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Everything posted by Misternatural

  1. >a helmet-less wee-wee!! BWAHAHAHA! supposed to just choke the chicken....not cut the head off!! Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  2. >"Put down the gun, Karen!" AHAHAHHAHA! that scene was EPIC!! also.."funny? funny how, how am I funny- funny like a clown?" "don't put too many onions" Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  3. >your mysoginistic posts here on DZ.com? You want I know a guy in Newark who can do the thing we talked about. Sorry, I watched Goodfellas last night Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  4. "The exorcist blow job" Is that where you're hanging upside down from a trapeze on a swivel so that your head can spin around the "subject" Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  5. I just watched the history channel doc on thanksgiving, The pilgrims had Lobster, goose, ducks, turkey, squash corn and beans. 90 natives showed up at the first one, looked at the spread and were like yeah thats nice but there was not going to be enough food- so they brought back 5 deer. I dont have any lobsters crawling around outside but there are ducks and deer....we're having both
  6. Dude, it doesn't get any better the older you get-sorry to say. Working a job will give you the opportunity to deal with all sorts of assholes-thats life. I now work for myself it's great and gives you the freedom to deal with whoever you choose- the downside is you have the freedom to starve to death as well. Your best bet is to be smart about your off duty fuckery. Dont mind the assholes-you have plenty of time ahead of you to get use to them, after a while they are just a chirp in the distance. oh also if you need tips ask Deedy she's the goddess of getting work done and working the internet at the same time Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  7. >I think I'm a pretty awesome tenant.. I *always* pay on time (a couple of days early, in fact). I never have guests. I spend all my time either at work or studying or online, but NONE of this makes ANY noise, WHATSOEVER. I don't complain about anything. I'm clean and tidy (the place is MUCH cleaner than when I moved in). I haven't modified or tampered with or damaged the property in any way. Almost all of the furniture in here is mine. I don't use the heating. I don't use tons of water or electricity. Seriously, I can't think that they have any complaints about me at all. -the more information you give the more clear this becomes A) You have a nice place and location that you wish to keep B) you realize the trauma a legal dispute would cause C) possible legal misinterpretation on his part D) landlord is not a creepy perp E) landlord lives upstairs with this info I think you are on the right track with the negotiation If you sell yourself as what you described above he would be CRAZY not to accept your terms given the terrible tenants he could have there instead. You can then gently say that your privacy is important and you will have no choice but to move out. Believe me there is nothing worse than a noisy disrespectful deadbeat tenant with pets that piss and chew on everything. HE KNOWS THIS and that is your bargaining chip for this and any other problem you might have. ANY landlord here would be nuts not to have you live in the apt! If he keeps up with the bullshit after your negotiation then he has some mental issues or a personal problem with you. in which case you gotta move out. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  8. I'm a landlord, and I go way out of my way to respect my tenants. They are customers purchasing a product from me, and I treat them with respect. Thats good, and you should- I would expect nothing less from you JM! My dad and I did the landlord thing for years, we hardly bothered our tenants except this one time we had a deadbeat who would not pay rent for 6 months we could not get him out of there! We took a risk and barged into his apartment one day to "fix a pipe" he was sitting on the couch and jumped up in my face "You come into MY house?" I said "No mutherf*^%er this is MY house" what I did not realize is that in Greece where this guy was from the word Mother#%^er is taken literally as a fatal insult..."Wait...You call me Motherf%^&ker???" he said over and over.......I could see this was steaming his lettuce and I wanted him to hit me so we could have an excuse to have his ass arrested. So I was like "yeah thats right!" But he was smart, and neither of us threw down. We got his butt out by just slowly renovating the place while he was in it. But each time we knocked and were polite after that....he had no case Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  9. >Pick one off the rack at random/those damned "Love Quizzes" It's true that such mags for both genders prey on peoples insecurity to sell not only their subscriptions but the products advertised within. for men: Does my truck have the most horsepower? maybe I should get the Ford. Why cant I harvest an elk that big? maybe I should buy that Primos Elk Bugle Call. I'm having trouble scoring at the bars. I should try the Axe spray. and the list goes on- grey hair,small dick,wrinkles,baldness,not making enough money etc. If steroids were legal you'd see that advertised in the mags too. I'm surprised there is not a mens magazine called; "Flaccid Dicked No Game Girly Man With A Lame Ride Journal" I'm sure the women here can name an equal amount of insecurity based bullshit the women's mags are pedaling. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  10. >Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men AHAHAHHAA! Dude that's the funnyest thing I've read all day! Four laughy faces! Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  11. >You've lived a sheltered life. Hey Dice Clay- Ashli is a young adult but don't be fooled- read some of her other posts here before you pass judgement. You will see that she has her brain fully plugged in. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  12. Yeah, I still vote move out...it's an impossible situation that is going to be a regular problem with this guy. I retract my sex offender assumption- From what you just said what this guy has is a self proclaimed right of way. The cellar is his property, he is possessive and arrogant about it and according to him he has full access to it regardless of who lives there. Also he does not respect ANY renters rights. ANY right of way either real or imagined is going to be a problem for any property owner or renter. Note to everyone if you encounter a property with a right of way...run away! It's just going to be a constant battle with the other property owner. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  13. >So ur saying I should grow antlers and rub them on trees or fending off other would be.. males? I mean behaviorally if you think about it ...you do things similar to this every day- sometimes without even realizing it. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  14. >from what I've seen you fail the metrosexual tidiness test...period. AHAHAHAHAHHA!you're the man. dude we should have Olympia host another mini boogie next year with more quality people from here....Ill bring some cave man food! if there is any left
  15. I'm glad you see that I am just messing with you. we are no different really - part dick, part intellect..... all stomach. To answer your question- pure animal reproductive satisfaction. if you spend time watching deer behavior after hunting all weekend like I did....it's pretty much the same. BTW Today I am skinning a buck outside & my place looks like a hunting camp so I FAIL the metrosexual tidiness test.... until a few days from now when I will rejoin normal human society..
  16. hehe Are you saying she makes him wear a maid outfit to get the bathroom sparkly clean after her foot massage? Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  17. Well I doubt you are you going to get any of the women here to bear you a son with this attitude bucko. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  18. >If he got in while you were undressed, it was NOT an accident. yep I have two friends who are in the criminal psychology field- they both described a behavior called "grooming" this is when a sex offender tests his victims by doing small intrusions on personal space to check the reaction. For example a perp might sit next to a woman at a bar and in the middle of a conversation pluck out one of her hairs just to see how she reacts- giddy or weak reaction equals a good candidate for abuse. Not saying that this guy is a perp but it seems like he is testing her reactions. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  19. >he's probably installed his on camera in your flat! oh shit, hadn't thought of that, he might even be lurking in the cellar while she's in her flat....Yeah- honestly thats a bad situation,she should move out. Not to increase her paranoia but no good will happen from a cellar access in her flat, that's always an excuse for landlord and maintenance intrusions and who knows what the fuck goes on down there. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  20. >before astonishing onlookers with their shocking intra-gender lip-lock. yeah thats so 1995. now a mutual shaving followed by the passing of a golf ball between two bergoinas -thats showbiz! Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  21. >I would be deathly afraid of letting some chic close to my jewels with sharp object! it's a fine line between a close shave and SURGERY Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  22. Two suggestions- Date a hulking military type- the next time he decides to have an unannounced visit he'll be confronted by a snorting bruiser-problem solved. Be alluring, have a friend stay over and pop out with a camera- then while both smiling at him in his underwear recommend he offer a few years rent free. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  23. >I couldn't for the life of me get it....but he was, in every aspect, George Costanza Looking at your profile I see that your interests are "hookers and blow" um- call me crazy but that usually scares most of your George Costanza types have a good weekend everybody
  24. A box of condoms with about 10 nails driven through it Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  25. I gotta agree here, I mean cops are held to an almost impossible human standard. How many other jobs have we ALL been involved in where screwing around is standard procedure. I know in the construction business I've seen more bone headed foolishness and pranks- some that threatened peoples lives in retrospect.......playing a little Wii is mild. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415