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    Skydive Suffolk Inc.
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  1. I am ashamed to say that Simon "dick head" Bones worked at Skydive Suffolk a while back if he shows his face around here not Only will he not be welcome I hope I can reframe from slapping his punk ass..You knew better you are better was it REALLY worth it ? Remember me telling you more than once " Your only as good as your last jump"? Maybe you can dig your way out of this one day Simon I don't know. I have been jumping for 32 years and what you did I must admit is a first for me..Trust is hard to earn and damn easy to are truly a selfish person Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  2. Anyone knowing how to get hold of Billy Vance please ask him to PM me I have a deaf person who has done several tandems and very much wants to start AFF and I just want to talk to someone that may have some insight. He holds a private pilotl license with200 hours and a masters degree. I have only trained one other deaf person in 25 years and just want them to have the best I can offer. Thank you for your time Larry Pennington Skydive Suffolk Inc
  3. WOW better ease up on that espresso. I have been using jumprun for years and never had a problem with support. We just started using Pro skydiving and have nothing but good things to say about it. If someone makes a good product and it works why should they not charge for it? I am sure it took a lot of time and money to build a program like that... JMO May everyone have a safe and blessed Holiday Larry Pennington Skydive Suffolk Inc Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  4. Hope I am on the right forum.. Does anyone know how Shannon Pilcher from the PD team is doing? All information seems to have stopped hope that's a good sign. Thanks for your time Larry Pennington Skydive Suffolk inc Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  5. I do not know who you are if you will PM me because you do not want to use your name here I will make arrangements to be open any day of the week just for you to get you completed. If this does not work come see ME on the weekend I know the owner real well I think I can get us on a load. Sorry you had to wait so long. Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  6. Best airplane decision I ever made. Just wish I had bought two Hate to part with my 206 I have had it for 15 years the past 6 years I have flown it a total of 350 hrs Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  7. Goes up and down just like on a King Air or a Otter The P model has the door like a 182 "P" Passenger Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  8. I hate to see my P206 go to a Cargo hauler its been said its the nicest 206 jump plane out there.But I have to let it go. With the Turbines it just sits . Go to the classified (aircraft) I would like to keep it in the skydiving work place. Lexan door the works.. 100% Legal Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  9. Kelly came to Skydive Suffolk in 1998 she didn't have a lot of jumps at that time, but right away you could tell it was in her blood and she was there for the long haul. She use to make me laugh and always seemed to be waiting for me to make a mistake,so she could gig me on it. Her brother John came to Suffolk right after Kelly and she said now you got your hands full. One of the best laughs she ever played on the boys was when they were trying to get her to fall for the T for A trick. I remember her saying hell if I do that he'll take us down a 1'000 feet. or make us get out now. I almost chocked I laughed so hard. Thanks Kelly for coming by your the best!!! Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  10. Greg Rau from United Parachute Technologies will be here May 23-May 25 Must have a Min of 200 jumps to use the skyhook system. If you have never performed a cutaway before this is your chance. Call to reserve your slot. 757.539.3531 Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  11. I have know Jerry for 20+ years he had been working for me at Skydive Suffolk for the past two seasons. Man he was a hoot. He use to do this thing with new Tandem passengers as he would be waiting to board the plane or as we were walking out to board. He would turn to the student and ask HEY you want to meet the guy that runs this place? Of course I am no more than five foot away.He would say let me see if i can find him for you he really likes to meet his new jumpers. And he would make this big ordeal of looking for me and after just a min he would point to me and go "Oh shit here he is " And bring the person over to shake my hand After a few times of this I would start to make my retreat and he always got me "Oh there he is" No matter how many times he did it we always got a good laugh. One thing Jerry always did that impressed me was he always got the person that jumped with him to fill out his personal log book and sign it. He was my friend and I will truly miss him. I think between him and Brad Foster God has his hands full about now. This is all the information I have on the services UDT-SEAL ASSOCIATION Memorial Service for Jerome McCauley The memorial for Jerome McCauley will be held between 1000 and 1400 on Friday 08 February 2008 at the officers club at Little Creek NAB Norfolk Virginia. The family has requested the attire for the memorial be casual dress. Please keep Belinda and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  12. If a PAC750 took 20 mins to Alt. it was a time builder flying it. I have had a full load on a 100 degree day an it only took 13 mins. And for the people that say its not comfortable as they would like. Could be true but I wish jumps were still 10 bucks also. If you can get one for your boogie you will not be disappointed when you write the check at the end of the weekend and low and behold you still have some money left.. JMO Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  13. Well about 8 years ago I get a call from a guy who wants to do a Tandem. I soon find out there's one small problem he is a Quad no use of his legs at all and very little use of his arms. He is 41 years old and had been in a work related accident several years prior. He had called around to several DZ in his area (Somewhere to the North of Va) and had been turned down. By all of them. Then I find out why the guy is 6'2 and 210 lbs. I talk to the guy for about and hour and finally told him if you got the balls to go I got the balls to take you. As I hang the phone up I think "What the hell did I just do" It takes 3 of us to get him dressed and in the plane. The skydive goes great under canopy he tells me everyday he wakes up he has to find a reason to live and that this jump gave him that. The landing went well ( Back then we had a tug boat PD 500 ) I stop right by his wheel chair and only have to take a few steps to put him in it. A few weeks later I get this box in the mail it’s the biggest bottle of Crown Royal I have ever seen and a two page thank you note. As I close in on my 10,000 jump and 30 years I must say that one always comes to mind first when I look back Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  14. If there is anyone using REALXSTREAM will you check to see if its working or not it appears the whole site is down. Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live
  15. Thats a good idea I am so tired of that thing not working I don't know what to do.. This is THE LAST TIME. Brad I love you like a brother but for Gods sake fix your raggy shit or pull the plug on it. Sorry for being so harsh but after 50-60 phone call from upset customers I am at the end. Larry Pennington Teach by the way you live