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Everything posted by UntamedDOG

  1. He He!! Did you see the movie Air Force One w/ Harrison Ford? "Get off my plane!"
  2. That’s how I feel about it. What could possibly be told about flight 93 that is not already known. Anything added in this movie is pure speculation. I can already tell by the trailers that it will be a manipulative, over dramatized, sappy tear jerker. I really hope people aren’t interested in rushing out to see this movie when it opens. It doesn’t really matter to me if the movie is good or bad. I just feel wrong about walking up to a ticket booth and paying 10 bucks to see something that is a total fictionalization of the true events. Do I want to see a director’s interpretation/fantasy? If the director knows something about what happened on that plane, the public should not have to pay for that information. Maybe I’m giving Americans too much credit. We are the stupidest people on the planet. I hope this movie is a blockbuster smash that wins an Academy award!!!!! YA DUDE!! 9/11 ROCKS!!!
  3. You were not attracted to her. Sexually, that is.
  4. The difference is the timeframe. Schindlers List and Saving Private Ryan were made about our grandparent’s generation. 2 generations down the line. Perhaps a movie released on the 10th anniversary would be more palatable. That way, the kids who were too young to remember 9/11 can see what happened and understand it. Right now, it feels like 9/11 happened yesterday. We have no perspective yet. The period in history hasn’t played itself out yet. You want to play the devils advocate? OK! Yes, you can make your movie, and make millions exploiting these events for pure profit. That doesn’t mean I appreciate the history lesson. It is almost insulting to make a movie this soon.
  5. It’s been just over 4 years and already, Hollywood is cranking out a movie about 9/11 called "Flight 93" http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/01/movies/01timm.html?ex=1293771600&en=f5a28a31bbbc6611&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss Does anyone really need to see this movie? Is it me, or is this whole project in bad taste? It just goes to show, nothing is sacred. I have no desire to relive this horrible tragedy. UntamedDOG
  6. I just saw this movie. I would not recommend it as a date movie. I was scared to visit the restrooms afterwards. I have to say that the torture scenes were the most graphic I’ve seen in an R rated movie. I’m surprised it didn’t get an NC-17 rating! As far as the movie goes, I loved it and hated it at the same time. It was truly disturbing. I knew going into this movie that it was not something to be enjoyed, but rather endured. If you can make it through this movie I applaud you. You must have an extreme tolerance for watching other people suffer. I judge a good movie on wether I forget about it 10 minutes after I leave the theater. It’s been 10 hours and I know I’m going to have nightmares. The movie exposes a contradiction. We hate watching other people suffer but we enjoy watching a person get tortured when you believe they deserve it. It is quite easy, under the right circumstance to become what you most despise. Now ask yourself, do you really want to test your moral balance? UntamedDOG
  7. Oh GOD! Please help me explain to these indigenous earth mammals the point that I’m trying to convey! I’ve presented the facts, you refuse to listen. This thread is done. I WIN.
  8. The FAA already governs us. When farmer McNasty complains about a dropzone, who do they call? The USPA or the FAA.
  9. Yes, I have seen this before. Perhaps a passive aggressive tendency to belong? Please! The DZ gets a commission for every member they sign up.
  10. Although the idea of domination through leadership is an appealing offer, I merely come to you as a messenger, not a prophet. UntamedDOG
  11. Safety issues, ticket price issues, student programs, gear rental prices, facilities on the dropzone, aircraft maintenance issues….the list goes on and on. Jumpers don’t always agree with DZO’s on these topics yet they are forced to belong to the same governing body. UntamedDOG
  12. Infantile humans are often times very frightened of change. Why do you think the people of Iraq who are finally being granted the right to vote are appointing these religious fundamentalists to run their “free” government? We don’t want to be ruled but we subconsciously want to be dominated. If the USPA falls, it will be like any other day. The skydiving community will not plunge into Anarchy. Everything will stay exactly the same for a few months. Then dropzones will implement their own principals and fundamentals into their student progression. These changes will be based on economic and demographic precedence. It will not be the “one size fits all” philosophy that you are all used to. There will be no black hole. The FAA still won’t give a damn about skydivers and we will casually fall off the map. We will have no need for an alternative organization. UntamedDOG
  13. I would never bother to petition the USPA. Why would a capitalistic organization voluntarily choose to accept less money by eliminating it’s “Group Member” program? To suggest such a course of action would be unpatriotic. It would be more appropriate to fully extirpate this organization and start over from scratch. UntamedDOG
  14. Calling for USPA's downfall is the first step. Rallying support is the next step, which I’m quite sure I’ve achieved. I know that everyone agrees with my viewpoints on this topic. The final step is to stop renewing membership. Initially DZO’s will try to pressure skydivers into renewing their memberships on the spot, this is a game that the USPA will play to intimidate us. Eventually one of the local dropzones will crack and begin letting skydivers jump w/out USPA memberships. A logbook should supply enough proof of skill and currency to decide if a person is capable of jumping. I’ve given the community it’s cure, now they just need to take their shot. UntamedDOG
