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Everything posted by ExAFO

  1. Its declining eveyday as Europe and the rest of the world look to other markets to distance itself from the begining of the mudslide that will see the US in recession before to long. There was a time when if the US went into recession it was a guarentee that the UK and the rest of the world would, currently thats down to a 70% chance and declining. The plunging stock indexes around the world today show that the dependence on the US is still rather high. I believe it was -5.5% for the UK today. I find this rather unfortunate - foreign stocks were supposed to be independent and therefore a good vehicle for diversification, but it seems more tightly in sync than ever. Yep, but if this isn't a motivater to uncouple somewhat from the USD I don't know what is. I think that the domance of the USD is drawing to a close (over the next few years) Marmoset. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  2. So, if you resort to call me beaner, it is ok for me to call you pak? Old chap, I have no idea what a beaner is. I hardly doubt that though. Dear boy, not having grown up in a Caracas shanty slum nor a trailer park I am hardly likely to be conversant in slum slang now am I.
  3. My kitteh had mud butt yesterday. She's better now, though. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  4. I heard most of those places are Tourist Tandem operations...??? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  5. Ron Paul is one card short of a full deck. The utter chaos he wants to inflict on the US is staggering... Good thing he has no fucking chance of garnering the GOP nomination. McCain FTW! Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  6. Shit...just buy a Romanian AK Clone (called a WASR). Same bang for less $$. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  7. Starting with Bush the Younger, Ex-Presidents will only get 10 years of USSS protection. They've gotta hire Blackwater or someone after that... Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  8. Get your Kittehs a microchip. Then they'll get back to you: http://www.avidmicrochip.com/ Won't that make them Kittens of the Antichrist, then? And that changes cats how? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  9. Marine Flare guns chamber shells...perhaps shot shells? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  10. I want a derrenger chambered for .50 BMG. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  11. ExAFO

    Deaf Sex

    Why can't Helen Keller use both hands to masturbate? ...She needs one hand to moan and groan.... Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  12. ExAFO

    Blind sex

    Why did Helen Keller have a bruised navel? ...her boyfriend was blind too... Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  13. If that's true, should I cash out my IRA and blow it on hookers and crystal meth? If it's not true, will he reimburse me due to his faulty predictions? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  14. Get your Kittehs a microchip. Then they'll get back to you: http://www.avidmicrochip.com/ Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  15. Housecats eat cat food. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  16. ExAFO

    I Think...

    How the fuck do they plan on waterboarding a cat? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  17. ExAFO

    I Think...

    I think my cat is a Communist. What should I do?!? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  18. What if they're just ill-tempered? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  19. I said "Rabbits", Dammit! Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  20. Rabbits. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  21. It's 19º without the windchill, single digits w/, my reserve is hopelessly not in date, I'm poor, and the cat is asleep on my lap, & I dare not wake her. :) Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  22. ...My cat is currently in the litter box. What is your cat doing right now? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  23. Hmmm... What is "six guys who have never been laid", Alex? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  24. Put a half dozen or so items of personal hygene items on their desk, along with a half dozen or so smoking cessation items, and a half dozen air freshener items. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.