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Everything posted by MF42

  1. Same here and with out a lift is just a pain in the ass to crawal around Agreed. Ever since I started turning wrenches for a living, I lost the motivation to do it on a weekend. An oil change is worth the $20 to have some kid do it. Matt
  2. Sometimes it's hard to get to sleep if the lights on. Oh, wait! You meant.... Matt
  3. Nice No Shit There I Was story. Matt
  4. Man, I lived in the middle of Bumfuck, Oklahoma, and they told us we were targeted because of all the oil refineries and oil storage. Maybe it was a kind of morbid community pride. Who'd want to admit, "Nope. Nothing of value here." Matt
  5. The freckles. Are you for or against them? I'm all for them. A sprinkling of beauty marks adds interest, I think. Matt
  6. I don't remember ever getting a summer reading assignment. Not once. My teenage summers were largely occupied by cruising around town with buddies on our bikes, building model planes and spaceships, reading a novel about every two to three days, and improvising small explosives. I really can't recommend the explosives. Matt
  7. That squirrel sounds like one tough mofo! Matt
  8. Are you calling that girl FAT? Damn, you guys just have impossible standards. Nope, that's an unintended interpretation of what I thought was a silly and harmless exclamation. I, for one, don't really like seeing a girl's ribcage outlined under her skin. Makes me think of unhealthy eating disorders. But I think maybe you were just being silly. Matt
  9. I submit the attached photo to the forum for discussion. *****NSFW NSFW NSFW***** Thoughts? Matt
  10. Post something in the "night crew" thread. Matt
  11. After a seven week absence to let my back heal, I returned to work today. My first task was actually one of my favorites: adjusting fuel pressures and idle speed on an aircraft engine while it's running. Watch out for the prop. After that I taxied another plane to burn in some fresh brake linings. It was fun.
  12. MF42

    Head On...

    That's what I meant. Matt
  13. MF42

    Head On...

    I don't even watch TV and I know about this product, the ad's so damn effective. Matt
  14. I don't really understand why some people get uptight about improvisational language. If, in the middle of conversation, I spontaneously create a new word, then communication has occured regardless of that word's lack of prior usage or listing in Webster's. Did both speaker and listener know what was meant? If yes, what's the problem? Matt
  15. Women tend to care much more about quality underwear than men do. Regardless of specific style or color, when she wears something she thinks is sexy, she feels sexy and acts sexy. A man would have to be a blind, insensitive lump to not pay attention when his lady love is feeling and acting a little sexier than usual. So my answer to your question is: I don't care about cute little matching sets; I care about how cute little matching sets make her feel.
  16. "You're the only bee in my bonnet..." Sing it with me.... Matt
  17. I tried to search for it but it doesn't look like the 'cave' had a name in Star Wars. It was in Dagobah if that helps...(you'd have to look up how to spell 'Dagobah', I'm guessing. ) The cave wasn't named. It was under the roots of a large tree, the entire place "strong with the Dark Side." Not that I'm a geek or anything. Matt
  18. MF42

    Who wins?

    Has to be bird, just 'cause eagles are so freaking cool. I mean, foxes are cool too. But they just can't compare to an eagle. Matt
  19. Their avatar should be replaced with a badge of shame, something like a goofy kid with a dunce cap. Their sigline should spell out the nature of their crime. They'll regain the ability to change both avatar and sigline after two weeks. Matt
  20. I've seen those advertised before, and it looks like an excellent design; strong, simple, and effective. But I don't know nothin' about self-defense knives. Matt
  21. I've got a few Benchmade that have seen hard use and keep tickin'.
  22. MF42

    The end is near

    Oh, I know I'll be back. Just not with any kind of comparable post numbers. Probably just a few posts each night after work. When everybody's asleep. Matt
  23. MF42

    The end is near

    It's official. I go back to work tomorrow, and must therefore cast off the mantle of postwhore. What's the proper terminology for an occasional poster? Posttourist? Postslut? Postwannabe? Whatever it's called, that's what I'll be from now on. Unless I break my back again, which is a reasonable possibility considering my demonstrated lack of canopy skills. Matt