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Everything posted by murps2000

  1. Now this is a remedy I’d like to see gain popularity with the antivax crowd. I bet air fare prices to Brazil have already jumped.
  2. There is little profit in building affordable housing so no one wants to do it. I work mainly in residential construction and I see plenty of building going on. Just not so much affordable housing. Who wants to see higher tax rates in order to subsidize lower income families moving into the neighborhood? Neither residents nor their city council members would. Better to build more high end homes with higher property taxes, attracting wealthier residents who pay more in income tax and spend more in local economies. It’s the free market doing what it does best. If you want affordable housing California likely isn’t for you. But on the bright side, it probably is the best state to be homeless in. The winters are mild in most areas, it’s only on fire for a few months out of the year, tents handle earthquakes just fine and you can still find access to better drinking water than homeowners in some other states. Installing a rebublican governor will change none of that.
  3. LOL My old home town. We had anthrax before it was cool.
  4. Why would anyone trust the FDA when they can’t trust the CDC? They’re all part of the same evil deep state government.
  5. I have no idea what total cost is but it’s even more of a waste in this case because Newsom is running for re-election just over a year from now. If the Rs had a seriously viable candidate they could just wait until then. But they don’t. They’re throwing a bunch of candidates at the election and hoping someone will stick. They’re also likely counting on lower enthusiasm among dem voters to affect turnout. I got my ballot in the mail last week and it will be in the local 24 hour drop box this weekend. It’s nice to live in a state that doesn’t place restrictions on that kind of thing. I might drop it off at 2am just to flex on Texas.
  6. I agree. When I lived in Oakland they had ranked choice voting for mayor and I’m in favor of it. Arnold was already governor when I moved to California in 2004 so I didn’t participate in the last recall but now that another is here I think the whole process is ludicrous. In the mad desire to get a simple majority to vote yes on the recall, the other side’s strategy is to encourage as many candidates as possible to enter, regardless of qualifications. It’s a real race to the bottom IMO
  7. I carry a photo of my vaccine card I got from my health care provider. But the card could be easily faked. It looks like this is what new york is doing.
  8. One thing that's different is the debt to gdp ratio which is higher than it's ever been. The only time it was close to this high was at the end of WW2.
  9. Reminds me of Pete Swan’s business card: Speed, Quality, Price. Pick any two.
  10. Interesting take in the Atlantic today
  11. Yeah but don’t break a leg in Texas or Florida right now. Or have a heart attack, or stroke, or any other health emergency.
  12. Sounds like socialism to me.
  13. My sister lives in Florida and likes to point out that the number of people dead from covid in her state far exceeds the number of votes DeSantis won by in the last gubernatorial election.
  14. Why would anyone want to do anything about it? Thousands of diesel powered trucks move freight up & down 101 every day.
  15. I can poke fun all I want but if I had the dough, I’d go. I’d probably pick Bezos’ penis for the extra altitude even though I think Branson’s bird is a lot prettier. If a king air had a rocket instead of engines that’s what it should look like. Imagine pressure suit tech maturing to the point where you could one day be on jump run at 270k.
  16. The Georgia state legislature and Gov. Kemp have taken that lesson to heart.
  17. I too hadn’t had any illness since before the pandemic began. My county opened up fully back in June, and with the utmost confidence in my fully vaccinated immune system I went directly to the local pub. For the first time in months I smelled someone else’s halitosis while I was there. I forgot how much that sucked. Three days later I came down with a nasty head cold so I was out of work for a few days. I tested negative for covid thankfully, but that was one of the worst colds I’ve had. I went back to masking after that and continued to do so anytime I was indoors. I’m at SFO right now, masked up of course, getting ready to go meet some of my family in Nashville. I have no idea how things will be when I get there but I generally feel indifferent as to whether I contribute to the spread while I’m in that town. My entire family has gotten their shots. When I return to San Mateo county and it’s 87% vaccinated population I plan to immediately get tested at the local site in my neighborhood. I sure do want to protect my community at least.
  18. Kind of like maintaining your tire pressure to use less fuel. So easy, so cheap, so often ignored.
  19. Probably about as long as it takes for the Christian jihadists to actually work up the stones to bring it.
  20. How many skydives do you need? I realize you can't kill as many people with a skydive as with a gun, but guns are just what some people are in to in this country. Barring a felony conviction or other prohibitive circumstances you are allowed to buy as many as you like depending on some state laws. Are the amount of skydives you have now enough? Not trying to defend this guy but just trying to put it in perspective. Sure, there are people who stockpile guns and ammunition prepping for SHTF. and that is illogical to me as well. If it comes to that I think you've already lost no matter how many guns you have. Sure, there are people who purchase guns with malicious intent. For those people one is too many. But target shooting with all types can be fun as hobby. I used to do it often when I was younger. I'd do it again if I still owned one but I'm just not into it any more.
  21. Is this where you got that quote? Here is another article which at least explains how a warming ocean is contributing. Also Hutch, old buddy, how you can look at that graph and see global temperatures trending downward overall is baffling.
  22. Is there actually some way of doing this? I thought the salton sea was originally filled by the Colorado river.