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Everything posted by SimonBones

  1. I see a lot of people only use one dytter or change their settings for the kind of jump they're doing. I have a system that I believe in 100%. Maybe you should check it out. I have 2 dytters (one left ear one right ear). My Left ear is set for 6K, 5K, and 2K My Right ear is set for 4K, 3K, and 2K This way on ever skydive I always hear it the same sequence at the same altitudes: 6K, 5K, 4K, 3K then both start screaming at 2K. This way if one ever just quits working, I'm covered by the other. If I hear my right dytter go first, I know something is not normal and stop to check things out. If my 4K never comes because my right one quit, my left one will still freak out at 2K if I don't have a canopy over my head or for some reason I am distracted, battling some mal, or possibly unconcious from a collision. I always wear a visual altimeter anyway, but with as much freeflying and camera work I do, I much prefer this system for peace of mind. I always immediately notice when something isn't right... and I'm always altitude aware! Hope someone finds this useful. -Simon 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  2. Ten days from now? Where are you getting this number? Is Jeb going to land a WS next week? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  3. And what a great business! PM me and I'll send you my coaching rates. You should have a rubber suit to bring to the sessions. Otherwise there will be a rental fee. Gross. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  4. I think this law has more than just the obvious benefits. Now when I travel to the UK I won't have to take all that heavy armor. The excess weight charges from the airline companies were ridiculous! Now if they'll only ban stun guns I can stop wearing a thick rubber suit. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  5. Boy a lot of people have some bad things to say about Kurupee, I had nothing but great experience with them. I put about 800 jumps on my first Kurupee suit and about an hour of tunnel time. Towards the end, the zipper had trouble holding in a head down. My newer suit has about 200 jumps on it and an hour of tunnel time and it still looks great. No problems with it and the quality seems to be much better then the last one. Much better collar/zipper. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  6. As a result of repeated attacks from wildlife, first jump students are now taught to prioritize landing in power lines over trees. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  7. It shifts back and forth depending on the BAC. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  8. Yeah, I'll probably end up going just because I'd feel stupid for turning away free jumps. But they just make it such a pain in the ass. They're free but you have to check half the fun at the door. I just wish I could have gotten some of the jumps I did on video. But a custom sized camera Rawa with dual quick release isn't safe enough to skydive with. -Simon 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  9. This one was taken two weekends ago. We've been rained out since. I like being on top
  10. But seriously folks... Here's actually a good one taken of me last weekend riding it. I like being on top. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  11. Why tandem passengers love getting video with me 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  12. Can you even imagen what it would be like to be this guy? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  13. Apparently there is an international meeting of redheaded women in the Netherlands in September. Thousands from around the world are going to go. Looks like I may have to plan a trip out there. Thousands of redheaded women on vacation and looking to have fun in one place.
  14. You can't just "go red" you either have it or you don't. We all know the fakers. Or at least we will when the carpet doesn't match. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  15. if ur in new england this summer u might get a pint of the black stuff poured by myself and its better pulled properly by an irish guy Oh man I really miss Kilkenny's. I'd kill for a pint of that stuff again. You just can't find it in the states. Bring some and I'll drive to go get it. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  16. I think some redhead pics should be posted Here is me and my red 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  17. And you just can't take your eyes off of it. I've been sitting here for 6 days and I'm covered with my own filth. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  18. This cutie has red hair, AND she can sing
  19. Which one of these is my tit? It should be the one with the nipple... damn, where is it? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  20. Women competing wearing tents That one got me! Oh, and don't you dare tell your kids about Winnie the Pooh or the 3 little pigs: 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  21. Yes, yes, fickle. Many times true. I've lost a couple of reds to just that. But I've got one now that seems to be going well... and victory never tasted so sweet! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  22. There are hundreds of anti-christian or anti-semite campaigns out there. Films, websites, cartoons, etc. Christians and Jews don't start getting into international censorship. How come everyone is allowed to be critical of any religion except Islam? Christians and Jews have to tolerate all sorts of bashing. But don't talk bad about Islam, freedom of speech doesn' count there. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  23. Redheads are truly godesses amongst women. Strange things happen to me when they are around. I get weak in the knees, start drooling, and can't take my eyes off of them. Why do many women think that men want blondes and then go dye their hair blonde like anyone would believe it's natural? Some men might want a blonde, but most of them would throw that blonde right out the window for the opportunity for a red. Red are really all I'll even bother dating. Why settle for less? Why shoot for a silver or bronze medal? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  24. There was an earlier post about the film released yesterday, dude, click on the link again: The film was removed as a result of death threats that scared the shit out of the posting sites. Seriously, check out their removal message! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook