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Everything posted by Gone_Skiing

  1. Hey Bill, Have you seen the new solar roofing tiles? Look just like standard asphalt shingles, with better efficiency than solar panels. Down side is you have to sheath the roof differently to support the connections. -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  2. Actually Jan Ulrich, Ivan Basso and the others never tested possitive. They were linked by documentation only to a firm in Spain that had access to banned substances. Four of the banned riders have been cleared by a Spanish court. -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  3. wtf, i'm sure that programming can be removed. is it a turbo 4 or a 6? I've got the turbo 4 and yes the limiter can be removed. I just don't want to spend the $600 or take the chance of voiding my 4yr 50k mile warranty. Remember this is an Audi, buying replacement parts and having service done will be expensive! turbo 4's are great. yeah i know, saabs are the same way for major services, but well worth it i'm sure if you really wanted you could have added that into the deal when you purchased the car. If the dealer does it it shouldn't void the warranty. I have an S4, welcome to the club! Also aftermarket modifications do not automatically void the warranty. The dealer has to prove that what you changed caused the failure, and then only those parts are not under warranty. If you chip your car and you blow a turbo your SOL. If the sunroof breaks they have to fix it. -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  4. Once when I was five.... I enjoy stealin' -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  5. Best way would be to use PuTTy to put up an SSH tunnel to a machine on your home network. You can tunnel to the port for MS's Remote Desktop or VNC. This opens a secure link that lets you use the remote machine and you can browse the web from there. I don't know the port numbers off hand. Let me know if you need config help with it. -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  6. Je n'ai aucune idée. -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  7. What do you call a good looking man with a brunette? A Hostage. -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  8. What's the Brunette's mating call? "All the blondes have gone home!" -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  9. I have a buddy that teaches astronomy who used to do this all the time. He would show up just towards class time and sit down in the front row and start talking to the other students. He would ask if anyone knew anything about the prof. Was it a tough class, etc. Then about five minutes into class he would get up and start teaching. I always thought it was a funny story but I could see how it would be a little annoying to the students... -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  10. I built one last year. 4x8' with race track. It came out very nicely, I'll try to post pics later. Lots of really good info Here as well as links to many good online suppliers of high density foam, closed cell foam, speed cloth, chips, cup holders, etc. Also great ideas for tables and build plans (free obviously). I built mine with a birch inlaid race track, green cloth with a beige faux-leather rail (marine vinyl from Joann's). Good luck! It's a really fun project... -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  11. Only killed about 5 minutes. New wrinkle to an old problem. Brute force actually works in this case... -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  12. Twas brillig and the slythy toves did gyre and gimbal in the wabe... -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  13. I went back to grad school after working for five years. The time off was not a problem as I had been working in the field I wanted to study. I did work full time while in school. It was nice keeping the paycheck but the workload was horrible. Two classes and work had me up until 2-3am every weeknight and I was still doing homework on the weekends. I know many grad students who were either research assistants (RA's) or teaching assistants(TA's) or both to pay the bills. RA's usually cover tuition and a stipend. TA's give some extra cash. I am in engineering so your experiences may be different depending on your field (not may RA's in business school). -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  14. Hagis? -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  15. Shawn of the Dead is definitely a parody of most of the zombie movies. Still really good though, one of my personal favorites! Right up there with Night of the Lepus -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  16. There was a show on recently that went through public bathrooms to see how sanitary (or un-) they are. By far the highest concentrations of germs and bacteria were found on the handles, not just toilet, but the door handles and faucet handles. The toilet seat was really clean by comparison. -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  17. Never tried Friendster. I was on MySpace and it got a little anoying. I switched to iContact as it is my buddies company. Works well both wirelessly (on my phone) and on the web. It really tries to introduce you to people and events that may be of interest to you based on past events and your profile. We even have a (small but growing) skydivers group... http://www.icontact.com -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  18. If I read your post correctly the question is this: f(x) = ln ( sqrt( (2x+3)/(4x+5) ) ) And you need to find f'(0). First you can simplify a lot before actually finding the derivative. f(x) = 1/2 ln (2x+3) - 1/2 ln(4x+5) Also the derivative of ln(x) is 1/x dx not just 1/x. so f'(x) = 1/(2x+3) - 2/(4x+5) f'(0) = 1/3 - 2/5; -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  19. As someone mentioned above, it is a lot like Scuba training. It takes a fairly large commitment of time and money. Also it takes some dedication. You really cannot jump just one day every few months (Like most people I know who ski or snowboard). You need to stick with it to keep your skills up. I think there are things that can be done to lessen the dropout rate. Like in scuba (yes, I am a scuba instructor), I would bet that if there were opportunities for continuing education, possibly standardized (like AFF), that more people would stick with the sport. Some times it's intimidating to just show up at the DZ (at least it is for me) as a noob/whuffo. Everyone seems like a skygod with or without the actual attitude. Sometimes classes with people of like ability (beyond AFF) helps to make people realize they are not the only ones at the early stages of learning the sport. Just MHO. -Nick PS - Now if I could just save up the money to finish AFF... -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  20. That just goes to show Hockey is the only Real Man's Sport. In Hockey after a great play your teammates hit you with a stick. Now that's a real man's sport... -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  21. There's really two different issues here. What makes a good S.O. - Loves you for who you are. What make a good LTR - Being excited to see who you become and wanting to be a part of that ever changing process. I think way too many people (myself included) either want someone for who they are today or who they could be. We will never be either for very long. My wife and I got married because we both realized that we wanted nothing more than walk the path of life together and see where it takes us. You never know what's around the corner, we just know we want to be there together. Ok, the sex is great too. -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  22. You're phsychologists. You win by default... ------------------------------ Just lurking...
  23. Damn glad it's back!!! I went to a couple pre-season games and even got to play on the ice a few weeks ago. Definitely more room to skate and the lack of the two line pass is generating a ton more odd man rushes (even a few 1 on 0's which were unheard of before). -Nick GO AVS!!! -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.
  24. Just a quick note to say 'Hi'. Just did my FJC last weekend and got washed out of my jump Got to watch a friend finish AFF jump 7 and she was stoked! Hopefully I'll get my ass out the door soon! -Nick -- I used to pray to God for a bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.