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Everything posted by alw

  1. And the decommisioned K-159 in 2003. Who'd have thought that poor training, poor construction and poor maintenance would have this kind of effect? Let me add a little perspective to this thread. USS Thresher (SSN-593) Commissioned 3 August 1961 - Died 9 April 1963 USS Scorpion (SSN-589) Commissioned 29 July 1960 - Died May 22/May 27, 1968 There can be no question of the skill, dedication, commitment, and bravery of any man of any nation that serves in the submarine service. His flag of loyalty does not matter. I have the utmost respect and highest regard for the Russian Submarine Force. They were and are worthy adversaries any have suffered a loss in their family that is felt in the heart of every submariner the world over. I feel the deepest sorrow for the families and loved ones of the yard workers and sailors that have perished in this accident. There but for the grace of God go I. USS Narwhal SSN 671/USS W.H. Bates --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  2. How old is that in Sasquatch years? Anyhow, I'm sure you know this already, but make sure you keep him well-fed, otherwise... And when he gets old enough for a tandem, please be sure to post video. The picture is one or two years old. He's only 108 years old, but that's only 12 in Sasquatch years. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  3. It's a year or two old. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  4. Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  5. Getting past some physics questions, supply and transport questions, and regulatory export issues there is one major problem with this. The numbers don't add up. A 25 MWe turbine and heat transfer equipment put the price per kw/hr in an area that doesn't finish. All that aside it smells a little like cold fusion. I'd be more specific, but I have to go let bigfoot out, he's scratcing at the door. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  6. We'll never know - we'll be dead. You might want to watch the series "The Presidents" and see if it jives with what you thought about the others. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  7. Where is John Galt? Ask Dagny. An enlightened one! --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  8. Perhaps you should tell that Reuters reporter your thoughts about furry footstools. OBTW I find dogs to be very good judges of character. Kudos for Barney caution to Barack. With a daughter with alergies hypoalergenic pups are limited to just a few breeds. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  9. You're on. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  10. Where is John Galt? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  11. Wager? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  12. That's what peaked my interest though. You're telling me that McCain's campaign did not look into her or did a full check on anything that might damage his ticket with her as a VP pick. I never did like her, but I think the GOP are using her as a scapegoat for their loss on Tuesday. It's too convenient that all this is now just coming up. You're all jabbering and squawking about the wrong "little known and undeserving" person. Time will tell on them as well, but the effect will be much more pronounced. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  13. alw

    CRIKEY!!!! 1.5%

    Shezzzam the Bank of England just cut rates 1.5% to 3.0%. The ECB stands at 3.75% and was widely expected to cut .5% later this week but may now go .75%. This was a real shocker. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  14. Emanuel is a mover and shaker in the Democratic party who is seen as a key fund raiser and hot property. He's the #3 man in the Democratic Congress. He is not a friend of the NRA or second ammendment. He is an advocate for military medical rights. Emanuel was part of the Bill Clinton campaign and had an advisor job in the White House. He seems to be on opposite sides from Obama on some trade issues but pols bend with the wind so he may be willing to adapt. Most Chiefs of Staff son't last much more than a couple of years, so good luck Rahm. I doubt he'll be well received by middle eastern governments, but then , he doesn't have to be. Other staff possibles are Chet Edwards, another party insider in Congress and one of the rumored VP candidates eaaroier in the campaign. James E. Clyburn of South Carolina Majority Whip and another party insider is one more name being tossed around for "something". The names being kicked around are for the most part the old guard Clintonians and liberal leaning Democrats. Almost all are Washington insiders. All in all I'd suggest we wait and see, but it's hard to read any change in the old way of Washington so far. Pelosi's rhetoric has been the most vocal and it will be interesting to watch the interaction between her and the transition team during the lame duck session. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  15. alw

    did YOU vote

    Absentee 2 weeks ago. I'll miss the nice sticker ladies at my precint this year. They always are cheerful. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  16. Definition: Socialized medicine - keeping "productive" members of society alive. Along with delaying or denying things like breast cancer screening, here's a novel idea. Just don't let them come into the country. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  17. I smell a reality series here. Somebody call John de Mol. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  18. I light of the original poster's propensity for divergence I feel obligated to say, Frank, Dodd, and Schumer didn't step down with their disgraceful and criminal performance. Why should Stevens. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  19. But in most cases no less a source of grief and in many cases no less a source of guilt. Which says to me that the intervention of the religious aspect isn't significant. Although "God's will" is as power for some as "Legal abortion" is for others. Observe an ape that aborts and she will exhibit a behavior. She never goes to church although I can't comment on whether or not she believes in God. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  20. A profound observation. And very accurate. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  21. I have to admit that until this year I didn't give it too much thought and I felt that on abortion it was more a personal choice. But Biden changed my mind. He answered that he was pro choice but he also said that he believed life began at conception. The dichotomy was profound for some reason and it forced me to think it through. After all if you believe that life begins at conception, then logically abortion is murder. Using that path a woman choosing an abortion would not logically be any different than a woman who hires someone to kill her 2 year old child. But, that is a logic that will start fires so it was necessary to try to undersstand why it is so charged an issue. I reasoned that if one believes that taking a life is wrong then how can they condone abortion. Of course that led to the when does life start debate. For the answer to this I considered the feeling of the woman. This is where it gets very emotionally charged. I wondered why a woman would fight so hard for the right to do what nature abhors. This was not a religious argument to me but a zoological as well as an anthropological one. My conclusion was that only if society absolves the female of the species from a subconsciously deep betrayal of her biological responsibility can she consciously deal with the act. This deals not with the human being but the human animal, the naked ape. From this perspective one could then infer life begins at conception and that preventing life (contraception) and ending it were completely separate outside of religion. Of course this is a controversial subject. One has to ask why and the why is a very interesting question. Is perpetuation of the species a higher responsibility programmed in our DNA and does that lead to a social morass? I believe so. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  22. Who you callin old? I should be done buyin guns by the time I get old (somewhere around 100 should do it). The older yu get the more you need. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  23. No. Barack will not seek to promote Clinton's visibilty in any way. Besides, Reid ideology is much closer to Obama's. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  24. There is some up side to that, but there is also a big downside. At some point alternative energy sources will become competitive. Jumping too late just pumps cash into ROW economies. If you look at who might have the best climate (meteorological and political) for say solar and biomass algae, it comes up to some of the same countries that are getting the cash now. For instance, Algenol is working with Mexico because it was too hard to get all the permitting done in the USA. They need sea water, sun, and eventually CO2. Saudi has all of that and will provide lots of solar rich land for bioreactor farms. It's never an easy decision, but right now I think the USA could sure use the capital and tax revenues from domestic production of oil. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  25. You know your tag line is a curse don't you? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.