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Everything posted by SimonBones

  1. Does something look wrong with this picture? Be sure to check the wear on your bridle from the top of your canopy to your Dbag/PC. Mine had somewhere between 8-900 jumps on it and while on a jump at the Skyfest boogie in SC I landed to find my Dbag and PC where GONE! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  2. We did set that state record for head down formation at a ten way. We went for sequential but had problems completing some of the points. Still though, we got our ten way. Thanks to Eric Deren for putting that together. Here is a pic: You can see me in the back right 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  3. Will there be a sign up for strip poker too? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  4. Video posted! Here is the link: Thanks Harry for compiling that Don't forget to rate it 5 stars and post a flattering comment 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  5. Damn!!! How wide is that lens? Hot pics dude. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  6. When I'm jumping at my home DZ, I love to organize and give free coaching to novice freeflyers and bring them up to intermediate. My invite has been open and I've made that known. I don't pay to skydive at my home DZ at all. So coming to train with me costs you nothing but your own slot. At least once a month now I'm driving far to challenge myself. I drove to a DZ 4 hours away this weekend. In two weekends I'll be driving 6 hours to a DZ. Last time it was 2 and a quarter. When I travel for an event though, I'm stepping away from the safety of my free jumps and would rather do that to advance my own skills. It's no secret that if you want to advance, expect to travel. I give good coaching and training, but I'm not going to drive multiple hours every weekend and pay out of my pocket to bring it to everyone else. If someone wants me to help them, come to my DZ. Then I will hook you up
  7. So I paid the $45 registration fee... just curious to know what all comes with it. Dinner? Couple drinks? Hookers? Shirts? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  8. I definitely started turning it down this year. I've just been on waaaay too many zoo dives. Just this past weekend I was approached by a newer jumper working on his sit skills who was trying to recruit and organize everyone at the DZ with interest in freeflying for a "big way freefly" jump. I said clearly, I don't do zoo dives... no thanks! I don't get how someone would rather organize a large uncontrolled and dangerous skydive for the sake of having more people exit the plane on the same "jump" than trying to organize a jump that really gives you something you can walk away with. Don't see a point. Should I just jump out and stare at the big mess of people in all directions trying to hold a sit wondering which one will track over me and give me a nasty canopy entanglement... or worse? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  9. Totally agree Mr. Wulf! When said: How many skydives does it take for two newbie head downers to achieve a single solid dock? A couple hundred at least. Students achieve a single solid dock on their belly before they receive their A license. Belly RW will forever simply be a mastery of the students body position. I can fly on my belly way better than most of the belly RW folks on the DZ and I attribute that to freeflying and learning more about piloting my body through it. Hell I got my AFF rating without practicing belly skills. Another belly RW flyer in the group failed because he couldn't catch a student spinning on his back at all! A good freeflyer can do anything a good belly RW flyer can do... but not so much the other way around. But yes, in all technicality, I'm sure it is harder to beat Airspeed at a 4way comp then it is to make physical contact with another sitflier in the air. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  10. I believe Harry DID do that. Look up Jive Jam. Freefly organizing/gathering for intermediate and advanced freeflyers. Although we did have some turn out at the last one, many people called last minute to cancel. Many local good freeflyers have quit skydiving. It's true, freeflying is the most difficult discipline. With some of the newer higher prices, most people don't want to pay for repeated solo jumps to work on the positions and balance. I know plenty of jumpers that just won't take freeflying seriously because they don't want to pay to do a solo. Instead they keep asking you to go up with them on your own dollar to chase them around as they flail and flip so you can tell them that they need to do more solos and practice holding stable to which they reply that they don't want to do a solo. Whatever... I'll be at the Jive Jams. When the year is done and the videos are edited and released, everyone can see what they missed out on. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  11. I got a chance to try this up at Crosskeys a few years back and it was an awesome experiance. Greg is such a cool guy too. Even more fun is to go up with a guy who is going to do the intentional cutaway and chase him around to film the cutaway. Makes for sweet video
