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Everything posted by UntamedDOG

  1. Nope, it's because if the plane actually starts flying loads, it will only be used once or twice a month at Perris. It isn't an aircraft that will ever be used during weekdays. It is strictly for novelty and for that reason, it will spend most of the year on the boogie circuit.
  2. It is currently sitting on the tarmac. Most skydivers don’t even know it is there anymore. It just sort of blends in with the scenery. The eye tends to remove things from sight that are no longer relevant. UntamedDOG
  3. This is terrible. I was getting ready to upload my video compilation. I even recorded an “UntamedDOG” rap song that I mixed in with the footage. The song was mostly about lousy bathrooms and DC-9’s that don’t fly. I wanted everyone to hear it! Pilotdave, I resent your cavalier approach to web mastering and I demand that you fix this problem immediately. UntamedDOG
  4. I realize that I am in the minority on this one, but I believe the pilot should face manslaughter charges. I want the laws changed. Skydivers who are in freefall and under canopy should have “right of way”. I know the laws are currently written to say that neither party can lay claim to a specified airspace. This is foolish because skydivers don’t have wings. We fall straight down at high speeds and can’t always “spot” an aircraft if it decides to fly over our dropzone unexpectedly. There have been a lot of close calls at smaller dropzones where pilots don’t seem to acknowledge the dz’s existence. Now the inevitable has finally happened and it’s as if the skydiving community has no idea how to feel about it. Why are we so eager to let this pilot walk away from a fatality? Why shouldn’t he be held accountable for his actions or at the very least, heavily scrutinized? I’m sick of that “one big happy family” excuse. We are not a big happy family. We all have our own lives and skydiving is just a fraction that I am not willing to die for due to someone else’s negligence. Could someone please explain to me why Gus's family is supporting the pilots actions? UntamedDOG
  5. Wow, quite an extreme phrasing for a T-shirt! Is there anything more skydiving related that you can think of? Thanks for the idea UntamedDOG
  6. You should read my thread in the Women's Forum. clicky http://dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1939452;guest=17231873#1939452
  7. Fact #1 The sky isn’t getting any safer by refusing to jump. Fact #2 The friend who bounced is not becoming any less deceased by refusing to jump. One very important lesson that you need to learn is that many skydivers are extremely jaded with regard to death in our sport. My home DZ has about 2-3 fatalities per year. When I had low jump numbers, I would get very nervous after hearing about a fatality. I would ask a lot of questions and try to find out the details and if anyone knew the victim. After Adria Allen died, I realized that I was going to have to grow a thicker skin if I had any hope of continuing in this sport. You can’t have self doubt if you want to skydive. You can’t let another persons misfortune/negligence translate to your own abasement. Eventually, you will reach a point where you will stop asking questions. You will accept the risk without trying to trivialize the facts. Many skydivers have reached this point of clarity already. This is why the jumpers at your dropzone didn’t throw their rigs in the trunk and drive off. The dropzone stayed open because people were willing to jump. UntamedDOG
  8. A classy restroom would be a hell lot cheaper than a DC-9 that’s sitting on the tarmac collecting dust. It would also be cheaper than a wind tunnel. More importantly, this improvement could be enjoyed by everyone, not just the privileged few who can afford it. Imagine how much more enjoyable Perris would be if they renovated their bathrooms and Bombshelter restaurant. I like the "UntamedDOG boogie" idea though...keep up the suggestions! UntamedDOG P.S. I would charge at least $100 for a boogie with my name on it!
  9. Why thank you! I love Photoshop! I used the "Lens Flare" effect on my eyes & mouth to make me look really scary!
  10. Nah, I’ll only use the attachment once per thread now. It’s a hassle to upload anyway, and I don’t want to use up all of Sangiro’s bandwidth.
  11. Not really, the original phrasing I had for the T-shirt said, “Desire to Witness a Fatality”. I realized that this might get some people beat up at their dropzones and I certainly don’t want anyone to get hurt while trying to promote my ideology. UntamedDOG
  12. My apologies. Allow me to clarify. I am not selling anything, I am giving away these items to people who I feel deserve them. The foundation was just an idea, to solve the problem with the high demand for my merchandise. When the time comes to mass market my name and charge money, I will follow your instructions by posting advertisements in the classifieds section on this website. UntamedDOG
  13. I am so happy to be getting the PM’s you all have sent. I’m getting flooded with requests for UntamedDOG T-shirts and stickers. Bear in mind, I am not selling anything. Although integrity and commerce are often strange bed fellows, I have no desire to “sell-out” or mass market myself. Besides, I wouldn’t want Square 1 to deal with the hassle of checking logbooks every time someone wanted to buy a T-shirt with my name on it. I am thinking about starting the UntamedDOG foundation. Perhaps a donation in exchange for merchandise would be the answer. These donations would help finance my travel across the country and abroad to visit and jump at various well-known dropzones. The purpose of this mission will be to issue UntamedDOG certifications to all dropzones that meet my stringent set of requirements and amenities. I will post in the DZ reviews section on this website about my experiences. These reviews will have a much-needed touch of objectivity. Only the classiest dropzones will receive the UntamedDOG certification. There is one problem with this idea, The IRS. If I start a foundation, it needs to be non-profit so I won’t have to pay taxes to Uncle Sam. In the event of an audit, it would be hard to justify why I am spending all the donations on myself. Perhaps I could start a religion like the Scientologists. This will guarantee Tax Exempt status without any hassles. Any suggestions on how I could accomplish this would be much appreciated. Sincerely, UntamedDOG
  14. I enjoy expressing myself so much online that I decided it was about time to design my first T-shirt. I have worn this T-shirt (attached photo) several times around my home DZ in Perris,CA. It is quite the conversation starter. I am currently having several dozen of these T-shirts made. I am giving them away to qualified jumpers. You must have at least 500 jumps to receive a free T-shirt from me. Why the 500 jump rule? Because I don’t want obnoxious 100 jump wonders running around trying to start controversy at their home DZ’s. These T-shirts are aimed towards people who have a strong political standing in the skydive community. I would like these shirts to be worn by people who are influential in our sport and can support change. Please bring your logbooks if you want a T-shirt because I will check. And ladies, I haven’t forgotten about you. I’m having a couple of pink ones made. For those of you who have less than 500 jumps but still wish to represent the “UntamedDOG” philosophy, I am having some 4 x 3 stickers made up that look just like the T-shirts. You can use these stickers to TAG that dangerous jump plane at your home DZ, stick them in the dirty bathroom stalls or wherever you feel a problem needs to be addressed. These stickers allow anonymity when addressing problems to your DZO. I am also looking for alternate phrasings to use, any suggestions would be appreciated. Here are a couple I had in mind…….. “DC-9 Jet at Perris…it flies, no really” “DZ outhouses, now Hepatitis free” “My jumptickets finance my DZO’s drug cartel” “My other T-shirt says Abercrombie & Fitch”
  15. I don't know. The DZ looks kinda ugly. Like a great big swamp. If you want to be near the beach, start surfing. UntamedDOG
  16. Absolutely YES! 800 SKYRIDE is the best thing to happen to this sport. They offer a vast array of options when you purchase your first Tandem skydive. Here is a list of prices I copied off of their website if anybody is interested. Basic Tandem skydive from 7,500ft (MSL) ($225) Weather insurance ($35): This covers you if there are too many clouds or it gets too windy. They won’t charge you until you actually make the skydive! Cutaway insurance ($25): In the unlikely event that the main canopy malfunctions, your Tandem instructor will need to “chop” the main canopy and deploy the reserve. You will not be charged for the recovery/replacement of the main canopy & freebag, nor will you be charged for the repack of the reserve. Aircraft/Altitude upgrade ($120): Provides a genuine turbine aircraft, which gives you the option to jump from a higher altitude of 15,000 ft (MSL) Note: this option is only available in Colorado/Utah. USPA certified Tandem instructor ($85): USPA rated instructors have to meet a stringent set of requirements to receive their Tandem rating. When you visit your assigned dropzone, look around back. You will notice a trailer park or “ghetto”. These people are NOT USPA certified and they use outhouses. It is very important that your instructor is competent and sober in order to make for an enjoyable and safe skydive. This option is highly recommended. Hope this helps out! UntamedDOG
  17. Are you crazy? I love dropzone politics! I love to hear about who is pissed at this DZ owner or that rigger and so forth. Gossip is what separates man from the beast. I often help the process myself by starting rumors and malign. Call me an old hen, but being a chatterbox has given me such a sense of social fulfillment in skydiving. To me, skydiving is all about the drama aspect. I like to hear about aircraft maintenance horror stories, who is pencil packing their reserve, and who lied on their Jumpmaster rating application. Terminological inexactitude. I really don’t care if it’s true. It’s simply a form of entertainment. UntamedDOG
  18. Just downloaded the music video in question. Clicky: http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=5312 Trust me when I say, it won’t get much airplay. I certainly doubt MTV will pick it up. 1) The song is terrible 2) The girls can’t sing on key 3) The video editing is weak and amateurish like a home movie 4) One girl is playing a damn electric guitar when the song is acoustic! I just don’t think this video is going to change the world. All you bleeding heart liberals can now stop worrying. These girls will not be the next Olsen twins. It seems like this story has become national news, at least they have a good publicist.
  19. I am not offended by these children or their parents. I am more offended by the liberal media outlet that chooses to spin a story into a total exaggeration to sell newspapers. The swastika logo does not bother me either because it is a symbol of our white history. It is important to know who our previous enemies have been in the past and why we decided to fight against them. There is a fine line between tolerating a race and being naïve about a race. Now the real question, would you let your daughter date a black?
  20. Are you sure about this? Still alive after a terminal impact? That is impossible.
  21. Cool! Thanks. It even lets you save it to your computer. Neat!
  22. I enjoy being shocked. I occasionally check out sites like Ogrish.com as well as other death related websites. I don’t obsess over these videos; I just watch them when I’m bored. I love having my jaw drop in horror when I see something shocking. I guess I find the whole concept of death entertaining. If you believe in the first amendment, you should have no problem with what other people want to watch as long as it doesn’t violate any obscenity laws. Your objections are understandable because you are a skydiver. Forcing your moral code and ethical sense on to other adults however is pungent to say the least. Some say that death is the only thing that gives life meaning. To embrace ones own death is to a flee from it.
  23. With your vast experience of 10 jumps, you are claiming to be the moral majority and you took it upon yourself to decide what is appropriate viewing material for a group of grown adults. The video does not violate any obscenity laws. It has been broadcast on national television several times and there are no close-ups. I am prodigiously fascinated with the analysis of death in our sport. More importantly I enjoy studying the reactions and behavior rituals of those left behind. This video provided a great tool to anyone with the same proclivity. I don’t appreciate what you did. It is pure censorship.
  24. Read the manual that came with your car. It should include a maintenance schedule. Cross reference that with what your mechanic is telling you, then decide for yourself if you want to have the work done on your car. There are plenty of internet forums if you have a specific question about your car.
  25. The video got removed. That website has rules against "offensive/educational" content. Someone from DZ.com alerted the webmaster, presumably because they don't want others to see what happens when you don't pull you chute. Don't fret, I'm sure it will pop up on some other website in the near future, since it's become so popular. When I watched it, I tried to save it on to my computer but it wouldn't allow me to do so. I would like to have fowarded the video to skydivingmovies.com