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Everything posted by blewaway5

  1. blewaway5


    Believe it or not I'm listening to them right now, as I type. One of my favorite bands. Truman Sparks for President
  2. All I can think is that those people on the observation deck would be some crispy folk. I know how hot my lava lamp could get, and it wasn't big even compared to some other lava lamps, let a lone a sixty footer. Of course, I can think of a few instances when it might be cool to sit back and watch that thing go, too Truman Sparks for President
  3. blewaway5

    Just a pic

    ooooohhhhh....aaaaaaahhhhhhh......very nice pic....very nice. Truman Sparks for President
  4. while this would have to be a possibility, wouldn't it be possible that had she said "No, stop" then the guy would have stopped? There's no real point arguing the what if (just my opinion), it seems the point would have to be how much can one person know without having it told to them? Truman Sparks for President
  5. AHHH!! People, let's please try to compare the intrinsic worth of one human life versus one dog life. Now, HOPEFULLY, we've all decided that just possibly the human's life is just a tad bit more than the dog's. Not to say that the dog isn't cute and maybe even cuddly, but hey, I pick the people. If we all reached the same point, which hopefully you all value the person over the dog, then we have at least a little common ground to work from. Here we have a police officer involved in what is known as a "felony stop." A report comes in and they don't know whether or not these people are violent offenders or not. All they have is the possibility. So here they go, hold on tight cause this happens a lot faster in real life when it's your life on the line. Quick get the people out of the car at gunpoint. If they are feeling violent they won't be apt to do anything stupid with those guns trained on them. What's this, they're saying something about dogs being in the car. Ah, shit, just what we need, animals in the car we've got to search. Now these people are getting louder proclaiming their innocence. We'll see in a minute. Crap, dog coming out of the door pretty quick. Looks around and zeroes in on nearest human, a cop with a shotgun, and heads pretty much right for him. Officer makes snap judgement and shoots dog in the head, back to covering family. Okay, cops aren't my favorite people usually, simply because damn near every time I have to interact with them I've broken some sort of law, but try to remember that they don't have time to check out the instant replay in the field. The dog probably wasn't going to attack him, but we'll never know. Does this bother me. Oddly, no, I'd rather a dog dies than a person risk injury. Maybe he could have maced the dog or something, sure, but he had that shotgun kinda filling up his hands. Yep, it's a shame the family watched their dog die, but is it a shame that a cop had all of a second to decide if there was a threat and erred on the side of self preservation. Hate to say it, but I bet he'd be better off if he'd shot a person that was running towards him, and that's a sad statement. Truman Sparks for President
  6. At the risk of an argument, isn't it pretty much a cop's job to respond to a call about a stolen car or robbed convenience store or whatever by pulling over the vehicle in question and safely ascertaining whether or not the call was correct or not? Don't get me wrong, I hate to see an animal suffer needlessly, but are you telling me that if a person honestly feels threatened by a dog they shouldn't do anything? I'm not saying these cops were actually threatened, but if they were, would they still be in the wrong? Truman Sparks for President
  7. hehhehheh, that one's pretty good. I always thought it stood for Piled Higher and Deeper
  8. blewaway5

