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Everything posted by TFFTM

  1. Casa... Its all about the Casa. But I usually just jump a Cessna 182.
  2. According to the police there was another incident involving some of the Lincoln center kids as well. From my recollection there was also two guys caught using stolen passes later in the week. I don't think they were arrested but they were escorted off the premises Moral: secure your stuff or others will. >>Was this guy a jumper
  3. I was watching TLC last night and saw the show about 36-year-old Jonny Kennedy. I watched about half of it and had to change the channel. He was planning his funeral on the show. You just had to love the guy with his unique perspective of life and death. A true inspiration to those who are blessed with good health and to those facing terminal illness. Kudos to the TM instructor who took him on a jump and fulfilled one of his last request. He is a link
  4. I skipped B, but that was when C requirements were lower. It made since to me at the time. Now with the requirement change I would definitly get the B unless you plan on doing the same types of jumps at the same places until you qualified for your C.
  5. C) Learn while you still can! BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  6. This one was taken at our DZ By Michigan jumper Lance R. Sorry had to shrink it to upload it.
  7. Well according to my girlfriend the caption should read >>"Good, Better, BEST"
  8. Boobies BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  9. "And that Mr. President is the book depository" (Ok, ok, but its a little funny.) BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  10. I can't remember the designator but is was not m18 (Maybe it wasn't military smoke). I jumped one white smoke and the second was red. In freefall I could feel the heat but it was not uncomfortable. The second jump I had trouble with the pin and popped it under canopy and had no trouble at all. All in all it went great and I learned alot from the Pros at the DZ. In response to your post billy: The one I popped under canopy, according to those on the ground, was better than the FF smoke. Your right it burned out about 1.5 minutes before touch down. I liked that far better than the freefall smoke because they do not last that long. Thanks for all the comments, suggestions and concerns. Its all about safety. - Thanks guys. - Daniel BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  11. A couple of oldies but still some favorites. BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  12. Appreciate your replys. I am amazed on how nervous I am about this so learning every little thing is helpful. I have worked ground crew on demos since pretty much day 1. Rigging smoke, disposing of canisters, bagging and lugging equipment. However I have never seen what goes on in the plane prior to jump. I know that generally one of our guys pulls smoke on the outside of the strut (or step if a stack exit) so the audience can track the plane more easily from the ground (Cessna 182). I was concerned that since I do not like wearing anything on the right side (Pull Side) and had a canister on my left foot, and climbed all the way out, it would pose a danger for the guy next to me. But it sounds like the best idea is to>> "pull your m-18 lanyard AFTER your clear of the A/C"
  13. Bartender, DZO, Rigger... Everything else is gravy.
  14. Thats one of the greatest songs ever. I'll trade you for Candy Man...
  15. I am going ahead and preparing for my PRO rating. On Saturday morning I get to do my first smoke jump. A 3 way starburst. I know I will get some instruction Saturday from the PROs at the DZ but I wanted to hear some advice on exit strategies for this 3 way and 4way exits. I did a search on jumping smoke and they were more related to brackets and not so much on exits. Any advice would be appreciated. The jump will be made using military smoke and boot mounted brackets. Thanks in advance.
  16. WTF!!! Mine was "Candy Man" by Sammy D. Jr. BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  17. I do a little CRW when the opportunity arises and I use a CYPRESS. I however would not use a rig equipped with an older style FXC. BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  18. Notice when I took pic 4 I used my left hand and not my PULL hand (uhmmm...meaning Pilot chute)
  19. We got what I call a "Cotton" Spider hanging out here at the office. They make this Zig-Zag stitch pattern in the center. I saw this bohemoth wrap up a huge flying insect of some kind yesterday and I guess it ate it last night cause today she looks bigger. BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  20. They look like clouds with a disease. I wouldn't want to touch em, they look contagious... BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  21. 42 impure 58 pure BSBD Home of the Alabama Gang
  22. Started jumping at this DZ and have continued there. To say that I care for these people like family is an understatement. From the 1st jump student to the most experienced it is the place for the low pressure skydiving experience. Laid back atmosphere with safety minded instructors who know their stuff. 2 Cessna 182s keep the jumpers in the air. Experienced jumpers can take you on everything from the most challenging skydive or simple 2-ways. The motto of the DZ is to "Have fun and be safe" and that pretty much sums it up.