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Everything posted by UntamedDOG

  1. Ah!! Funny shit! I still prefer the Bonsai approach! http://www.bonsaikitten.com/bnw.html
  2. UntamedDOG

    Plane Crash

    It makes no difference. Most skydivers don’t have the aptitude to judge a pilot’s character. There is just too much interaction to achieve an unbiased opinion. The proven facts establish the pilot to be culpable for this accident. Unless they can prove equipment failure, my original decorous theorem still stands.
  3. UntamedDOG

    Plane Crash

    Wahh!! Wahhh!!! The pugnacity of it all!!!!!!
  4. UntamedDOG

    Plane Crash

    Something has to be done about these idiot commuter plane pilots. The first step is to make the instrument rating mandatory before a license is issued.
  5. Nah, I always make the guys wear boxers. However, my female specimens are required to be nude for the duration of the massage. It just makes things easier.
  6. Dead or Alive, If you’re doing Tandems, you need to question your sexuality.
  7. God! where do you people live anyway? Is this the 1980's? When would "being gay" ever become an issue?
  8. Your car is a big part of your identity. Whether it’s a restored classic or a beat up old honda civic, your car is your friend. Back in they day, it would be like putting your horse down because it’s too old and you want to put it out of it’s misery. It’s not an easy thing to do. One car that I owned recently got hit while parked on the side of the street. The insurance company declared it a total loss even though the car could have been fixed. I was so depressed. It wasn’t a classic like what you had but for some reason, I really had an emotional attachment to this car. It never broke down on me, everything worked and it never let me down even though I drove the shit out of it. As I pulled out of the junkyard I had to pull over. I just sat there for like 30 minutes and cried! I was so upset. At least your car didn’t get all fucked up like mine did. Hope you find another car you can love as much as this one.
  9. MJ was found not guilty because the jury was smart enough to realize that the whole trial was nothing more than a shakedown for money. I applaud this jury for their efforts. Even if MJ was guilty of the dirty deed, the parents still have a responsibility to watch out for their children. The biggest problem that I have with this trial is that the parents clearly and knowingly allowed this abuse to happen. Had they been good parents, their kids would not have been molested. The jury saw this and I truly believe they made the best decision possible considering the circumstances. These parents are scum because they are pimping their own children. With that being said, lets analyze the taboo of “Child Molestation”. Is being sexually molested by MJ as terrible as it is made out to be? These children got treated like royalty by a famous rock star. They got to stay at Neverland Ranch and lived a life only unattainable to .0001% of the population. I didn’t hear about anyone being bound and gagged. Nobody had cuts and bruises. Nobody had broken bones. At the ripe age of 12, you have enough common sense to know what is happening. I feel that many of MJ’s “victims” were homosexual and were consenting to these sexual acts in an effort to explore their predilection. If two people are consenting to participate in a sexual act, I don’t feel that ANYONE is a victim. It is society that introduces guilt and taboo to the situation. In Roman times you will find that pedophilia was common place. I find the hypocrisy in our society amazing. Hugh Hefner is an even greater sexual deviate then MJ. He lures young naïve women into public exploitation and society views him as a class act. In many ways, he is as sexually dysfunctional as MJ but in a different context. He takes advantage of poor young females who are past the legal age of 18 but are still considered kids. Some of these girls move in with him and are lured into drug abuse and casual sex at Hugh’s discretion. How is this situation any different that what MJ is doing? If Janet Jackson were molesting underage boys, would we be going through all of this?
  10. I’m glad you remembered to pull your chute, what with all that blood rushing to your swollen member. Skydiving with these objectified women wouldn’t provide much novelty for me. These women, or should I say “girls” don’t look anything like their pictorials. What they do is degrading to women. They probably use drugs and they have zero personality. The only thing they did was shake your hand and act polite. That doesn’t cut it for me. I’m glad no one got hurt. Did either of these girls even give you a phone number?
  11. I entered the wrong number by accident.
  12. It’s all true. I’m just an angry loner that sits in front of his computer all day. Saliva drools down my face as I type. Does that sound like anybody you know? If you really want to meet me, I usually pace back and forth in front of the BombShelter. You can find me talking to myself and mumbling obscenities under my breath. I look pretty creepy so you won’t see many girls come near me. Dom, would you please be my friend? I’m not such a bad dude. I need your friendship, because you seem to be the only person that understands the childlike manifestations that I seem to be encompassed by.
  13. Actually, I have had many conversations about the DC-9 with Pat, Ben and Melanie. They were quite ingratiating. We exchanged many viewpoints about this aircraft. I told them that I felt owning a jet would become a nuisance to the surrounding communities due to the noise levels of the jet taking off. Many controverting viewpoints were exchanged between the Conatsers and the people who live in the areas surrounding the dropzone. Apparently some lawyers got involved. I then said that I didn’t feel that skydivers were quite ready to make the transition from turbine prop to jet aircraft. They agreed with my viewpoints and the jet is no longer at the dropzone. I hope the skydiving community isn’t too upset with me about this. I know many of you had your hearts set on being the first to jump out of a real jet. Unfortunately, now is not the time. One day, when I feel that skydivers are prepared for the implications of jumping a jet, I will give the Conatsers my stamp of approval but that may be many years from now. Anyway, I hope I haven’t upset anyone. See you at the dropzone!
  14. A 30% increase in jump ticket prices over 2 years is criminal. No other type of business is passing the fuel cost to it's customers like this. Skydivers won't complain because like any cult, they aren't allowed to question. It is a waste of money and it will never fly. Both. My butt will not relax unless the porcelain is white. Similar to being bladder shy.
  15. Didn't you already say that in another thread? Keep up with the times bro........ http://dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1676601;guest=13730399#1676601
  16. Man! thats terrible! I would be pissed. How did you get your leg cut off?
  17. Nope, I value my life. I never said I didn't like Perris. You guys are acting a like protective cult and are afraid to hear an opinion that might be of credence. I know what I like and dislike about Perris and I will say they are far and out the best skydiving facility in California. That doesn’t mean they are perfect. I know whats best for this dropzone. UntamedDOG
  18. Nope, they are gross as well. I’m not saying they are unusable, but with all the money we are spending, why can’t they at least take a hint from Cal City?
  19. Nope, he was probably flaming me for my earlier post. Like I said, I have nothing at all against the Conatsers. I think this aircraft is amazing from a novelty standpoint, but I just don’t see how this will improve the day-to-day operations at Perris. Here are some humble suggestions. 1) Remodel the bathrooms; I’ve seen outhouses that were nicer. 2) Stop raising the price of beer at the Bombshelter! A bar is great to have at a dropzone but this place is no TGI Friday’s! If you want to charge like a real bar, it needs to look and feel like a bar, not a cafeteria! 3) Stop charging $17/per minute for the wind tunnel. You will make a better profit when people can afford to book time on a weekly basis. Maybe a class in business economics would benefit this situation. Right now the wind tunnel is being run like a tourist trap. This should not be the long-term goal since 5 minutes in the wind tunnel costs more than it does to visit Six Flags. Focus on the long term. UntamedDOG
  20. Today I decided to drive up to Perris to hang out and mingle. I was a bit nervous about my reputation after everything I had said online. I was impressed to find out that my opinions were very will received by the community. I didn’t get one ounce of negative feedback from anyone. A few people even approached me and congratulated me on such an eloquent thread. It seems that this thread has not affected my standing in the skydiving community at all. I’m quite relieved and look forward to doing some more jumps with you all soon! UntamedDOG
  21. Uhh, that is cute but if you wanna see the real thing, click on this link........ http://www.ebaumsworld.com/rabbitcar.html
  22. Yes, I noticed that. I didn’t want to destroy your credibility.
  23. It seems as though we are experiencing a form of “white guilt” from the original poster. In America, we are raised to believe that blacks and other minorities must be given every opportunity to participate in every aspect of our “White” society. This type of pressure is passively forced upon us by our schools our music and the media. There are liberal skydivers that feel the need to include other races out of fear that skydiving will be labeled a segregate society. Another problem I see is that our media conditions white people to want so badly to be seen as “hip”. They are looking for that “black” stamp of approval. The aspiration is to give skydiving notoriety among the Hip Hop/MTV world. This will somehow validate skydiving and bring the sport into the mainstream. I feel that this is the true motivation people ask why skydiving is not more diversified. They have been brainwashed into worrying about a group of people that have absolutely no interest in our sport and probably never will. I am extremely proud to be Caucasian. I am very happy to be involved in a sport that doesn’t require me to tip toe around ethnic cliques, where political correctness is not forced upon me. Be proud of who you are and be proud to have this small microcosm society where you can be yourself and surround yourself with like-minded people. UntamedDOG
  24. Tonight I saw a new "reality" show on FOX called "Hell's Kitchen". It’s your typical FOX style trash. The premise of this show is just juvenile. It's about a “Master” Chief that bosses around a bunch of newbie chiefs in hopes of winning a contest. This head chief in charge is in a position to show the world what kind of leadership he is capable of, yet he just makes himself look unemployable. He act like a drill sergeant, but then talks about how important his reputation is. I take offense because I have delt with scum like this in my career. I never think twice about walking out on a job in these circumstances. What is the point of this crap? Haven't these so called "reality" shows gotten old yet? When the show is over, what restaurant owner would want to hire this pathetic fuck? Why do people get off on watching people treat each other so badly? This garbage just has to stop. I’m never watching this show again. Has anyone ever had a boss like this?