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Everything posted by UntamedDOG

  1. Another question, you say your son was born with COPD, did you smoke a lot when you were pregnant with him or something? I don't mean to sound rude but tobacco is the main cause of this condition. Just curious. UntamedDOG
  2. Wzup hater? Learn to accept the things you have no control over.
  3. I would masturbate and cum on her face 10 times. That way, I can enjoy the look on her cute liquefied face as she can't believe this is really happening to her
  4. I would post their info online. That way, we know where to find you when your family reports you missing. I suggest you rent “Hostel”, that movie should fill in the gaps. Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers? UntamedDOG
  5. I agree with several of her viewpoints. The problem is, she doesn’t have the communication skills or tact to convey her feelings in a constructive manor. As result, she is not taken seriously. The dreaded FOX news channel hosted this interview. They are an organization that has no shame. If they disagree with her message, why allow her to voice it to an audience of millions? Money She is right about GOD punishing parents for teaching their children that it is righteous to fight in a war based on lies. However, it just seems far too cruel to point out a family’s mistakes in raising their child, after they’ve already paid the ultimate price. Terrorists don’t hate our “freedom” They hate us because we support Israel. Jews are historically the most hated race in human history. It is important to understand the root of these grievances. Instead we pretend these issues don’t exist. We build holocaust museums in their honor. We allow them to have a financial stranglehold in this country and in Hollywood. We are forced into their wars to protect Israel. Why is our country so indebted to these people? Money. Don’t watch the FOX news channel. UntamedDOG
  6. The Troy Hartmans and Greg Gassons of the world have fallen by the wayside. We don’t hear much of them anymore. They are living relics of the “extreme 90’s” A time long since past. Today’s skydiver is of a much more refined aptitude than the earlier predecessors. Low Pulls and B.A.S.E. jumps are out. On-dropzone Masseuses and Bars are in. I plan to enjoy this upscale yuppie lifestyle. UntamedDOG
  7. Is suicide selfish? Of course it is! Just about every act we partake in our daily lives is inherently covetous and mercenary, why should suicide be any different? Does this make the act any less tragic? Why do common plebeians make such a point to use the same tired aphorisms, proclaiming the victim as “selfish” Perhaps we are the ones who are selfish for believing this, and they are the ones who are selfless by throwing away what you hold most sacred? UntamedDOG
  8. I have no intention of helping to finance a website that promotes dangerous behavior amongst skydivers. The website started out innocent enough. People would post their lame sit-fly videos and coach jumps so they could show off how “legit” they were. Things have changed. Now it has become a contest to see who can come as close to death as possible, while catching it on tape. People are running out and buying cameras just so they can catch their next cut away or cliff strike. As one of the most outspoken and respected voices amongst the DZ.com community, I feel it necessary to say “throw those piece of shit camera helmets in the fucking trash can!” Stop trying to be trendy. The camera look is getting old. Every 100 jump wonder wants one. When we stop acting like sheep, only then can the lemur evolve into a talking ape. UntamedDOG
  9. Spoken like a true Republican. These people do in fact work shit jobs for shit pay and it isn’t fair the way they are being exploited. Did you ever stop to think that if Americans would stop hiring these illegals, by checking their citizenship before hiring, we wouldn’t have these problems in the first place? Who are you going to point the finger at? That rich Jew company owner who has all the money and the power to make the correct moral decisions? Or blame the group that has nothing and is willing to risk their ass coming over here just to make $4/hr. Do you realize the hypocrisy? This is what America is really about. Capitalism at it’s best. You bitch about taxes. OK, lets tax them on the $6.75/hr they will be making which is minimum wage in California. That puts them in the 10% tax bracket. Guess what, that isn’t even enough revenue to cover the administrative costs to register these workers. Forget about generating enough taxes for schools and health care. There isn’t any profit in taxing the poor. That is precisely why our government refuses to deal with this issue. The end result? We pay more. Illegal immigration is the byproduct of American greed. The only solution is to open the boarder to all Mexicans. When they realize there are no jobs, they will leave. Problem Solved. UntamedDOG
  10. Agreed, they should have overdubbed “Pumps and a Bump” by Hammer.
  11. I just watched 5 minutes of French news for no apparent reason; can anybody please explain this phenomenon? http://www.ryoni.com/babes/melissa_theuriau.html
  12. Well, if the placenta came out of Katie Holmes, I’d probably eat anything that came out of her stinkin’ wet pussy. UntamedDOG
  13. At first glance, I didn’t see much hope for Basic Instinct 2. After seeing this uncensored trailer, I’m finding myself pleasantly surprised. They depict an orgasm by asphyxiation as the “new taboo”. http://www.flurl.com/uploaded/basic_instinct_2_uncensored_promo_reel_58540.html I give an ode to Michael Hutchinson of INXS. His dabbles in auto eroticism helped pave new ground, while subsequently causing his own demise. Every couple alive will try to imitate what they saw in this movie. Let me tell you, this asphyxiation technique works quite well at enhancing climax, but do not attempt it unless you are willing to practice “Risk Addiction”. UntamedDOG
  14. I wasn't starting shit. I simply explained to Mike why I thought they both had a falling out. I also made it clear that it was just a rumor. A pretty well known rumor at that. I'll be up there soon and look foward to meeting you all!
