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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. wow, you base everything on 24 hours? What was your opinion during the 24 hours after Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts?
  2. Bluebird is making electric buses.... so much for the industry dying.... Who makes the electric power train? Cummins. Again, so much for the industry dying out.
  3. And the younger crowd will probably not complain about supplying Israel with weapons because it is her and not some old man.
  4. but he WAS convicted in a court of law, so they are not 'questionable' And referring to anyone that disagrees with you as 'haters' tells me all I need to know about you and your posts. Browse the other Biden thread about why Kamala will beat trump. Voters willing to look past Trumps crimes convictions and rapes says more about the voters than trump and is not actually a reason to justify electing a criminal rapist. Kamala will beat trump about the same margin that Biden beat trump, and I will put money on it. The GOP will still scream election fraud, call for violence (also another dozen reason to not elect these seditious stnuc) and there will be violence, because we do know that a party running as an ACTUAL crime family cannot win without violence. They certainly don't have anything in the way of policy.
  5. well here's another way to look at it. The USA elected a black man before they would elect a woman, that is how we think of women. Now we might elect a black woman rather than re-elect Donald Trump. Again, I think the case is not about sexism or racism.... I think it was about finding a reasonable contender to take on Trump, and that is all that it needs. Because Trump is a convicted felon, rapist, fraud, con man and a crook. There is no denying that from anyone in the USA, that is, anyone that has a brain
  6. that will go nowhere, just like it did when it happened. They tried in the last election to make an issue out of it and it never took.
  7. First attack ad is a whiny echo. They got nothing.
  8. I sure can. 10 million undecided voters breathed a sigh of relief because they did not want to vote for Trump and did not want to vote for Biden, but they now have someone to vote for. tens of millions of other voters that would have voted for Biden are now enthusiastic, and with good reason. Democrats are going to line up like Republicans do behind their candidate instead of being the usual wishy-washy about every fucking issue. She gets the black vote, and even the Southern Baptist vote, despite them being pro-life and her being pro-choice. She is a mouthpiece for ALL women who want bodily autonomy. She is by definition, the law and order lady, that was her career. And if she debates Trump, that will be a center piece, handled with ease, jabbing Trump endlessly instead of mumbling Joe. Everyone predicted chaos if or after Biden quit, what chaos? Nothing. not a peep. The 'Biden Crime family' is gone, Hunter is gone, the senile old man is gone, the pedophile is gone, they have NOTHING except race and gender, and that will be exactly what the GOP will do, poorly, and it will fly back in their face. and the oldest man in history to run for President is now Trump. They cannot say another word about senity or age, and it will be wiped from the GOP scripts from end to end. Trump did not win any new voters by getting convicted, his base just got louder. Trump did not win any new voters by losing case after case in civil courts, his base just got louder. Trump might have gained some empathy for getting shot at, but he is already long past the RNC speech and the 'nicer kinder gentler' Trump and back to his raving self, because they have no strategy to combat Kamala without looking like the actual pieces of shit that they are. And all the mouthpieces at the GOP can only complain about 'how the dems forced out Biden and had a coup with Kamala' as if they give some flying fuck about how the Democrat party operates.... it looks weak, lame, and sounds like a five year old that dropped their lollipop in the sand. And then whining about how much money they had to spend already on Biden....1-800-waa-aaah Harris will choose a white man to be VP and she will win, likely by the same margin as Biden won in 2020, because no votes have changed hands in the past 4 years and like I said, Trump most certainly has not gained any being the POS convicted felon that he is. 1 week ago I would not have bet on the Democrats winning. I am back to $500 bets that Trump, if he is in the election in November, will lose that election.
  9. She has two degrees including a JD..... not exactly 'moron' class.
  10. anyone highly trained with the right gear is more effective that someone who is not or someone who has the wrong gear. There is no indication that this punk had any significant training in the use of a gun for a 130+yd shot. 'he was a member of a shooting club' - so fucking what. And the world is filled with highly trained people that wildly missed and took out innocent bystanders or started blasting and hit nothing. While your son might be able to hit a quarter at 200yds, I expect he misses that a lot as well. Show us a grouping of 10 shots and then tell us how good he is. And even with that scope, the quarter at 200yds looks smaller that this period (.) With iron sights, the quarter is not even visible, you are just guessing where it is based on where you placed it. You hit it because you have a spotter giving you advice based on your misses. 100yds is a long shot for 95-98% of the people out there I expect. We used to hit empty shotgun shells at 100yds with iron sights on Winchester bolt .22's. We did not see the shells at all, we just knew where they were, since we were the ones that placed them. A spotter gave corrections if they could see when we missed and where. It took multiple shots to knock them down. Am I highly trained? Not really. Can I boast about being able to hit a shotgun shell at 100yds with iron sights? Yes I can. Is that a measure of anything? No it is not. It's just talk and discussion.
  11. So you found one conspiracy on the left and based on that, your conclusion is that lefties are 'just as prone' to conspiracy theories? A dataset of one? Missed statistics 101 did we?
  12. pretty much no one in the country gives a fuck about policy anymore IMO. Biden would be better served playing culture wars and so on for the rest of the campaign.... Call Trump a crook, con man, convicted felon, rapist, fraudster and do it every single day. He would do better to step aside and let Kamala do that, as she could also use the race card with personal experiences no doubt. I am not sure than anyone even gives a fuck about women losing bodily autonomy or abortion or even access to birth control. That was going to win the election for Biden 6 months ago, now it does not even make the back pages. I think the right has won soundly, I think we will be forever changed into an authoritarian theocracy, and the only solution will be civil war, which will also not solve anything for decades..... The country is done if Trump wins, the only hope is that all the democrat voters still show up and happen to outnumber the GOP voters. I no longer believe that can happen. Aileen Cannon's ruling on day one of the RNC was absolutely 100% planned and orchestrated by the court system and whatever secret society they have to talk to each other about how they are going to enable Trump.
  13. Democrats need to learn how to fight dirty, yes, but doing it illegally or corruptly only furthers the downfall path we are already on. No corruption fixes corruption.
  14. expel that cunt and rid the party of garbage. Make a public spectacle of him and use that felony conviction as a show of why no one should support the other felonious candidate. I am sure the Dems are in discussion with the governor over who is going to be appointed
  15. yeah much like Trump stealing money from his Foundation and getting caught, pleading guilty, paying fines and having it shut down. Trumper MAGA types dismiss it - 'it's not theft, he wasn't convicted of theft'. They can justify ANYTHING because it is a cult. And to admit they were wrong at any point in their lives would disrupt all their entire belief structures and their core self. It is easier to just keep going. Cannot fix delusional stupid.
  16. Christian Nationalists are OK with rape. It's in the bible and besides, Trump is god's pick despite the rape - afterall god works in mysterious ways. Much like herioin addicts, the party has an excuse for everything and anything.
  17. thanks for not answering my question..... I have come to expect that from you. Trump did in fact suggest suspending parts of the constitution. And he is in fact, 'Satan in human form'. He attempted to overthrow an election and still to this day denies the outcome of the election. He did in fact steal millions from his charity, his corporation did indeed get convicted of 13 felony counts of fraud, his associates and confidants are in fact convicted felons... I could go on with a dozen other factual examples or more, Of course you, like all the other trumpie supporting types cannot even bring yourselves to admit that these things happened, thus saving you the respectful civic duty of justifying your support for this human piece of fucking garbage seditious cunt.
  18. did I say something incorrect?
  19. America is not electing a woman (yet). We elected a black man before we elected a woman. Christian hierarchy mostly. It cannot happen in a country where even the left has evangelical christians that think women should be in the kitchen Having said that, if she suddenly replaced Biden on the ticket, I think the vast majority of democrats and democrat leaning folks would fall in line. Trouble is the unknown middle and of course the extreme right would get louder with the nigger-yelling. that might actually work in favor of the democrats, who knows. such a strange dynamic given the Proud Boys, the KKK, the Oath Keepers and the exclusively white evangelical christians.
  20. correction, both sides are actually talking about how old Biden is and that he cannot win and that he should step aside. No one is talking about the convicted felon. Reason number 637 why the country is fucked. Putin and China win.
  21. I no longer believe that Biden can win the election, Trump is immune to everything, including any constitutional or law/order process. And whether we like it or not, he is going to get 3-4% more for the sympathy vote. The Democrats will not (no should they) change leadership in the middle of a crisis like an assassination attempt and the country is thus doomed. The only hope is that Trump does not get the House and Senate, which would make him mostly a lame duck,. but he still gets to reap end-of-world stuff on the agencies and fire everyone, replacing them with any MAGA moron that does what he says for them to do. Planning my exit strategy after November. To be executed after the inauguration, who knows, maybe someone else takes him out before then or there is a massive cardiac event. Both sides are asking to tamp down the rhetoric but with the RNC starting today, I am going to give that about until Tuesday afternoon for that to all go out the window.
  22. No, It's Clarence Thomas and a few other specifically appointed Supreme Court Justices.....
  23. Fuck you Newt Gingrich
  24. Yeah if she is right, then pretty much every prosecution performed by a special counsel can be thrown out. I wonder which GOP mega-donor's yacht she gets to vacation on?
  25. Still a registered republican, despite the donation was mad in 2021, 3 years ago. He had plenty of time to change his registration. Of course the right wing will say he was a radical leftist because he made a $15 donation 3 years ago to the Progressive Turnout Project, but maybe he's just a republican that likes people coming out to vote, and saw Trump as a threat to that like so many others do. I mean, how radical left can you be? Supporting groups that try to register voters..... the nerve!! pfffffttt.