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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. we already hashed this in the thread but apparently you have a short memory or are just content to continue to parrot your bullshit a century ago, you had to plan your trip around where there might be a gas station because we did not have enough of them. Now we do. The same will happen with EVs and charging capabilities, whther they are centralized today and distributed tomorrow, if there is a dollar to be made from it, someone will step up and provide that capacity. New homes are already being built with the needed infrastructure to accommodate future needs. To continue to badger the lack of charging stations this early in your 'it should have all happened by now' fantasy, demonstrates a lack of intelligence and/or the lacking ability to even comprehend the future. Hell you did not even acknowledge the idea that the USA energy strategy MIGHT JUST INCLUDE conserving our old and gas for the future.... And if everyone bought an EV tomorrow, well the next day sales would actually plummet to zero.... and you would be able to post a new troll titled 'see...! EV Sales plummet! I was right!'. again, your posts offer NOTHING to any conversation. they point out no problem, they do not even identify a problem, and they do not offer any information that might help with an existing one, even if you could define it. owning the libs again..... yawn
  2. And the cost of that gun violence is staggering, yet we refuse to address that in any way while claiming ‘personal responsibility’ as a tenant of America it’s just the ‘cost of freedom’ other than the hundreds of people whose freedom is directly impacted and negated because they got shot….
  3. and everything you said is meaningless... solves no issue, constructs no narrative, adds to no policy, or even creates any new agenda. It would appear to be, like most of your rhetoric, some vain and weak attempt to 'own the libs'. congrats...... on accomplishing nothing.
  4. I get it Brent, y’all pissed off because your world view is falling down like so many dominoes. The rate of growth in EVs is continuing, wind projects are growing across the country, solar surging in Florida and other southern states (I live in Florida), you only have a tidbit of data from a single thing in CA to rely on, coal usage is barely at record levels, (but so is the world population), domestic oil production soaring and renewable energy still building steadily every.... single.... day...., and all you have is rhetorical comments like 'it was supposed to replace fossil fuels by now". CO2 rates continue to rise and the globe sees record climate and weather catastrophes almost daily and most certainly more regularly with annual records for weather events being broken continuously. Your ignorance is understandable (yet humorous) U.S. wind power generation 2022 | Statista Another Quarter, Another Record: EV Sales in the U.S. Surpass 300,000 in Q3, as Tesla Share of EV Segment Tumbles to 50% - Cox Automotive Inc. ( U.S. solar power generation 2022 | Statista U.S. coal consumption 2022 | Statista Extreme Weather Events Have Increased Significantly in the Last 20 Years - Yale E360
  5. agreeing on the most fundamental basic truths has been a problem since Trump starting talking in 2015, but goes back as far as Newt Gingrich.
  6. actually ONLY a tidbit.... you have so far only pointed to CA, and ignored the massive expansion of jobs across the country. DOE Report Finds Clean Energy Jobs Grew in Every State In 2022 | Department of Energy Texas is the largest wind generating state in the country, so even deep red republican trump-supporting anti-woke, patriotic Tax-azz is going green - Wind Power: Energy is Good for Texas. Florida has doubled solar power in just 2-3 years and is expanding like mad. So yeah.... tidbits.
  7. well at least you admit that under the Democrats and Biden, gas and oil expansion is not under ANY threat and is in fact, expanding. And so are renewable energy projects across the country. You managed to find a tidbit to claim a 'disaster'.
  8. Charlie Sykes Is Unsure About the Future of the G.O.P. - The New York Times ( - Sykes is now one of my favorite listens on his podcast. On Charlottesville from 2017 interview: I’m assuming you’re not surprised by Trump’s inability to condemn the white-supremacist march. I’m shocked but not surprised. Denouncing Nazis is the easiest thing in the world: All it requires is a modicum of historical perspective and a working moral compass. Instead, we got this Dumpster fire.
  9. Big Oil Increased Layoffs In 2021 ( - plus oil laid off some 100,000 workers during the pandemic. Only a small percentage has been rehired. Chairman Press | Chairman's Newsroom | Chairman | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget - big oil still receives tens of billions every year in subsidies. Sounds like they are a total failure by your standard.
  10. still no pro life folks chiming in on this conversation given that Texas and now this case in Ohio are both indefensible in any way but, that is what they wanted, and they are getting it. Too bad we might have to see such a level of harm in order to wake up to the fact that their ideology is so fucked up…..
  11. at the very least, Republicans in FL are moving to remove him as the Party Chair, and I am pretty sure her time on the school board is finished. Moms for Liberty co-founder asked to resign by Florida school board ( good for them I guess? Part of me does not care what people do in the bedroom (except for the apparent rape part), but at the same time, the party of family values, morals and everything that is 'just and good cult' needs a little level setting once in a while.
  12. calling it like I see it. I doubt if the parties were reversed in this that there would be any fewer 'assumptions'. I mean, just because Hunter Biden did cocaine and paid for hookers, obviously Joe took money from China and is a pedophile..... Like I said, you cannot make this shit up if you tried.
  13. yes of course you do.... because I made up a fantasy that cannot possibly be true. And you have a propensity to believe in fantasies anyway,
  14. maybe this is an angle that the pro-choice folks could pile on to. They could file frivolous lawsuits against Ford, GM, Dodge, the banks for the ATM issues, any hotel chains, airlines, the restaurant industry and grocery stores.... Nothing like some corporate pressure to change the laws if any of these industries saw a threat or expense under the current law.
  15. and the Moms for Liberty Anti-LGBTQ+ lady is apparently, at the very least, LGB....
  16. and no pro-life people commenting on this thread, because the stance is indefensible in any way shape or form. But ultra-conservatives never cared about that.
  17. now you are a victim? I mean seriously?
  18. they provided a direct link to federal funding for gas stations.... are you going to acknowledge that you are incorrect in your claims? No, i would expect not.... go ahead and pretzel yourself again in trying to wiggle out of being 100% wrong
  19. yeah, engineers and developers of the technology required to take a rocket and men to the moon were built by thousands of people and USED by those same engineers during the actual tests and missions over years.... and in the middle of the night, someone snuck into NASA and replaced all those custom built systems with simulation versions to fake a moon mission, guidance, landing, and literally hundreds of other systems needed, life support, navigation, electrical, all sensors, computers, guidance, And they did it SO WELL, that the actual people that built those systems were fooled by these replacement systems that faked everything. no one noticed ANYTHING. got it.
  20. Well at least Liz Cheney is on the interview rampage selling her new book and sounding the alarms. She might be drummed out of the party, but I think she would have a following if she ran for President She keeps saying her purpose in life today is to stop Trump from getting in office. If she ran and had enough money in enough states, she could maybe derail the trump campaign by drawing votes away Liz Cheney running for president might not be a bad thing. She only says she has not ruled it out. Probably a long shot But absolutely, the republicans (MAGA) are telling us EXACTLY what they are going to do if trump gets back in office. I do not believe it is possible from trump to win. Taking $500 bets that trump is either not on the 2024 ballot or if he is, he loses. I give 'normal America' more credit than the idea that he could win anything more than 30-33% of the popular vote.
  21. 3-5 years seems to be the norm for large scale tax evasion at a federal level, plus of course, the repayments and penalties etc. I think entirely possible that a plea agreement gets reached. financials, plus some 3-12 month jail time, or even probation that is dependent on the repayment. Sounds like he is in shit because his lawyers managed to fuck up a plea deal completely. Apparently there are a lot of shitty 'sons' out there. Some republican Senator's son killed a deputy in a car accident related to high speed chase/evasion and running from the cops just the other day I wonder when the Republicans will form a committee to impeach the senator for his son's actions?
  22. no he won't. Unless he does something that puts him in contempt of congress. Just like... 'will I be arrested for bank robbery?' Probably not until I actually rob a bank.... question answered. move on
  23. And what happens when we run out of our own fuels? You call that strategy? You seem to have a problem with capitalism...... and supply chains, or perhaps saving for the future..... Which is smarter and/or more strategic? Burning some other countries oil and fuel at a lower price than we can produce it? Or using up our own supply at a higher cost and then having nothing available to us in say 100 years? I mean do right wing anti-renewable types ever actually THINK about what strategy means? Answer that. Did it EVER occur to you that maybe part of the strategy IS IN FACT, lower costs and a future supply? No of course it didn't ever occur to you. not even once.