  15. I am surprised to hear this. I heard that you and Dave did in fact have a falling out. Glad to hear that you both patched things up. The rumor was that Dave felt he was being neglected because you were treated like a rock star by the up-jumpers at Taft. Everyone loved you and Dave got jealous. He wanted to be the “Prima Donna” DZ owner but you had that badass King Air which stole his thunder. Word is, he tried to retaliate by raising ticket prices in order to earn a slice of the pie. I thought that is why ticket prices went from $14 to $17 per jump in one season. Guys like me would constantly go up to Dave and try to tease him. I used to ask him “Hay Dave, when are you going to get a real aircraft” or “I refuse to jump out of any aircraft that doesn’t get me to altitude in under an hour”. I suppose that wasn’t very nice of me. Sorry Dave. I hope however, my derogatory remarks were a partial influence in Dave finally investing some coin to get a truly competitive aircraft. If this is the case, I think everyone at Skydive Taft owes me a serious debt of gratitude. UntamedDOG
  16. I agree. It would have been nice to get a solid commitment about the gear on the spot. Now we are stuck playing the waiting game. UntamedDOG
  17. It’s true. Enclosed is an e-mail correspondence I had with a rep from Square 1. Date: 2-24-06 To Brian Anderson: Hello, I appreciated the e-mail you sent me asking for help with Shayna’s equipment needs. Ever since Dom and JP left, we have been able to run our company more like a business and less like a Bubba Gump shrimp factory. We have found that skydivers, as well as people in general are like sheep. If one leads, the others will follow. Initially I was a bit concerned about our reputation if we got involved with this controversy. I feel it is important to be a leader in our community and if we support this girl, others will eventually fall into line and start agreeing with our viewpoints. It isn’t rocket science to think more costumers will appreciate us for our humanitarian efforts as well as our desire for a nice tax write-off. I will seriously consider your offer. My biggest hope is to end up on Oprah. I want to ride first class and stay in a nice hotel where we will live like rock stars, unlike our button down lifestyle at the dropzone. Maybe they will even let me on TV to brag about how generous we all were to Shayna. It will be one hell of roller coaster ride and I look forward to all the gawking spectators! *****name withheld**** Square 1 sales
  18. The PAC750 was nice. It was a brand new plane, which is rare in skydiving. It's main drawbacks were that is was a single engine turbine, so it wasn't quite as fast as an Otter or King Air. The door was a bit low but not bad. It was a good airplane but we all knew it wouldn't last. Dave doesn't work well with partners. We learned this with Mike Mullins and we are reliving it now that the PAC750 is gone. Another thread mentioned that Dave actually owns this new otter from Monterey Bay. This is a good thing. Hopefully this will be the end of all the tension and bullshit that went on there with 2 people fighting over how the plane should be operated. Example: 10 people to turn a load on a PAC750? Ridiculous! UntamedDOG
  19. Smart move on Dave's behalf. George and Robyn's dropzone should be opening later this year which means lots of competition. An Otter is the only thing that will keep them afloat. UntamedDOG
  20. Shayna’s TV interviews put a positive spin on the sport which will be solidified when she makes her first jump back after the accident. I plan to show my support and I urge the skydive community to stop “player hating”. Parochial attitudes have become a pandemic on these forums. Anyone with any true business sense would bend over backwards to sponsor Shayna’s equipment needs in order for her to return safely to this sport. I have already sent e-mails to Square 1 at Perris Valley who seemed more than eager to participate. The owners have the ability to view the issue on a broader spectrum with more education and wisdom than any of these meretricious low-rent equipment “vendors”. Publicity sells jump tickets. It is all in the way she chooses to market her persona. I suggest that Square 1 team up with Shayna to do a “True Life” documentary where Perris will be the backdrop for her triumphant return to the sport. Shortly afterward, a movie script should be fabricated that will be an emotional tear jerking thriller about skydiving. In the movie, the community will shun her because of the accident, then they will celebrate her when she returns, proving once and for all that skydivers are a capricious shoal of duplicitous snobs. UntamedDOG
  21. Did anyone catch “House” last night on FOX? It was a pretty intriguing episode. Spoiler: The hot chick is really a hermaphrodite! Well, If she looked that good, would anyone care?