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Everything posted by jlmiracle

  1. There is ALWAYS room for Jello! Lots and lots of Jello. J Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  2. and apparently you did... I got you confused with the original poster. So when you make a mistake, you are going to be one of THOSE people who blame their instructors. Thank god you jump over there. My bad, you are an expert. a skyhook is like an RSL but different. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  3. No, from my understanding it is not and I thought your bitch was with the Skyhook, not the RSL. Mine do, but I don't teach them to rely on it. Nope Blind faith? hardly. Like I said this guy had about 200 jump when he had his first malfunction. He purchased a skyhook all on his own, and somewhere along the line of buying this skyhook he was told or his understanding was he doesn't have to pull ALL his handles. I think we might be on the same page here, but blaming instructors for everything is not right. We are not talking about someone fresh of student status. People will and always have made up their own minds. If they choose to follow the advice of the experienced and informed then that's what they will do, if they choose to ignore the experienced and informed, then I hope they don't kill me or someone else. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  4. Fortunately we teach students their emergency procedures. Unfortunately, when they get a couple hundred jumps and get some new cool and groovey "safety" items, they think they are bullet proof and don't have pull all their handles. I asked one guy with about 200 jumps and 1 cutway if on his malfunction he pulled all his handles, he said "NO, I have a skyhook, I don't have to pull all my handles, hehehehehe." I explained to him he needs to pull all his handles and he just shrugged me off. If he chooses to not to follow his EP that he was taught, that is his problem, not his instructors fault. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  5. I guess I'm one of those people too. I'm sorry for the loss, but I don't swoop, have not interest in it, and I will never be peforming a landing that would create that much speed. If I have enough speed close to the ground for my cypres to fire, it means I don't have a properly functioning canopy above my head. Apples and oranges. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  6. Well, I hope this pricks freedom doesn't interfer with my safety and my skydiving! j Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  7. I see the problem as more of actions they are taking under canopy instead of the canopy itself. But I hate hookturns, they are stupid and have killed to many EXPERIENCED JUMPERS. But to some on here its easier to blame the canopy and a bunch of other people then to blame the jumpers actions. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  8. Last year, 2004, in landing related fatalities the average jump numbers were 1150. Sparky Yeah, what mjosparky said and I thought the low turns to the ground (hookturns) killed and injured all these people. J Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  9. Hmmm, partied a lot lately, have you? Either that or him and Cary had the same english class. j Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  10. I have found knee flying for a bit to drop to their level works pretty good. I've used it many times as a late diver. If I find myself at a angle where I am going to over shoot my spot, I go on my knees to I drop more vertical and can keep everyone in sight. It's worked for me in both formations and AFF. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  11. No I will not EVER support ASC's owners. So, NO, I have not and will not EVER jump or work for ASC. I DO know people who worked there and witnessed these allegations personally. They have no reason to lie. They left a long time ago, even though you still list them as staff. Are you calling my friends liars? I'm sure they would Love to talk to you, what's your phone number? 1-800-Sky-Ride? j Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  12. Really, WHO? I have paid one price to go to 10,000 in a cessna, and another price to go to 13,000 in an otter, but it was not an either or and Tandems/AFF paid the same price regardless what plane they jumped from. ASC charges the $10 extra when they were only jumping from one plane, when there wasn't a "choice". How many tandems have you "comped" the extra $10 when they didn't want pay you the bogus extra $10? Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  13. When I first heard it I thought it was saying "Click Click Pull". damn skydiving! Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  14. Please explain. How are they amusing? Do you think they are so out of whack that it should be in a comic strip? Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  15. Come to West Tennessee Skydiving, I mapped it out for you and you are only 372 miles away! But seriously, if you get to the otherside of the state, come on over and jump with us we would love to have you!
  16. What is your suggestion to these "problems". I don't know too many DZ's that can afford to have the prefect sized canopy for every STUDENT. When I went through AFF, I jumped a Manta. At that time I weighed about 120 lbs. Are these situations that you are taking about happening in winds that exceed what is stated in the SIM? (sorry to refer to the SIM if you are not referring to US jumpers, but your profile doesn't say what country you are from). How many students have been injured or died as a result of being under a canopy that you would consider too big for them? Were they exceeding the recommended winds? Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  17. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  18. I see it done all the time. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  19. Kitty - the SF Team is very nice, not quite as "naked" as the Germans were but very nice.!
  20. That was sent in a PM with an explanation, you might want to try reading it. and I was just looking for your opinion in comparison, I don't care what it is now. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  21. I posted incorrectly - sorry - ignore this. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  22. This is first time NO got hit with a hurricane with GW as president with such catastrophic results. So your point is what? that the federal and local and state governments acted too slow? Yes we all know that and GW has been the better of any of them and taken the blame. j Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  23. QuoteYou would have a better argument if you also had stated in your initial posting: "I am a staff member at Skydive the Farm, a business entity which is in direct competition with ASC and their respective owners." Otherwise the "rumors" seem awfully self-serving. Quote You would be taken seriously if you filled out your profile. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  24. I thought so too. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.