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Everything posted by GrendelKhan

  1. I'm already down to 5. -1 Being pushed off the ferry into Galveston Bay, pulled out by pissed off crewmen, -2 Engine failure while cruising in Beechcraft Bonanza, only saved by Dad (who is a retired Air Force fighter pilot) making the most spectacular open field landing in the history of aviation, -3 Knife fight in New Orleans, some hustler tried to jack me for some cash, so I pulled out a leatherman tool(?) and he pulled out a switchblade, -4 OD on illegal substances (which I will never touch again) laid in my friends backyard twitching and puking for about 2 hours before they took me to the hospital. Yikes, as disaster prone as I am, skydiving will probably eat 4 of my last 5 (I'm saving the last life for a heart attack while having sex with Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra) Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  2. When I grow up I want to be a skydiving billionaire astronaut pirate......and a cannibal Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  3. As I rocked out my Cat E AFF this weekend, I had ridiculous fun flipping and rolling around the sky at 120 mph (my Neptune actually clocked me at 163 crushing through 9k, must have been in the middle of a move) So anyway, I was curious to know what the majority of ya'll enjoy more. For me, right now at least, free fall is what it's all about. Do ya'll like the thrill of free fall or canopy work/swooping more? Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  4. How can you tell when you're at a gay barbeque? All the weinies taste like shit. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  5. When I was younger and less mature....uhh..well younger anyway....I watched a program about paratroopers and thought "Hey, that looks like fun." I found the biggest trashbag I could in the garage and promptly climbed the tallest tree. With the triumphant yell that every kid seems to make before they do something insanely stupid I jumped holding a 20 gallon Hefty trashbag over my head (I wonder what the wingloading would be on that?). Despite my total belief that I would float down gently and easily I plummetted about 50 feet and broke both my legs. What followed was probably the worst year of my life, and everybody I know can't quite believe that I am voluntarily skydiving today. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  6. Wow, talk about a one sided fight. Ol Kiefer would get to explore the flatliners death scape in RL. If you have any doubts aat all that Chuck Norris would destroy Jack Bauer in mind, body and soul check out the ultimate Chuck reference page. Just don;t ask too many questions, you might just get roundhouse kicked in the grill. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  7. Sorry, I stepped away from the computer for a moment, you don't have to shout to get my attention, but now that you did SHUT THE HELL UP! Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  8. I still love myspace. Its like virtual crack when I get bored. Not only does it allow me a new millenium savvy way to talk smack to my buddies, but I have also reconnected with some old friends that I really thought I would never hear from again. I love the information age and all the extraneous crap that comes along with it. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  9. GrendelKhan

    Bad Puns

    A man walks into a bar, he says ouch. Two thirds of a pun is P. U. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  10. The only argument I've heard that I liked in regard sto how well Vince will perform in the NFl had to do with the pro-style program that Pete Carroll runs at USC. I know you all remember hearing about how ready for the big time everybody at USC is because of the level of preparation and training that they receive. I heard mor ethan one sportscaster declare that USC could beat some of the bottom feeders in the NFL (*cough* Texans *cough*). So if USC is as close to a pro-team as you can get in college, what does that mean for Vince smoking them like sausages? The only way to really know if he'll suceed or not is to let him try. On the other hand in the modern NFL success is often measured just as much by income generated as by games won. Vince will sell some tickets after a dismal season whether he's any good or not. If he's not, they can draft the next flash in the pan hot commodity to sell some more tickets. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  11. THis is eerily similar to the Rockets having to chose between MJ and Hakeem. They didn't need a guard, they needed a dominant center, which they got in the legenday Hakeem. But they also passed ont he greatest player in the history of the game. Yes, they did win two championshps with Hakeem, but that was only because MJ was retired. Now, I'm not saying that Vince Young is the Mj of football, but it has to give Casserly pause knowing that Vince is a once in a lifetime athlete. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  12. The Big Chief just put up 323.4. Now I won't be able to stop until I beat that. THis is the most unproductive work day ever. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  13. 321.1, and now everyone on my office is trying to break that. This is ridiculous, I can't stop playing........ Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  14. Dude, like, has anybody seen my keys? Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  15. I believe I can fly- R. Kelly Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  16. You know you're from Houston when you know why Marvin Zindler has a price on his head from every man over 35. (Hint: Think Chicken Ranch) Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  17. Thanks for the tips! I know whta I'm doing tonight to get ready for the weekend. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  18. You say that like there's something wrong with toxic waste. I love a radioactive sludge and soda with a twist of lime. Yummy. Seriously though, how about some helpful tips on how to infuse some flavor. I like flavored vodkas, but don't know ho wto make my own flavors. Hook a guy up. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  19. Try the Vanilla Twist Smirnoff with Coke, its awesome. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  20. You're right, I completely forgot about the Mighty Ducks. Any team named after an Emilio Estevez (thats right, the Might Duck man himself. And I'm all, like, Emilioooo!) movie should be immediately disqualified from any and all public sporting venues for all eternity. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  21. THats the first time the thrashers have ever beaten the wings isn't it? It's good to see hockey fans lingereing about, I knew there were some out there somewhere. As a Stars fan I cheer for any tean that beats up on the Wings. Way to go Thrashers (although that is possibly the worst team name ever) it's about damn time. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  22. My vote sgo for Milla Jovavich ( 5th element, resident evil), and Daryll Hannah (Blade Runner) Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  23. Sub-Par Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  24. How about Haywood Jablomee? Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  25. Never match wits with a sicilian. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."