    Need vibes

    Here's some vibes just for you. Of course, michele is right. We had a cat that just randomly showed up at the store I work at, and he was there for about 6 months. No one ever claimed him, so we always fed him, basic adoption job, ya know, until one day this guy and his family were passing through, hundreds of miles to go before they reached home, and he adopted the cat off of us. It was getting to a cold part of winter so we were encouraging this, of course. Point is, cats really do usually land on all fours. They're just too damn cute not to.
  9. That pretty much sucks all around. Especially that part about no beer light too early. Don't worry, though, there's always some sort of silver lining
  10. For the skill level I am, I'm all about the boxman. It's more stable, therefore easier to control. A lot like fighter planes, I think. Every now and then you'll see a concept for forward swept wings and they tell you how it's that much more maneuverable because it's inherently unstable. Same deal with the mantis. You can maneuver a lot more quickly, but you're more prone to becoming unstable. Of course, that's just my little ol' opinion Truman Sparks for President
  11. well, of course, isn't that the way it works? The closer you get to the west coast the further up the cool famous person index you slide. Dosn't say much for me, way out in Missouri, does it Truman Sparks for President
  12. I don't know about all that, but I figure riggers can have all the liquor they want. I hold the opinion that if a rigger has anything at all to do with a save then I buy him a fifth of whatever he wants. On the flip side, if a rigger has anything to do with me bouncing then I'm contractually obligated to haunt him for a period not to be less than one year or more than ten years Truman Sparks for President
  13. I can't believe no one's pointed out the most powerful cure. Drink a beer. If that doesn't help, have another. Repeat as needed. Truman Sparks for President
  14. yep, I write poetry occasionally. It's not worth all that much, but hey, sometimes I do try. Here's one for all of you. As a distant rumble carries on the breeze the moon begins her slow ascension. A man staning just outside the pale glare of a street light casually drops his cigarette, preparing for what he knows must come. Half a continent away his mind has flown, even as he struggles to bring it home again. With an olympic effort he begins to regain control. At just that moment the distant rumble speaks and a deep, mournful whistle pierces the night's reverie, sending his mind on with wishes of godspeed. The man at first clings to his control, but soon he must succumb. With an incredible swiftness he is there, remembering what used to be. A warm autumn evening punctuated by loves sweet first kiss; a wintry night under a starry canopy holding her in his arms; all of these and more, all set to the haunting sound of a train passing, somewhere, far away. Truman Sparks for President
  15. blewaway5


    [climbing on soapbox]I say let's rally together, I say let's give the finger to this new year, I say let's regain control of our lives and simply forget that it's possible to spiral down very far. Dammit, let's show this world what some motivated skydivers can do![/climbing on soapbox] Ya know, I really do believe that this year will be much better.
  16. blewaway5


    skymama, I must be one of the strongest, most well-learned, growing like a weed s.o.b.'s in the country
  17. this might not be the most popular opinion, but it's what I think. I started when I was 18 also, and I've got to warn you, it's a huge two-edged sword. It's an amazing thing, and the fact that you're young means you've got all kinds of time to learn things the right way--slow and easy (slow and easy, oh yeah, baby...err...dammit back to my thought) If you can afford it, keep it up, but don't let it take ALL of your time just yet. Ya gotta learn somthing to make the cash to jump, after all, and an education goes a long way. Truman Sparks for President
  18. Hell, if this works then at the rate I'm going I'm going to live forever. Truman Sparks for President
  19. hehehe, nothing like that walk anywhere else in the world, I tell you. Uphill both ways in six feet of snow, barefoot. And let me tell you, it sucks walking on that blacktop barefoot when it's 110 degrees outside. It'll burn the frostbite right off your toes. Truman Sparks for President
  20. mein gott, narcimund, skygal, I'm really wanting to meet the both of you someday, get you two together for a cook fest, and sit back and judge the results in a totally competition free moment of pure sensory delight. I think you've both made me very hungry
  21. Love Jeff Buckley. I remember being so happy when My Sweetheart the Drunk came out several years back. Then I wasn't quite as happy because it didn't compare to Grace, but still good. Nice choice. Truman Sparks for President
  22. ya know, Michele, I think I could get along with you pretty well. There's nothing in the whole world like a dreamer with a heart. Keep it up
  23. no kidding?! I've got a friend whose dad has worked for them for years here in MO. At least I'm pretty sure it's them. I guess there's an off chance it may be some other RR, but I don't think so. Anyway, he seems to like it for the most part. Truman Sparks for President
  24. ok, now this will usually piss off your dzo, not to mention any pilots coming in, but try flying up and down the runway in august. Those thermals are no joke, man, and they are fun for a while Truman Sparks for President
  25. hehehe, yeah, it seems like I remember seeing something about a bottle of scotch he bought at a duty-free shop at an airport or something like that. If memory serves me correctly it was worth more than most of the cars I've owned