  15. An apathetic response. I have to remind myself, I’m dealing with skydivers.
  16. I would like to officially denounce the United States Parachute Association. Skydivers and dropzones should not belong to the same governing organization. It is a conflict of interest. The USPA makes absolutely no sense. Skydivers interests and needs are totally different than that of a dropzone. How can one organization effectively represent two contrariant sides? Why on earth would skydivers want to belong to the same organization that collaborates and supports DZO’s? I’m surprised that the “Dropzone Group Membership Program” has survived this long without a major backlash. For this reason, I fully support the dismantling of the USPA. They are a monopoly. UntamedDOG
  17. If you tell an employer that you skydive, it can be risky. There are more reasons to deny employment to a skydiver then there are reasons to take a chance at hiring one. Why would an employer want a "risk taker"? Most employers want safe consistent drones that will help ensure their own job security. They would prefer that you view your job as your life. Think about how the majority of society views our sport. Then think about how many cool bosses you have had in your career span. Not too many cool bosses out there, why clue them in on a cool sport? UntamedDOG
  18. Don't do it. You will loose your shirt. If you are going to invest in a business, invest in something that has proven money making potential. Every DZO will tell you that every dime they make goes right back into the dropzone’s operation costs. Look around you, every dropzone I’ve ever been to looks like a dump. This is the first indication that there isn’t a huge budget to cover the overhead. Perris/Eloy are the obvious exceptions but the owners are millionaires and the business is run like a machine. You propose a clubhouse where you and your friends will hang out, drink beer and occasionally jump throughout the day. This is not an acceptable business model. You can do this at someone else’s dropzone without the investment. UntamedDOG
  19. That bugs me soo much! I’ve even offered a free tandem to my closer friends. “Yah dude, when are you going up next?” I say “Next weekend, I’ll drive”, then it’s “Uhh, my wife won’t let me” or “Uhh…..I can’t”. I love it when people talk shit about wanting to skydive, then you give them a great opportunity and they turn it down FLAT! It says a lot about their character. Think of it as a test. Are they truthful with their intentions or are they full of shit? UntamedDOG
  20. In a nutshell, don’t do it. Keep the sport as a hobby. Don’t make it into work. You have 30 jumps, which tells us that you haven’t really seen a lot of the shit that goes on around dropzones. Think “White Trash Paradise”. Lots of trailers, lots of attitude and no money. Dropzones are great when you are using them for their intended purpose, but think about life after the crowds leave. You are all alone. There isn’t a lot of activity during the week and it is a depressing way to live. Next time you are at your dropzone, ask if you can camp out for a few days. Once everyone goes home to their warm houses, you will be left all alone in a tent with no future and nothing to look forward to, except the next weekend. Not a future I would be proud to have. You’ll last 15 minutes. UntamedDOG
  21. I was there for New Years Eve. I did a couple of skydives and jumped out of the balloon! It was nice to see some of the people that I've pissed off over the past year. I just smiled and asked them if they posted on DZ.com, they didn't even know it was me! UntamedDOG
  22. That is precisely why people think that Andy got screwed by Buzz. Buzz has a reputation for being a shrewd businessman. He wouldn’t do anything unless it was to his sole financial benefit. He doesn’t give a shit about Andy, trust me. Buzz ran the DZ into the ground, then got a naïve DZ investor (Andy) to fix everything, then he stole it back by refusing to renegotiate the lease. It is pretty obvious who the villain is.