" company, im pretty good with photo shop and know several manual artists here in my unit who can draw well, if you have any ideas for a logo or design jsut let me know and myself and buddies here in iraq will see what we can do Fly it like you stole it
  16. whats really important now is that you pony up the beer you owe for that mal ___________________________________________________________________________________ Fly it like you stole it
  17. awesome... i love my oakleys Fly it like you stole it
  18. in the army and having a difficult time finishing the AFF course cuz im stuck in baghdad,hell Fly it like you stole it
  19. think my croakies will keep my oakley V's on my face? they hug my face pretty tight like Fly it like you stole it
  20. what chu' know 'bout combat parkin'? _________________________________________________________________________________ Fly it like you stole it
  21. BSBD death sucks Fly it like you stole it
  22. This was found on Yahoo Answers ________________________________________________________________________________ How can you survive a skydiving accident? More specifically, if you have an accident while skydiving, and you are in a free fall, what can you do to increase your chances of surviving? I don't expect to leave unscaved or anything, but i think there must be ways of avoiding death. aim for a factory manufacturing pillows or marshmallows :) there wouldn't be much hope otherwise. unless: - you were in a particularly steep, hilly area, in which case you could use a hillside to slow yourself down. you'd need to go into a roll and just let your momentum get absorbed by the hill as you rolled. you'd get pretty cut up on rocks and bushes, though - you were above a particularly rough patch of ocean (for some reason). you could aim for the slope of a wave, and you might lose enough energy on the slanted surface to not die. but you'd end up fairly battered (and likely concussed) in the middle of the ocean. which would probably cause you to die anyway so, i'd say there's very little chance of surviving a skydiving accident unless you have a mobile phone and a friend who can transport *lots* of pillows *very* quickly Fly it like you stole it
  23. oh god it would suck to be the custodian for that, i'd have to request hazardous duty pay ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fly it like you stole it
  24. anyone wanna sponsor me? I'm pretty sure i can beat it for 8 hours and some change with no problem, i mean come on now, i'm in a country where im denied pussy and masturbate frequently, really the only diff would be that i wouldnt take a break hilarity would ensue when the lube dries up and my hand gets stuck? ummm.. is prostate milking allowed i wonder? _________________________________________________________________________ Fly it like you stole it