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Everything posted by blewaway5

  1. Really what else could you do other than get falling down drunk and play on the water then? Truman Sparks for President
  2. kisck ass tat, too, by the way Truman Sparks for President
  3. her ya go, try this out. Truman Sparks for President
  4. nice Truman Sparks for President
  5. yep, he is full of crap. Truman Sparks for President
  6. Ah man, here we go again. In all honesty, what's it matter. Here, let me some it up for you--we all like getting off when we can, we all know you want to get off, too. If you line up a piece of ass, good for you. If I line up a piece of ass, good for me. If anyone else lines up a piece of ass, good for them. I won't give you crap for getting laid if you don't give me crap for getting laid. Are you getting the picture?
  7. Ah hell, I can totally compete with that. Just the other day I was the proud father of a "J5" Truman Sparks for President
  8. Ya know, I've been in this same spot. I'd just gotten my A and I was psyched. Ready to jump with a few of the awesome people I'd become friends with who'd helped me get my liscense. Now, it had taken me nearly 2 years to get my A because I was that poor, but I always managed to hang out at the DZ nearly every weekend, and there was this one guy I'd become really good friends with. Well, long story short, we go up on a four-way, which I promptly funneled, but we managed to stay close enough to enjoy each other's company, then every one but him opens. He just rolled over back down. I still have dreams about that every now and then, and they are NOT pleasant. Please, even if, like my friend said in his letter he left, you've got nothing left to live for, remember that just like him, there's a lot of people who see all the amazing things you've got to offer. Don't waste that, learn from it instead. Truman Sparks for President
  9. Yep, you've got me beat in the age department if you read it in Rolling Stone. I haven't been around quite that long. Thought of another one here, and I'm gonna have to warn on going off memory, too, but at least it's fairly freshy memory.------We had two bags of grass, 75 pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high power blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a fifth of gin, a fifth of rum, a pint of ether, and a whole multi-colored universe of uppers and downers. Not that we needed all that, but when you get a serious drug collection going the tendency is to go overboard. Truman Sparks for President
  10. and of course who could forget, "quick, like a bunny!" Truman Sparks for President
  11. Don't look down. Truman Sparks for President
  12. There's a man riding a unicycle on a tight rope stretched between two huge skyscrapers at the exact same instant as his twin brother is getting a blowjob from a broken down old whore in Thailand. What thought are they both thinking right then? Truman Sparks for President
  13. ROFLMAO You know, I think we really and truly have a winner here with this one Truman Sparks for President
  14. I'd have to say there's two for me. First of all, not real crazy about chocolate. Just not good. My true hatred, however, is reserved for that vilest form of food, the pickle. Truman Sparks for President
  15. Just read Fear an Loathing again and it reminded me how much I enjoy reading his stuff. Anyone else out there like him at all? Oh, and for the record, I stole a line from him for my new sig, too Truman Sparks for President
  16. hehe, yeah, the ol' arms would have to be getting tired by now. Seriously, though, I can't decide if this is gonna be a big catalyst for war or not. I think if it does play into a war, it'll be just another straw on the camels, err, the centurions back. Truman Sparks for President
  17. That sounds entirely too much like the voice of experience
  18. We are no longer the knights who say ni! We are now Crusty Hampsterbuns! Truman Sparks for President
  19. Thanks, I think you said that quite a bit better than I just managed. Truman Sparks for President
  20. ah, yes, the amazing Ramen. I ate it so much, plus the brand that I liked was the good stuff too, that I called it doing smack. My personal favorite is the cajun chicken ramen. Truman Sparks for President
  21. yeah, if I was around with the money, I'd be right there with you. It does sound awesome. Truman Sparks for President
  22. blewaway5


    ÆNIMA. probably my favorite they've done. Truman Sparks for President
  23. Ya know, I'm feeling really remiss for not having already had that thought
  24. stumbled across this and thought it sounded pretty good. Well, except for that price tag. Enjoy. Truman Sparks for President