  12. Here is an awesome shot that Wade took of me and Eddie Heady over Skydive Suffolk on Saturday. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  13. No I'll see YOU there I made a new ball, it's a fast mofo. Hope you likes :) 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  14. [reply Absolutely useless. You think there isn't another one behind him waiting to step up... and another one behind him... I get tired of this argument. It's like that whack-a-mole game at the arcade. I know more will pop up whether or not I bash one... but god dammit does it feel good to bash one of those little fuckers on the skull. Useless? I call it awesome!! Keep 'em coming! Who the hell do they think they are anyway poking their pathetic heads out of that hole? And the whole "but he's not OBL" argument is also silly. OBL is not the only terrorist. He's not the only decision making terrorist. He's not the only terrorist leader responsible for major attacks. He wasn't even the guy who hijacked the damn planes and flew them into buildings. But his name is known in every family's living room. He's become some sort of symbol of terrorism to Americans. Do you think that by killing OBL all this shit will stop? Even when we whack that fucker, another one whose name I won't be able to pronounce will come up. Who the hell can even pronounce properly, "Abu Ayyub al-Masri?" I can't! We'll get OBL eventually when he becomes complacent. Why do you have to tear down good work? This mole's head won't be popping up again and I look forwad to bashing the next one too. I better stop this intoxicated rant here, my ambien is kicking in and I'm almost done with my beer. I hope I dream about whacking moles. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  15. Hey dude, welcome to hauling beef. If there is one thing you have to know about doing tandems, it's that summer time is coming... All the college kids are coming home for the summer and they want to do tandems. What does that mean for you? TWELVE tandems in a day that's what. No more busting out fun jumps until the fall. This also means that you are going to get TIRED and QUICK! Hauling beef is hard work especially when they're FAT! You'll need to stay ahead of the game and keep your energy levels up. I recommend investing in the following product: Good luck! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  16. I would love to start/join a team. I've got some great ideas for it. I need to find some other flyers who are ready, comitted, and at that level who aren't ridiculously far away. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  17. Oh and I forgot, here is some video from the jumps I took photos of: Motion pictures! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  18. I took these photos this weekend on a ball coach jump for Ann Rezbanyay. Fun Fun Fun
  19. Whitney I contacted Larry from Skydive Suffolk, linked hime here and warned him. Let's make sure those single bastards never have fun -Simon 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  20. Something I always like to teach for head down learners is to not sitfly. That's right. Stop worrying about transitioning to HD from a sit. I'll explain: If you are not very comfortable in flying HD yet, then trying to recover HD is going to be a flailing mess. I recommend backflying. When going from a backfly to a HD your transition is only 90 degrees. When trying to cartwheel from a sit you are throwing your body around 180 degrees and trying to catch yourself in a position you're not comfortable flying. Do this math, you get 55 seconds on a freefly jump. For every cartwheel sit to HD transition you try you spend 4-5 seconds trying to regain stability on you head. With four attempt, that's 16-20 seconds of that skydive to play on your head and get comfortable with it. That's 29-36% of your jump just trying to get stable! This is very inefficient. If you recover from HD instability on your back, then arch your back and rotating 90 degrees to your head you will save yourself much more time per jump of gaining familiarity with HD flying. Once you are very solid HD flying, transitions will come easy! This is because if it is a position you are super comfortable in, then recovering TO HD will be easy from any flip. cartwheel, spin, or crash. Worry first about flying HD solid by recovering on your back and popping right back into it, then those sit to HD cartwheels (or whatever) will be just as easy and comfortable as on your belly because the position will be easy for you. Basics and comfort first, then the tricks will be easy. -Simon 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  21. The tornado ripped though my back yard. My place is miraculously unaffected but many of my neighbors houses are destroyed. I still have no electricity and many of the roads are still shut down. I'm walked to a local coffee shop and am hanging out here for a bit for some internet access. The sound of the tornado last night was crazy! After it was gone I grabbed my camera and snapped a lot of photos of some really terrible stuff. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  22. Yeah, I don't think you can use forums to really do that... or at least my common sense tells me that. I haven't really looked into rules like that. I haven't really 100% figured out how I'm going to make its availability known. Here in Virginia it's just sort of known because we're a pretty tight community. Maybe I'll talk to Square one, Aerostore, or Paragear or something. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  23. According to the producer the final DVD will be out in a few weeks and there will be a whole section on the BASE mischief from last year. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  24. Hey all! My 2007 skydive video teaser has been released and can be viewed here at: Any thoughts? Comments? Questions? Criticisms? -Simon 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  25. No worries Harry! Simon to the rescue! I got a bunch of footage despite the evil S&TA and even a few hot photographs of one our ball jumps (See attached below). I hope to shoot a bunch more photographs at Raeford next month. Anyone want to volunteer as my camera whore? And by the way, the teaser vid has been released of my upcoming DVD. Check it out here: Let me know what you think -Simon 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook