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Everything posted by MF42

  1. I've been searching for a decent video, but Google appears to be stumped on this one. Although I might possibly be using the wrong key words. (I just can't figure out what's the correct spelling for "bububullbuubbblluubb.") Just Google "strumming lips" and you'll find some decent erotica, so it's not a total waste of time even if you can't make the funny noise.
  2. (1) Extend one finger. The index finger is recommended, but the middle finger will work as well. (2) Hold the finger parallel to the ground. (3) While maintaining your finger's horizontal orientation, move it under your nose. The side of the finger should be pressed gently just above your upper lip. It's like miming "moustache" for a game of charades. (4) Hum a sustained note. Various vowel sounds will work. "Uuuuhhh" is the most common choice, followed closely by "ooooooo." Experiment a little bit; find what works for you. (5) Relax your lips. (6) Still maintaining a horizontal finger orientation, and still humming, rapidly sweep your finger down across both lips, then immediately sweep back up again. The motion is similar to strumming a stringed instrument, with the lips acting as strings. (7) Repeat step six as long as desired. Matt
  3. Well, I guess as fetishes go, this is at least a time-saver. Consider: If a guy would like a girl to suck ranch dressing off his ballsack, he'd probably have to get her extremely drunk first, then commence with the whole precarious seduction, convince her to have sex, and then spring his request. Lots of ways for things to go wrong. You just have to get 'er drunk enough to puke. That's it, all taken care of in one quick step. Much more efficient.
  4. Welcome to the night crew! Sleep is for the weak. Matt
  5. So far I've only met one DZ.commer, and I met him at the DZ before I knew who he was here, so no surprises. Matt
  6. I'm gonna put my psychiatrist hat on for a minute here... I think you have become confused by what started as a perfectly normal attraction to supermodels. Supermodels are attractive. Supermodels puke a lot to stay toothpick thin. Therefore, puking is attractive as long as it's a hot girl doing it. Now that we've identified the source of your confusion, we can move on to clearing away all thoughts of hot girls puking, and you can pay me several thousand dollars. Deal? Matt
  7. Did you ever notice that there's a lot of on-screen puking in movies nowadays? Why is that? Matt
  8. I admit defeat. You win. I come home from work, cook some dinner, and go to What do I find there? 1036 unread posts in the Bonfire. 1036! I can't keep up. Hope I didn't miss anything good. Matt
  9. Eight and a half hours?! How? Matt
  10. One more NSFW before I go. Matt
  11. Nope, not so broken anymore. Work nights, and today ended up being a 14 hour day. Goodnight Bonfire.
  12. Yup. Sun's about to rise, which means I'm up a few hours past my bedtime. Still time to postwhore a little bit, though. Matt
  13. Oh. Think I'll probably just go to bed, then. Matt
  14. ...since I was last in the Bonfire. Did I miss anything good?
  15. You are Sam the Eagle. You are patriotic and devoted. And extremely anal. HOBBIES: Patriotism, Being appalled at what everyone else is doing. FAVORITE MUSIC: The National Anthem of America FAVORITE MOVIE: "An American In....America" LAST BOOK READ: "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Eagles are from America" QUOTE: "Please stop that now! It's un-American!" That's pretty close in a lot of ways, actually! But I always liked the guy with the boomerang fish act. If somebody could teach me how to throw a fish so it returns like a boomerang, I'd be ecstatic.
  16. eagles rainbows moonlight on water key lime pie fireflys long hair in the wind solving a puzzle loud engines sad endings heroism dark eyes old airplanes When she's a little bit sad, and you think of something to say, and she likes it so much that a pure, unrestrained girly smile lights up and she giggles. really good spaghetti soft landings sunshine between clouds learning a new trick wolves salmon, grilled, with a little bit of lemon sad music beauty Matt
  17. MF42


    How exactly does a harpoon flow? Matt
  18. MF42


    I know I can't stop. It's an addiction. An intervention might be necessary. Matt
  19. MF42


    They never do! They just keep posting...and posting...and posting... Matt
  20. My first jump was static line, and I forgot to arch, forgot to count, forgot to check the altimeter, even forgot to locate the dropzone until they yelled at me on the radio. You're not alone.
  21. At work, we had an Eclipse in the hangar overnight not too long ago. It's general appearance is a lot like a half-scale Beechjet. No telling yet how serious their problems will be once the fleet starts selling and racking up the hours, but at first glance I like the overall design. Matt
  22. Very sorry I missed this one. Next year, though, I'm there!
  23. I suck very badly at ever attempting to conceal emotions. I just can't do it; I don't know how. Probably one of the reasons why I can't be one of the "cool kids." Matt