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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. An acute observation. Don't be obtuse. And now we've come full circle. Let's not go off on a tangent.
  2. Immigrant xenophobia has existed ever since the Flintstones said, "Hey, who let those Neanderthals in Bedrock?" Overheard in a cafe in Reykjavik:
  3. An acute observation. Don't be obtuse.
  4. Stop drunk posting!! With a turtle's metabolism you'll stay smashed for a week.
  5. Don't thank him, get him medical intervention. Anyhow, on topic, nobody in the thread has mentioned health insurance yet. Skydiving is dangerous. Even aside from the possibility of a very serious accident, even a slight stumble on landing can result in a fractured ankle or blown-out knee requiring surgery. Anyone who skydives without health insurance in place first is a fool.
  6. Just how many satellites are made of iron and steel??? The ones that aren't made from Kryptonite, silly.
  7. Does "turtlespeed" refers to the processing capacity of your cranial CPU? Dude, you need to upgrade.
  8. There is no equivalent of the Pope, Islam isn't a single denomination anymore than Christianity, does the Pope speak for Baptist, Anglicans, Methodists etc.. No and Islam is nt organised in the same way as Christianity. What about the secret handshake? Oh, wait, it's a secret. Never mind.
  9. It's demonstrated in post #8 of this thread. The sentence "Something like this" is what I wrote; the text immediately above it ("Test Test What do you mean") is what I replied to, but it appears to be part of the same message. You can see the "reply" code above my message when you're looking at my message in "code view", but it doesn't have effect when you look at it on the regular message-display screen. It appears that way (to me) on different computers at different locations, so it's not a computer issue. Happens both on Firefox and IE. That's the best I can describe it. It's in your capable hands.
  10. It runs that risk, but need not necessarily be so. One can try to honestly define tough enough based on what he/she would do if President, and then predict whether Obama would do it. The rebels are having their successes, but a lot of Assad's disproportionate power comes from his command of the air, as well as armor. So, if I were President, I'd try to put an international coalition together to impose air control similar to what was done by NATO in Kosovo and Libya - no fly zone, combined with high-altitude smart-missile attacks on government armor. That said, I'm not holding my breath waiting for Obama to step up and do that. So no, by that self-defined metric, I predict that Obama probably won't take the lead to be "tough enough". ETA: Several news stories I'm reading have the White House saying they want to carefully investigate, and not rush to judgment. Guess that's the word from on high.
  11. Yeh but that just blocks the one IP, it doesn't block other IPs, and it's no substitute for medical intervention.
  12. I don't remember where it is; too busy working with my left brain & post-whoring with my right.
  13. Wait, kids still actually want to earn money these days? I think Socrates is attributed to have said more or less the same thing. He was old.
  14. Test, test. What do you mean? Something like this.
  15. AQ still views Israel as an enemy, even if not its primary focus, for now. And there have been some:
  16. Hello. A friendly FYI - The "quote" code in posts being responded-to is starting to make things wonky again today. Basically it makes one's reply appear to be part of the same post to which one is responding.
  17. Hezbollah is on Assad's side, you have it backwards. >>>>>I doubt that at any time, that any weapons from Syria will will be going to Hezbollah. Hezbollah being Shia, and funded by Iran, Sunni and Hezbollah are already fighting in Lebanon, they will not be getting any favors from the Sunni rebels. The Sunni's are already staring to get restless with the Shia dominated government in Iraq, and now with Iran loosing Assad, I bet Iraq explodes. ======================================= Well, Hezbollah, the Syrian Sunni and the Syrian Shia all have a certain common enemy next door to them, now don't they? Even if materiel from Syrian rebels doesn't eventually get shared with Hezbollah, al Quaeda's intertwining with the Syrian rebels is increasing steadily. The point is: if US arms are given to Syrian rebels on the ground, they will eventually be used against US and US allies' interests.
  18. Yeah, that'll go over well, too. What many moderates will see, especially those who were already of age when Reagan and Brady were shot, and so remember when that happened, is people showing irrational insensitivity toward the victim and family of the victim of somebody who was lobotomized by a bullet in the civil service of his country. Much the same as those currently doing some pretty ugly name calling at Gabrielle Giffords (and her mil-vet, astronaut husband), another person who was lobotomized by a bullet in the civil service of her country. Dumb, just dumb.
  19. I'm still curious to see how well it works with Iran.
  20. Just to digress a sec, the fairly frequent use of that vaguely mocking term is going to be viewed as rhetorical chickenshit - a sort of thinly-veiled name-calling - by the large number of as-yet undecided moderates and fence-sitters. Bad form and counter-productive, and (IMO) beneath someone like yourself, who is blessed with intelligence and the ability to articulate well. Just a little coaching; and you don't even have to cover my slot.
  21. why? who cares what she thinks? the same reason Holocaust deniers are ridiculed. They frame Germans as the victims, the good guys, and Jews as the evil super conspirators. This woman is asserting that American killed her boys for some odd reason, and then staged this massive conspiracy to justify it...days earlier. no, it doesn't matter if she continues to believe her fantasy, but any attempt by her to further it does need to be countered. Fortunately the claims are so retarded that it doesn't take very much. I don't think it's so much an "attempt by her" as it is her speaking from the gut when microphones are shoved in her face. What she should say is nothing; but unlike her well-educated, articulate brother-in-law Ruslan, she doesn't have the sophistication to handle herself capably in that crucible of emotion and public scrutiny.
  22. Hezbollah is on Assad's side, you have it backwards. I wasn't clear. I meant that once Assad fell, which I do think is inevitable, the present rebels - who currently seem to have some loose ties to al Quaeda, will be the new guys in power, and there will be a realignment. the former rebels will reach an accommodation with Hezbollah, and that will include some transfer of materiel in the long run. Over the short run, weapons to rebels will probably bleed-over into al Quaeda units. And al Quaeda and Hezbollah have overlapping (even if not identical) agendas, as well as common enemies. But yes, I could have said it better.