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Everything posted by blewaway5

  1. Chuck kicks ass! If I make it that long I hope I'm still with it enough to even contemplate flying supersonic. Of course if I had to bet on me making it that long...hey anything's possible. Truman Sparks for President
  2. Yep, it's true. If you get a chance to see the video watch really closely. They do a good job editing around it but you can still get a glimpse of the cable every now and then while he's under canopy. Even so, it's still some wild video! Truman Sparks for President
  3. Well said, and it even sounds less corny than the way I put it.
  4. Very empathetic vibes headed your way. Keep the faith, cause you never know what's around the corner. Truman Sparks for President
  5. I think you've become my hero for the day. Maybe even the week. I won't bore you with a bunch of bs from my life, but suffice it to say I appreciate your post. thanks. Truman Sparks for President
  6. Ok, totally must agree, way to much freakin time on there hands. I mean, I like Star Wars, but my god I hope they made some money or something off that. Truman Sparks for President
  7. hehehe, probably so, but damn, that puppy dog look was worth the worst he can think up. Truman Sparks for President
  8. HAHAHAHA, reminds me of a story. We had a new guy who just got his liscense and we were taking him up for a four-way, or so the story went. We had him out first to hang and instead of following him just closed the door once he was hanging. It was like one of those credit card commercials: jump ticket, $18; beer for the party later, $50; look on suckers face, priceless. Truman Sparks for President
  9. WTF?!?!? Man, that is one twisted situation! I think you should, wait a sec, the mom is hot......uh, I mean, ah hell, don't listen to me! Truman Sparks for President
  10. too true. I hate going out last cause it's such a bitch to get the door closed and still make my slot
  11. Nah, the pilot can reach just fine. Next time you're on the plane check out the top left corner of the door and you should see a little spring loaded latch type thing. Assuming a 182, by the way. Truman Sparks for President
  12. yeah, definitely makes a person wonder. I heard somewhere that all the cool top secret technology that eventually trickles down to the public generally takes about 30 years to get from secret to public. The secrets must be something else these days. Truman Sparks for President
  13. that's pretty good. I got my first main (now granted it is a triathlon not a spectre) 11 jumps after it got relined, and I paid $325 I love my friends!! Truman Sparks for President
  14. piece by piece by piece is how I did it. I got the container from a friend, the main from another friend, and the reserve from yet another friend. I don't jump with an AAD because that doesn't really worry me all that much. Anyway, my rig is solid, and it only cost me $825. Gotta love friends! Truman Sparks for President
  15. Oh my god!! You wrote it down, now they'll all know! It's all just way too true! Truman Sparks for President
  16. My first five were static line, but then I got broke when I went to college and took a winter long break and ended up switching dropzones, where I did IAD. I never did a tandem cause I always figured I'd love skydiving. wouldn't ya know it, I figured right
  17. good vibes comeing in from missouri Truman Sparks for President
  18. I see what you're saying, and to be truthful, I have to pretty much agree. My little soap box speech on memes was a couple of things, limited definitely being one of them, but I think it may have stemmed from the same position as your thoughts. The idea of full blown war with Iraq seems to me a little preposterous. The argument for memes being a cause is me grasping for a reason that makes a little sense, but really memes are kind of debatable in and of themselves. I mean, how do you prove that an idea is actively trying to spread itself? I think it is an argument that makes sense (the one for the existence of memes), but I may have been stretching a bit to use them as an argument. Anyway, if we do end up attacking Iraq I think you listed what I would consider the top several reasons. I think I'd probably put oil and the desire of the masses here to do something as the top two reasons, and nowadays I'm not sure which one would be number one. At the bottom of it all, though, I DO keep hearing a lot of reasons that I think are just stroking the collective cock of American society. I mean, one, I agree with you that there is no way attacking and defeating Iraq will reduce terrorism, and also, as far as liberating the masses in Iraq goes, we have to put someone in the place of Saddam if we kill him. The only people I've heard about in Iraq that are strong enough to take his place aren't exactly a step up. I guess this slightly rambling post is simply me saying I think we should think a lot harder before we go after Iraq. Oh, and one interesting thing that's only slightly related, did you know that in the mid east this is a true fact: for every one US soldier there are 5 "military contractors" which the government uses to do things the government can't legally do. Yep, we've got mercs fighting for us. Truman Sparks for President
  19. Okay, here comes my two cents on this whole thing. If we do end up in a war with Iraq it won't be so we can drive bigger cars. It won't be because of the threat of "weapons of mass destruction." I don't even think it'll be over oil. I think it'll be over funky little things called memes. (Stick with me here.) What's a meme? Memes are a lot like genes. The experts all say that a gene's number one goal is to make more of itself than the other genes. They say that's why we're here, our genetic code was tougher than the other genetic codes so humanity won out in the game of evolution. Well, memes behave the same way, except instead of being physical things, like genes, they are ideas. So basically a meme is an idea that has the goal of spreading itself farther and faster than the other memes so that it is the dominant one that will last when the weaker ones die off. This particular conflict between America/the West and the Iraq/the Middle East is one big mess of conflicting memes. Maybe it is a case of their ideas, their way of life, vs. ours. Apparently we think theirs has gotten too strong and has become a threat to ours. Like I said, just my two cents, and I hope you all followed that better than I actually explained it
  20. blewaway5

    What a day!

    All I can say is have patience and stick with it. I thought I'd never get my A but I did. Thought I'd never be able to afford gear, too. But I did. Congrats on the jump, my friend! Truman Sparks for President
  21. Two of my favorites are dali and van gogh. If you want to check them out a bit here are some good places to do just that. Truman Sparks for President
  22. Oh god, let me try to list them all. Believe it or not I actually work at a fireworks store. Yep, some poor misguided souls actually pay me money to take care of explosives Anyway here goes. I got hit in the eye with a bottle rocket (that stung a bit), I accidently started a grass fire about 10 yards from an open loading dock at our warehouse full of fireworks. I get bored at work sometimes and mix and match all kinds of things to see if they will blow up. Have you ever made a sprkler bomb? If you build it right it'll put the old m-80's and cherry bombs to shame Let's see, what else...oh yeah, this is fun! I love taking the artillery shells/mortars and using them without the tube. They make for all kinds of fun, you just have to make sure you throw them far enough that you don't get caught in the burst cause that's embarassing. Also, this is kind of a tradition with some of us at the store, but every fourth of July after we close the store we liberate a bunch of rockets and mortars and go up on a hill overlooking the highway. We usually liberate a fair amount of tequilla, too. All those unsuspecting people driving by, well, you do the math. Oh yeah, almost forgot, we like to go camping an dump bottle rockets on the fire by the case. usually two or three cases at a time. Just to let you know the numbers there are 25 gross per case. Makes it interesting! Truman Sparks for President
  23. This might be a little out of your normal subject range, but you might try some Hunter S. Thompson. Also there's always the classics like Jack Kerouac's On the Road. Truman Sparks for President