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Everything posted by GrendelKhan

  1. I ask myself that everyday as my coworkers brandish knives and guns whenever I'm in the room Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  2. Replace the hot sauce (makes the popcorn mushy) and sprinkle Tony Chachere's cajun seasoning.. YUMMY!! Good call, thro win a cold Shiner Bock or three and I think we have a winner. Winner of what you may ask? Well, get lost, I say, why does everything have to be a competition with you? Just let me enjoy my popcorn and beer in peace.
  3. Okay, I had to jump in. Popcorn + Grated Parmesan Cheese + Louisiana Hot Sauce = The Money Shot Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  4. Wow, very cool and looks like a good place to start. Thanks. In regards to what I'm looking for in a boogie experience...short answer; I don;t know. Long answer; As a complete and total newb to skydiving I am unfamiliar with almost every aspect of the sport other than what I see at my DZ. Once I get to a point where I am proficient enough to "leave the nest" I wnat the complete skydiver experience. I want to visit the hallowed and historic DZ's to see the people and places I've read about or seen on TV (and a few really bad movies), do small formations and huge big ways, crazy jumps from helos and baloons, high altitude jumps, crazy all night parties in exotic locales, so basically wherever I can jump with lots of people who will get drunk with me and listen to me talk about it all night. If there are any boogies that hand out free money to the participants, that will probably be my first stop. The Skyfest in Houston look slike a good starting point. If anybody from SDA is going, give me a yell, I've got gas money and I alwyas take Jaeger on a roadtrip Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  5. Hey, no making up words. \ I can make up any sillyicious words I want thankyouverymuch. And besides. travashamockery is not mine. Its from a Miller Lite commercial. I know, the judges tell Bob Odenkirk during his debate with the horse not to make up words. At that point he got mad a nd machine gunnned everybody in his mansion with an m-16/m203 screaming "Say Hello to my little friend!" or something.....Iv'e been drinking too much Miller Light this morning...... Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  6. Hey, no making up words. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  7. So I keep seeing the boogie references around and about, and I have a few questions that I'm hoping the braintrust can answer. Mostly I need to know how many (100?) jumps after an A license do you need to attend one of these. Also where are the best ones and how often do they happen. Once I get proficient in skydiving I'd like to start making my vacation plans around big events. What are the major events of the summer? realistically I probably wont be ready until then , and I'd like to see about going Just don;t tell my parole officer). Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  8. Anyone think he won't be in silver and black next year? He'll fit right in. With him and Randy Moss in the same lineup, opposing defenses (and the Oakland police dept.) will have their hands full. Blues, Dave save me Jeebus, Moss and TO on the same squad? I think I can hear Kerry Collins screaming in agony already. Actually it woul dbe knid of fun to see the two of them butting heads over who gets more passes and TV time. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  9. You get the show going, I'll bring the absinthe and strippers! Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  10. Unfortunatly, because he is so talented some sucker of a GM will pick him up no matter what personal problems he may cause. If he has to go somewhere, bring him to Houston! Let carr throw to him and Johnson, it will be TD heaven. Ohh....wait...the texans still have a Jr High offensive line, Carr still wont get more than .5 seconds to get off a pass. maybe TO wont help........ Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  11. So do ya'll listen to Tomahawk at all? I parsonally like them better, but there's no denying that anything Mikey touches turns to gold. The mans a genius. It made my morning to see this thread. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  12. Apparently the women who thought using indoor plumbing was more important than waiting for those two to get each other off. If they had brains to go with their exhibitionist lesbianism, they would have used the men's room - shorter lines, more appreciative audience. Gross. Have you ever been in a mens room at a packed club? There's no amount of hot cheerleader lesbian sex in the world that could make a mens room more than barely tolerable. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  13. You're obviously not a golfer. Sweet, a Lebowski reference. There's hope for the heathens yet. And yes Taveras was robbed. He was such an integral part of the Astros, I dont even see how the other guys were in the running. MLB hates Houston. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  14. When I get around to ordering my own suit I'm going to get a Super Dave Osborne style suit complete with cape and matching helmet. How dope would that be? I like the crazy "clown" outfits the people at my DZ sport it gives a uniqueness and personality to the characters and sport. If you think skydivers are bad, you should check out serious paintball players. Until youve seen a middle aged man in a red/blue/green uniform with a camo head wrap and pink Shocker (its a type of marker, get your mind out of the gutter) with Louis Vuiton laser etching, you dont know how bad it can be. Edit: Found a good example of how gay paintballers can be, its not a Shocker its a marker called the Ego, seriously. Chaeck it out. I say keep rocking the clown outfits, shake them haters off. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  15. It doesnt make you an asshole, it makes you a man. I mean seriously, a sick girlfriend is the perfect opportunity to hit the strip club. Only joking, what you ought to do is slug a whole bunch (i said bunch) of Ny-Quil, then you won't care about taking care of a sick girl. If she takes care of you, you owe it to her to put the hypochondriac tendencies aside for a few days. If you do get sick, then you get a few days off of work and probably all the sympathy sex you can handle when you get better. word. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  16. I think the second one was called Attack of the giant (or killer) Leeches. I can't quite remember, but it seems like there was a swampy little town being terrorized and they used salt or something equally ridiculous to kill th eleeches. The funniest part was the sherriff feeding his cheating wife and her boy toy to the leeches ( I sure wish I had access to that from of revenge) I'm not sure if this is the one you are looking for, but its hilarious so watch it anyway. MST3K will never die!!!! Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  17. I've got a fever, and the only medicine is more cowbell! uhhh, I mean national healthcare! Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  18. The sad thing is, imagine how many of the dumbass things that we guys do is not captured on film. Our behavior does not change becaus ethe camera is there, we are naturaly inclined to participate in idiotic behavior. Having video evidence is merely so you can laugh at your friends later. You should try it, ignorance is bliss and idiocy is fun! Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  19. Say word son, the Grendel on myspace, Fool Edit: I just noticed that the video I have on my page has the band Lamb of God doing tandem skydives! How sick is that!? Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  20. Coming soon to a theater near you "Dukes of Hazard II: Daisy does the ghetto" Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  21. Oooooohhhhh, its on. So, Im at the office listening to a bunch of mo-tards tell me why nothing got done today because of a cake and coffee social one of the ladies decided to throw this morning. Don't get me wrong I'm a big fan of cake in the morning, especially washed down with a 20 oz Mountain Dew...mmmmmm sugar and caffeine, breakfast of champions. But damn, come on, ferreal, how can 20 people make cake and coffee last ALL DAY??? lets get busy here. These slackers are making me work more and cutting down on my internet time. AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! JUST JAM THE CAKE DOWN YOUR THROAT AND GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!!!!!! GRENDEL SMASH!!!! Sorry to make ya'll read that, but I had to vent, and despite my frustration I like the fools I work with too much to yell in their faces. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  22. Wow, say the word bunch a whole bunch of times in a row. Ha ha, sounds a buncha funny.......yes, I am easily amused. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  23. Because "bunch" is the new "F**K". In the 80's and 90's one could use the f-bomb in almost any situation. i.e. "Where the f*** are we" "Don't f*** with me", "I would like to f*** you", "Don't step on the f***ing lines, you f***", and so on and so forth. In todays more tolerant, P.C. society those of us that are too lazy to broaden our vocabulary have had to find a new all-pupose word that could fill the gap. Hence, the use of the word bunch. "Where the bunch are we", "that bunch is really getting my shorts in a bunch", "That girl has a buncha back, I would bunch that" and you get the picture. At the annual "white guys trying to sound hip" meetings I lobbied to have "frood" and its derivatives replace f***, but I was voted down by a bunch of bunchheads that have never heard of Douglas Adams. What a bunch of f***bunchers (like what I did there?) Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  24. I wasn't allowed to jump last weekend because the winds were too high for a student. Its not really a big deal, but it's a bitch having to sit on the tarmac and watch everybody else jumping Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."
  25. I had a NIle Moniter a while back called Goku. It was the coolest huge lizard ever. When it was little it would hang out in the pocket of my hoodies. Once he got to be about 4 ft. long though (and the apartment managers found out how big he was) I had to give him away Eventually Im going to get another one though. Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance "They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."