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Everything posted by godfrog

  1. I watched an AAD fire on a student AFF jump and I also witnessed one from the air while I was under canopy, watched a guy go by in free fall and he pitched his main the same instant the AAD fired. He claimed that he was not low and the AAD malfunctioned. Take it from me he was that low!
  2. I have been mining for 30 years, it is a brutal sport and there is no get rich quick, more like scrubbing by if your lucky. You have to register with MSHA, it might be 1 oz rock before dilution, I’ve mined 3 oz rock that becomes .4 oz making the drift big enough to work in. Have you considered the cost of milling and refining? What will the cost of compressor and drills, bits, drill steel and equipment to muck out with, ventilation, and explosives are expensive and also the licenses to posses, handle and transport. California has pretty strict rules. Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  3. When I was the pilot.... :) Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  4. It is all relative to being able to fly with others, body adjustments are crucial to maintaining relativity to the other jumpers no matter the direction of the relative wind. Exit timing, flying the hill and all of it! If people cannot see what they are doing in the video and make corrections in body position or try to think it out and make improvements and make honest evaluation of their skills to themselves and blame everything else....well...get and outside person who is a friend to none of you to evaluate the videos and give a non biased opinion! First few points if your competing should Be made on the hill... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  5. You plug your ear buds in and the app says breath in breath out in a very soothing and rytic voice...it comes in either male or female voice and the bonus feature is you can choose different accents if you so desire! Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  6. Breath in breath out....if you have any more difficulties with this contact me and I will send you an app for your phone for $99.95 🤙🏻 Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  7. I knew this guy who was addicted to brake fluid....said he could stop Anytime.... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  8. The cutaway and reserve puds have writing on them, can't quite make out the reserve but the cutaway says space. Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  9. yeah stinky is still around and kicking, lives out at the prairie, and his kid Adam is jumping, my son, Adam and I did some jumps together summer of 2015, Adam falls the same as stinky did, like a bowling ball! Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  10. so there I was and this is no shit.....sitting in the door of a one eighty two, I think stinky was in the pilot seat if I remember right. I got a dozen long stem roses in a box taped securely you me, mid chest to right knee and a teddy bear taped to my chest and a prototype Pd 190 on my back. I think I could have still got to the reserve handle if I needed to......so I'm checking my spot with no wind drift indicator (to much stuff to hit with it) giving stinky corrections, at about 6000' give or take I glance at my "out" which is the cemetery, figured I could land my round reserve there pretty good if I needed, I leave the plane and right away I have trouble getting stable cause that damn box won't let me bend my body the right way, before things get to out of hand I pull and everything comes out good, got time to set up and bleed off altitude so I'm looking and planning annddd what are those cars doing driving into the parking lot I'm supposed to land in.....where the hell is my ground crew for traffic control.....shit are the really gonna park there......ok people moving cars good....fuck I'm coming in hot and a little high.....shit.....left toggle turn....deep right toggle....whats my canopy doing down there......swing under...full brakes with arm extensions deployed I think about three feet....slide on feet on gravel and run out about ten steps annnndddd stop.....deliver roses and teddy bear and head for car to get a drink.......gotta quit scaring myself like that ya know.... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  11. . Pffft....I wouldn't worry about landing, as soon as you leave the ground you will land! One way or another, I wouldn't worry about landings.... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  12. Here is a noise decibel comparison chart Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  13. alot more graffitie on it since I was through there in 2005 Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  14. godfrog

    Deep throat...

    for the time being if I were you I would avoid eating dead rats...at least until you have healed up... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  15. thanks John Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  16. it didn't link but the video explains slips, forward and side. Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  17. slips...[/url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0DTjWlafkw[url] Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  18. it seems as if at least some of these airliners where there, I didn't see much of a side slip going on, looked like they were trying to use rudder to land. I was once flying as a passenger into Fairbanks Ak and had a window seat, short final I was watching out the window looking right down center line, it did make me a bit uneasy.... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  19. It's up to the pilot. The planes each have their own max crosswind component allowed (part of the certification process) Crosswind landings (presuming the pilot is reasonably skilled) look a lot scarier than they really are. Gusty conditions make it more challenging, but again, it looks a lot scarier than it really is. The wing flexing is normal, and these planes have enough mass (inertia) that they react to gusts a lot slower than we are used to, flying nylon canopies (and the wings won't collapse either). I've pushed a Cessna right up to the limits, and it wasn't that big of a deal. Proper technique and staying on top of it is vital, but it's actually worse on the ground, especially in a high wing, like a Cessna. the POH says demonstrated crosswind component, not limit, this means the highest crosswind that the plane was landed in during the certification process. I have landed many aircraft in higher crosswinds then were stated in the POH. The ability to arrest drift and align the aircraft with the centerline and maintain is the important part, gusty conditions and rotors make it more difficult. Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  20. Pretty tough thing to return from. I've had this sport beat me up a few times. One of the best things for nerves is positive visualization. Keep running a video preview of your next jump over and over in your head. Watch everything proceed perfectly and smoothly, from exit to soft landing. Try to imagine the wind, muscle movements, noises, etc. as vividly as possible. Keep the positive images in your head and use them to block the negative images. this is exellent advice, even years down the road, sit in a quite place and visualize your up coming jump like a video and evey thing going perfectly, great training tool! Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  21. I guess you have never seen one of my campfires....ten feet may still be a little to close.... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  22. I can't be there this year, have to leave in a few days for the North country and gone for a month. I have spent alot of years out there and met alot of people and partied with alot of people, some are no longer with us for various reasons, lots of memories! and yeah John things do change and I do make new ones to remember tomorrow. Time stops for no man ..... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  23. It seems sad, remembering the goodtimes of days gone by... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  24. When I was young my mother always warned us and would not let us swim or do any water activities in ponds or any still water after a certain time during the summer, she spoke of this, creeks and rivers where ok as long as the water was cold and flowing. She called this time of year the dog days..... Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward
  25. I can fly all day on boobies and water :) Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward