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Everything posted by ladyhawke

  1. I'm not sure what the terms are. If this was something that was safe for me to do with my own gear (which I understand now is not), I was planning on calculating EVERYTHING POSSIBLE (winds, drift), so the canopy would land close to the dz (probably dreaming there but with good intentions). "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  2. Oh, I already know what Eric and Perry will say. The only word in their vocabulary - - - - - - NO! Wait, I'm sorry, they have a two word vocabulary - - - NO MARY! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  3. My husband is currently going through AFF after doing tunnel time last year. He swears by it and he's passing his levels the first time!! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  4. Now that I have my gear together, my container (used & modified with a skyhook), a demo main canopy (Safire2 170) and my new PD reserve (160) - no Cypress yet. I'd like to know what to expect out of it. So what are your thoughts on doing an intentional cutaway? "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  5. I LOVE HOP N POPS SOOOOOOOO MUCH! I haven't done one at sunset, I think I'll make that a new tradition! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  6. Todd, Have you decided on which randoms we'll be doing? If so, could you post or pm me (just so I can practice)? Or is that cheating? "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  7. My coach made me practice in freefall look at the ground, look at my altimeter in order to not only know where I am in relation to the dropzone but to also practice altitude awareness in relation to the ground. I still practice this when I jump solo because it's a good habit to start as a newby. I rely on my Neptune and audible to work properly but I know I need to rely on my eyes as well. "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  8. I jumped on a no wind day the other weekend and crashed. But I didn't get hurt and it was a good learning experience. I learned that I came in too high and overshot my target and I didn't hold my flare or flare all the way. Won't make that mistake again! As far as jumpers landing in different directions that is not good. Experienced jumpers KNOW and should always fly the default pattern on a no wind day and if they don't the S&TA should talk to them. I liked Brian's article very much. I'm gonna try some of the things he mentioned next time there is a no wind day. I believe the only way to get better and gain more confidence is to keep practicing! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  9. in God me my Dad my husband Kitty Kara "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  10. LOL as in big toe aka "pointer toe"
  11. I don't think big font size is meant to be more important, I think maybe it's stressing a feeling or idea or sentiment. I must admit it is kinda annoying! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  12. I think it's fun to forward on something that could be educational or inspirational or funny to someone else. Some have told me not to send them "useless" emails so I don't but most I think can tell if it's something they're not interested in and just delete. Maybe you should tell her to forward only work related emails. Just a thought. "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  13. It would be SO GREAT (for me) if the canopy they're giving away was a SAFIRE2 170! (HINT HINT SSM!) "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  14. Me too. I put pb on both slices of bread then wipe the pb off the knife and put jelly on top of the pb on both slices. Oh, and a must is to cut the sandwich on a diagnal!! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  16. I got to demo a Safire2 170 and I L-O-V-E- love it! Flies great and flares like butter! And I get to fly it again this weekend (3-day weekend - yea!)!!!
  17. I'll ditto that! Death doesn't frighten me at all no matter how it will happen because I believe what dies is my mortal shell. My soul lives for eternity! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  18. For some reason I understood the Cypress1 should be converted (which is an additional cost) to the technology of a Cypress2. Did I misunderstand? "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  19. I've looked for a long time for a used Cypress2 (I never considered buying a Cypress1) and came to the conclusion that for the age and price I might as well fork out $200 more and buy new or buy a Vigil which costs a little less than a Cypress2. I guess what I'm saying is I haven't been able to find a "good deal" on any used Cypress2. "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  20. I have come to the conclusion that buying used is good for some things and buying new is better for other things. For instance I bought a used container. I searched forever and finally found one at Skyfest that was in excellent shape, fit me and had all the pieces for $200! I felt more comfortable with the idea of having a new reserve. So, I bought a new reserve and I'm leaning on a new AAD as well. However, I plan to buy a used main canopy because I know I will downsize in about 100 or so jumps. It's taking a while to get it all together but I'm getting there! :) "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  21. My first jump I broke my ankle and was out for about 4 months. Then I slammed into a metal building and everyone thought I fractured my leg but it was just a really bad bruise (I have a scar tho) only out for a few weeks. The last time I flared too early and I crashed landing on my left knee. That time I had to have surgery and recovery was about 3 months. I've been lucky! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  22. Ditto! Go ask Voodew he's definately a poo poo head! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  23. Yes it does get better and LOTS more FUN! You HAVE to do ALL those TASKS (and this coming from the girl who begged her instructors to just pass her because all she wanted to do was fly the canopy!) HA! If your instructors are telling you to slow down then do it. They are teaching you how to save your life and have your best insterests in mind. You're doing GREAT! Keep it up! "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore
  24. Skydiving changed my life in many ways. It helped me get "me" back! It helped me become mentally and physically stronger! It's helped me make lots of new friends who are fun, intelligent and wise people. How can you not have enthusiasm for such an awesome sport filled with awesome people? I love skydiving very very much too! Blue Skies "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore