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Everything posted by UntamedDOG

  1. I've been put in the hospital 3 times. Humans are funny creatures. They are like bunny rabbits! My persona consists of 1 part ego, 2 parts intellect and 3 parts smug. Old habits are hard to break. I guess I’m just to colorful.
  2. He He! You have now in essence, become what you most despise.
  3. I just rented the new Star Wars episode III DVD. I must say that I was a little bit disappointed with the special effects. When I went to go see it in the theaters earlier this year, the fx looked pretty good but on the small screen, it just didn’t seem as impressive. It looked too cartoonish. I recently saw the King Kong movie which had equally impressive computer animation on the big screen. I just saw a 15 minute special on HBO about the movie where they showed some of the scenes and I must say, it looked a lot better on the small screen than star wars. The King Kong fx still looked real and didn’t have that cartoon feel. Does anybody in Movie land know why this shit happens? What did King Kong’s animators do differently that perhaps George Lucas could learn from? I would think that the big screen would show more of the flaws but it seems that video just takes something special away from these amazing fx. UntamedDOG
  4. That isn’t my problem. It’s a design flaw by the manufacturer. Why use planes that don’t work? Perhaps a turbo Cessna 206 would be the answer. You don’t open a dropzone if you can’t get to altitude. It’s just that simple. If your car doesn’t have a fast engine, don’t get mad when you lose the race. 15K should be the standard altitude. If a DZ is above sea level, they should equip their jump planes with oxygen. UntamedDOG
  5. The ban was only 2 months. I’m back at Perris now. UntamedDOG
  6. I think it’s funny that this video is all over the news. It just makes me look that much cooler to all my whuffo friends and family that I skydive. Everyone is saying, “dude, I saw that video and it looks insane! You really do that?” I stare at them with a self-satisfying glower and say “I’ve been there dude, and it ain’t pretty”. Other times I say “It takes a certain breed of animal to handle a sport this intense, it’s not for everyone”. I love saying shit like that to people! It makes me feel so superior. All of you people are so eager to protect the image of the sport. Do you even know what it is that you are trying to protect? Bad experiences deserve bad press. You just can’t handle it when reality rears its ugly head. I for one am enjoying all the attention this sport has been getting lately. UntamedDOG
  7. LOL! Isn’t that just the way it goes? The rich just keep getting richer, and the bathrooms just keep getting poorer. UntamedDOG
  8. It would appear that you have similar behavioral patterns in your posts as well. You are always politically correct. You always know the right thing to say. Does it ever get boring?..... being so perfect? I sure wish I was as interesting as you. UntamedDOG
  9. Yah, I've heard it all before. Why doesn't anyone ever get pissed about the lack of altitude in Southern California? Man, people just don't care about quality amenities. UntamedDOG
  10. Assuming that the DZ elevation is below 500 MSL, why are so many dropzones so tight about altitude. It seems like Hollister and Monterey are the only DZ’s that seem to understand how much more productive it is to have those extra few seconds of freefall. Is it truly that much more expensive and time consuming to give up-jumpers that extra 2.5K of altitude? Why are DZ’s so damn stingy. It’s like a game of “follow the leader”. Perris starts with credit card surcharges (which is illegal as hell, I’m surprised they haven’t been penalized for this practice), and then everyone else follows suit. They only go to 12.5K because of airspace restrictions. That’s fine but what about Elsinore, Taft and San Diego? What is their lame excuse? Ohh the cost is so high….please, would the DZO like some cheese with that whine? UntamedDOG
  11. It happened a few months ago, before you moved to the East Coast. Remember now? So, why did you move to the East Coast anyway? Was Perris not enough of a “structured” environment for you? Perhaps you need to re enlist so you can go to Iraq where perhaps you can relieve some of that pent up aggression. UntamedDOG
  12. Yah, I also didn’t exist when I broke into your trailer a few months back. I did it in an attempt to see what makes you tick. After rummaging through your various belongings, I decided to try on some of your clothes and jumpsuits. I felt they were a little baggy for me. I got bored so I slapped an “UntamedDOG” sticker on your dresser and hi tailed it out of there. Did you ever wonder why you came home and your trailer looked like a pigsty? Sorry to mess your home up, I just don’t like cleaning up after myself. My advice would be to invest in a better door lock. UntamedDOG
  13. Maybe, still, I designed a sticker that I'm having printed up to TAG bathroom stalls everywhere. I hope you like it (attached) UntamedDOG
  14. I’ve been banned from several dropzones in the southern California area. Most recently Perris. I made some offensive comments about the DC-9 jet and the SkyVenture wind tunnel here on the internet. The owners Melanie and Ben were furious. When I was identified at Perris, two of the local skygods “Dom” and “JP” dragged me away kicking and screaming off to the parking lot. It was humiliating. They said, “don’t ever come back, your not welcome here!” This statement shattered my world! I thought my expressions online served to make me more popular. I guess I was wrong? There is a photo of me in the manifest office, which prevents me from sneaking past the “guards” and getting on a load. Believe me, I’ve already tried. My only recourse is to write a negative review on DZ.com. I’ve thought about it, I’m not sure I have the guts. I suppose a negative review would only serve to make myself look bad in the end. UntamedDOG
  15. I think it’s funny that this video is all over the news. It just makes me look that much cooler to all my whuffo friends and family that I skydive. Everyone is saying, “dude, I saw that video and it looks insane! You really do that?” I stare at them with a self-satisfying glower and say “I’ve been there dude, and it ain’t pretty”. Other times I say “It takes a certain breed of animal to handle a sport this intense, it’s not for everyone”. I love saying shit like that to people! It makes me feel so superior. All of you people are so eager to protect the image of the sport. Do you even know what it is that you are trying to protect? Bad experiences deserve bad press. You just can’t handle it when reality rears its ugly head. I for one am enjoying all the attention this sport has been getting lately. UntamedDOG
  16. That may be true to some extent but I feel that women don’t need us to watch out for them. If you see a women as your equal, than you shouldn’t really have any problem with her choosing to fuck her instructor. Sure, your first few jumps are a bit overwhelming but you are also in control (hopefully) during the experience. You make it sound as though women are helpless when they are subjected to this situation. Get over it! Women aren’t as dumb as they act. UntamedDOG
  17. Yah, and Jesus wasn’t so bad either, I forgive him also. After all those religious wars that occurred as the result of people following his teachings…..they just went a little to far but they all meant well. UntamedDOG
  18. USPA membership has dropped steadily over the past 5 years. That means that there are fewer skydivers each year. UntamedDOG
  19. I kinda hate to burst your bubble but skydiving is on the decline. It has been for the last 5 years or so. The “Go-Go 90’s” yielded mass amounts of disposable income. Movies like Point Break promoted this so-called extreme sport of ours. Right now, we are at the end of a golden age for skydiving. I predict that mega dropzones will go bankrupt in a few years. Places like Perris and Eloy will go the way of the Roman Empire. We will look back and remember how great these facilities used to be. Remember that DC-9 jet that never really happened. The sport will devolve back to small skydiver clubs who fly small Cessna’s to altitude. Manufacturers will be few and far between and will be run out of home garages rather than warehouses. The wind tunnels will be used for scrap metal. Enjoy these amenities while you still can because you will miss them when they are gone. UntamedDOG
  20. It didn’t seem to stop anyone from going out to see the “The Passion of the Christ”.
  21. Just got back from a midnight screening of the new King Kong movie. Trust me when I say this movie is going to be huge! Now go out and see it because it is absolutely amazing! UntamedDOG
  22. Everywhere I look, it seems like wind tunnels are popping up everywhere. First it was Orlando, then Perris, then Eloy and now Colorado. SkyVenture is making a killing selling these behemothic contraptions. The funniest thing about SkyVenture is that they end up charging an extra million dollars to finish the wind tunnels that they designed themselves! Just ask Melanie Conatser at Perris Valley. I’m surprised they didn’t sue SkyVenture for making them pay so much extra to finish their wind tunnel. Some would call this business practice premeditated extortion. Sure, we all ran out and rented that movie “CutAway” where Stephen Baldwin uses that secret wind tunnel to get an edge on his competitors. We all thought, “Damn, I want to try one of those”. Now that almost everyone at Perris has, it isn’t such a big deal anymore to have access to one. Perhaps the novelty aspect is beginning to wear thin. I predict that wind tunnels will eventually fade from our sport. Like any fad, they need a good business model to keep the interest alive. Why doesn’t anyone outside our sport know about wind tunnels? Who is handling the PR for SkyVenture? Why aren’t we using these wind tunnels to attract new skydivers? UntamedDOG
  23. This whole situation is bullshit! I can’t believe that Andy worked so hard to bring that dropzone out of the Tandem Factory gutter only to have it snatched back by the original owner. I heard that there is going to be a boycott of Skydive SanDiego after the 1st of January. UntamedDOG