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  1. starving is painful, who would like to die like that taking drugs, cut veins, starving, freezing or anything else slow when there are people around could be a cry for help. going headdown into the ground would end life instantly without a chance for anyone to stop it, and therefore it couldn´t be only a cry for help
  2. my question was how to make it as non-spectacular as possibly. i can think of lots of things, make sure no tandems or students are around, do a solo, last load for the day, small dz for example, but there might be things i haven´t thought of. suicides are very selfish, else it shouldn´t be done. But it still could be well thought-out and well planned to make sure it succeeds and to not give people who are around bigger problems than absolute minimum.
  3. which is the best way to commit skydiving suicide? main aspect: to hurt the sport as little as possible /David