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Everything posted by Rainbo

  1. Yes I do believe... Shut up, no you don't... leave him alone, if he believes then he believes,, who side are you on anyway... Hello, can I come out now? No we're having a serious discussion here... Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  2. I had to vote yes because I thought your question was leading... Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  3. Being the melodramatic type I will respond to this. It is a fact. A long time ago a guy by the name of Jerry Bird told me " it is the only thing you will ever do where you are dead until you save yourself." He also told me " never go in with all your guns in their holsters." These are extremely true statements, that I have held close for years. Maybe that is why I am still around to tell others the same things. People need to understand the ramifications of their actions as well as their inactions. It is not bad for the sport, the people that hear what needs to be said are us, skydivers. If they do not want to hear it they probably should not be skydiving. Iam just as willing to help people learn how to have fun and enjoy one of the greatest activities in the world, but I also feel obligated to make sure they understand the consequences. My personal feeling is that to many people today are more willing to hide from the deepest truths in life, than to try to understand them. I too, am shallow when it comes to some subjects. Perhaps that is just human nature, and one day I will find the means to deal with those issues personally. But to try and convince people that they are safer than this or that compared to skydiving is doing them an injustice. Especially if you are dealing with novice level jumpers. So, from my perspective please throw these damn statistics arguments out the door, and make sure youre friends understand the consequences of their action. It is all our jobs to try and save the lives of our friends, as well as our aquaintences, even those we do not know but who want to learn to share the gift that we have all found. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  4. yes. In the 23+ years I have been around skydiving I have had about the same number of friends (yes, friends, dinners, weddings, birthdays...) go in. Several more from other nasties in life. Nothing in life is safe. Paying attention to details and your environment help you to stay alive. I do not get into the "safer than" debates. My friends seem to get taken out in a lot of different ways. Can you take yourself out easier skydiving? DOH!! We are high speed folks, and the only constant is the sudden stop at the end of our game. Think about it for a minute. How many other things do you do in life where the only sure result is that you will die unless you safe yourself. I would suggest you all throw your F***ING statistics out the door and realize what the real game here is. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  5. Right now... Caramel Swirl Brownies Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  6. I have no idea what you are talking about I just make them with the secret recipe that my old Rosta Tea Master handed down to me shortly before he was lost in the lights...oohhh.the liigghhtss.... Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  7. One whole pan of carmel swirl brownies almost gone, a half gallon of milk. Can anyone say fallrate I have to quit makin' these things, they never last more than one night. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  8. I don't understand. Sunny has always referred to me in the most loving and sincere manner possible. Are you sure thaty you are not doing things to make her talk to you in this manner? Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  9. "rainbo thinking" If sitting around screaming "eat me, eat me" gets this many women worked up I may try it. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  10. Rainbo


    0:0:0 But I did show a great amount of restraint and common sense in that I did not jump my Safire that I just had the mod done to. So my back and hip continue to get better, if I would have shown that kind of common sense last weekend... Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  11. Well sister, take some advice from someone who doesn't know how to take advice. Hold off a bit, or at least keep them to slow speed openings. You know very short delay. I tried skydiving this past weekend. Twisted my back a little on the launch. Have hardly been able to walk since then, leg and hip are as bad as five weeks ago. just because I did not want to waste a beautiful weather weekend. Darn nerve is all inflamed again. Wait if at all possible, I know how you feel. And if you just plain can't...keep em slow Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  12. I feel for you, I am suffering from that also because of my other condition. If it is your sciatic most likely you will wake up one day and it will be gone. Steriods and other antiinflammitories are about all you can do, unless your MD recommends more drastic measures. When the inflammation goes down whether it is in the bone or the soft tissue the pain will leave. I made a skydive this weekend and got bent wrong launching a five way, lost 3-4 weeks of improvements in one second. Hang in there. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  13. I brought a bunch of those back from Autralia a few years back for gifts. Everyone loved them till they found out what they were, then some were sqeamish. Except my son who thought it was cool. He wanted to know how you got the Roo's to part with them Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  14. Really, they already have production models that do exactly that. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  15. Rainbo

    Skydive Chicago

    Always there, just ask for me. I'm not hard to find.
  16. I picked the pee one, because who would think up a story like that. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  17. I'm only a 197...must mean I still have chance. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  18. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  19. I am not a victim, I just feel a loss. I am entightled to feelings. I have never insinuated that I am not happy with myself, or that I can't bring happiness to those around me because of who I am inside. I do not love myself in a vain sense, but I do have feelings of pride in the things that I have accomplished in my life. These things may not mean much to other people but to me they are my life, so yes I do love myself in that aspect. My fragile pieces will one day come together, because I want them to, as they have so often in my past. No I am not a victim, but I do feel a loss. Iam not hurt, but I do feel pain. I am not alone, and I am alone. I can see the future, even though the lights are out. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  20. Coming your way and his too. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  21. Please do not misunderstand my point. Iwould not want to treat anyone like that or be treated that way myself. The phrase may not be appropriate, but, there is something that I can truly say I found in my children that I have yet to find in an adult, I thought I did but appearently not. It is hard to describe but one day you will understand what I am saying. This is the part of love that I am able to understand. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  22. This is so true. I have lost before but in the process gained. My biggest gain in life came from a failed relationship, that being my two beautiful children. They can teach a lesson, if yoou want to unbderstand unconditional love yoou need only to look into the eyes of your children. From that perspective I am a very lucky person. I do not think that you can find that looking into the eyes of another adult, maybe someone will prove me wrong. But at this time I do feel a loss. I know in time that will pass and I will be "me" again. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  23. I guess I am destined to never really know or even find the person who can help me figure it out. There were times that I thought I had found the right formula for things to work, but again I was wrong. The one thing I have figured out is that what can make some people feel that they are on top of the world can basically destroy another persons world. This can be true even if that was not the intent. Perhaps that is just the way the whole balance thing works out. I guess it's time for me to look for my balance in places other than where I thought it would be found. I hope that one day I will find in me the ability to look past my own precieved loss and hope the best for those that I have truely cared about, but I do not think it will come easily. Guess I will just not bother wishing for things that are not to be...roaming the wilds isn't all that bad of life, it's just not complete. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  24. 0:1:0 all I could handle with the hip and everything. But I was woke up a 6:30 this morning when the Otter buzzed the campground after the Easter sunrise load. Silly kids didn't they know how cold it was? Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  25. Hmmmm... I think it's been about two weeks now Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."