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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. Bullshit. There is nothing you can find anywhere, any educational, scholarly, or other reference to say that fascism is a left-wing movement. you do know that we can hear you right? The Nazis also called themselves the socialist party, but that’s like North Korea calling himself the “Democratic Republic of Korea” You do know that the names in the titles don’t actually mean anything right?
  2. I actually AM thinking of it as a circle. Authoritarianism exists at both ends of the political spectrum....But it is still Left and/or right. The fact that they are authoritarian is the ONLY resemblance. Socialism is still left and fascism is still right. And you still have no fucking idea what you are talking about. I already said. back to school with you. And don't ever 'dismiss me', I actually made my point, you are just dumb enough to ignore it. Reminder that your original post was not any sort of educational reference, quote, or scholarly thought on the process.... you quoted something from Reddit.... I mean seriously? This is where you get your info?
  3. Socialism is left wing, kinda further left than most countries in Europe for example,. but not as far left as communism. Fascism is extreme right wing Political spectrum 101. back to school with you.
  4. well in all fairness, apparently he did not write it, he copied and pasted from Reddit.... you know the wiki of the people that want to find anything that aligns with what they already believe.....
  5. I notice you put it in quotes.... so where is the quote from exactly? and yes, your post is complete rhetorical bullshit - given that you also share rhetoric, does that make you a fascist as well?
  6. If you have not read it yet, it is in fact, worth the read. Read the full Georgia indictment against Trump and 18 allies | PBS News
  7. So just to confirm, you are OK with authoritarianism as long as it is right wing authoritarianism got it
  8. Incorrect. If none of those things existed, they would just make up some other boogieman to hate on.... kinda like you do. You cannot have fear and hatred without creating something to fear and hate
  9. they can NEVER acknowledge that it is fundamental to their belief structure and would destroy their inner selves. Like leaving religion after being a devout 'whatever'. It is easier to continue the lies and bullshit, and double down that it is to deny that you got rooked by a con man.
  10. suck shit and die penniless you seditious tnuc.
  11. that has been happening for years.Tell Me About: Saltwater Intrusion in Florida – Thompson Earth Systems Institute (
  12. Zephyrhills, the City of Pure Water, ran out of water last year. 800 people per day are still moving to Florida
  13. well history like this gets written by the victors of wars and by the royalty in power at the time. I grew up in Newfoundland and the man credited with discovering Newfoundland in 1497, hailed and cherished by every Newfoundlander was John Cabot, a british explorer. His name was actually Giovanni Caboto , and he was Italian. He was running away from debtors who he owed money to and hooked up in England to be sponsored to sail for new discoveries, etc. And the rest, is 'history'
  14. tkhayes


    at this point it still matters not, he is obviously a deranged narcissistic sociopath who gets a pass on everything that they use against Kamala Harris. If Trump gets elected this country is fucked. If Trump loses, there will be months of violence perpetrated by Trump but he will still get a pass. Not a single vote is changing over anything that Trump says ort does at this point. The propaganda campaign of fear and intimidation since 2015 has worked for his voters. Goebbels would be proud
  15. Governor Youngkin spars on CNN over controversial Trump 'enemy within' comments | Youngkin making excuses for it. Fuck all of them. If you are defending this in any way shape or form, you are a sad excuse for an American.
  16. What to know about the Los Angeles Catholic Church $880M settlement with sexual abuse victims | AP News I was raised in the Anglican Church ( of England but in Canada - kinda like Catholics but we do not do confession and we are OK with divorce and adultery) Since the late 70's early 80's everyone knew there were abuses in the Catholic-run Mount Cashel Orphanage in St. John's, Newfoundland, but the RCMP and the Local police kept handing it back to the local bishop to deal with. Of course we all know that did not work, and in the early-mid 80's it all started to fall like dominoes across the country. I moved to the USA in the 90's and the Boston diocese (and MANY others) were STILL denying that there was a problem - well we all know how that turned out. And here we are 40+ years later and still creating settlements, which tells me nothing other than the Catholic church has NEVER dealt with this and is STILL hiding/burying/fighting the reality of the evil that they have done for most likely, centuries. How anyone in the world is still a catholic is beyond me. How this organization is allowed to exist is also beyond me. Fer fuck's sake, we made Trump shut down his foundation when he admitted to stealing millions of dollars from it, but we cannot do something like that for an organization that systematically raped children for decades? And then lied about it? And then hid it? And then fought it? and still is trying to fight it? Fuck those people, they can all die slowly from rectal cancer for all I care. It is one of the largest reasons that I despise religion and am an atheist.
  17. If you 'won't define; it, then what justifies your ability to speak of something that clearly, you cannot/will not articulate, other than examples of things that you disagree with. 'mass psychosis'.... a great way to dodge a question obviously far greater than that your ability to address it, or certainly beyond your comprehension. You don't understand it, you don't like things that happen, you cannot explain it, you WILL not explain it and your answer is to collectively lump a massive chunk of society into a thing you call 'mass psychosis'. That is pretty fucking lame. If your excuse is that a significant portion of the population is suffering from mass psychosis, then I could just as validly claim that people who think like you are all 'blind idiots'. I am not offering any justification for that and what you ask me to clarify, I can just say, well, what I really mean is 'they are all stupid' but I do not 'want to offer you an explanation of what I mean'. That would be just as invalid a statement as the strong of rubbish you have offered on the subject of woke. It is perfectly Ok to say 'I just do not understand woke so I am not going to comment on it'. Which is advised in your case,
  18. tkhayes


    It's the latter. They want to see someone stick it to half the country. He fulfills their sociopathic dreams.
  19. tkhayes


    So apparently Trump is not smart/rich/powerful enough to do this, given that he is a convicted felon. Are you suggesting that Hillary Clinton is smarter, richer and more powerful that Trump? Because that is what I am reading into your post......
  20. tkhayes


    I was not denying Musk being a visionary, but if you were implying space travel, then i was wondering why you left out the two generations of visionaries before Musk who laid the groundwork for Musk to be a 'visionary'. Seems kind of selective and biased to me. Kinda like Christians usually are.....
  21. tkhayes


    a visionary who also benefited from every piece of previous learned space/rocket technology developed likely before he was even thought of as a child. Taking credit for things that you built on but were developed before you does not seem to be very christian. I notice that you conveniently left out the visionaries of the 50's-60's who help Elon Musk be successful today and also provided you with cheap battery powered modern tools.
  22. tkhayes


    We elected a black man before a woman....
  23. tkhayes


    I am banned for life on X, as I was on twitter. So much for freedom of speech that you speak of. The problem with people that think like you (and Musk) is that the freedom of speech generally means the freedom to speak as you would, as you do, and any other opinions are to be quashed. How very Christian of you..... And now X/Twitter is a cesspool of radical right wing propaganda. Congrats, you won. Let me guess, you cruise Truth Social as well....
  24. tkhayes

    Trump because being called out for your lies and bullshit is no longer acceptable to the GOP platform but is anyone going to back the truth in the GOP or as MTG said recently, ‘we are the party of Donald Trump’ as opposed to say…. Being the party of America, of the constitution, or say… the truth…. Militias hunting down FEMA workers in NC because of the rhetoric that this stupid tnuc keeps spouting…..
  25. tkhayes


    So you’re only here to stir up shit? That’s so Christian of you…