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Everything posted by murps2000

  1. Okay I get your point there and I agree that is a problem. In service industries where the workers make low wages the logic is obvious. So you might have to pay a little more to get steaked and lubed now. That doesn’t explain the rise in prices for consumer goods though. I think that’s more of a supply side issue in the face of pent up demand that was already there. Manufacturers are not able to ramp up production instantaneously.
  2. So was the money party the CARES act or the American Rescue plan? And how exactly did the federal government constrain supply? Just trying to follow you here.
  3. Sounds like supply & demand to me. IOW a free market.
  4. I suppose I could given my chosen profession & experience but I think Lake Wales bonfire testing proved that a krylon spray paint can is all you’d really need. I also learned that night that snorting mustard looks like a bad idea. I’m pretty sure in any case it would be mutually assured catalytic converter destruction. Still, if I could have tossed a balloon out in the street when they were working on my beautiful hybrid baby that night I would have enjoyed the effect.
  5. I wouldn’t be surprised if some thief would try to look for a converter under an EV at some point. Some of the Prius forum guys were talking about ways to hook the hybrid battery up to the converter to deliver some voltage to anyone trying to grab theirs. But it turns out booby traps are illegal. So now tilt sensors hooked to really loud audible alarms are a thing. I just welded stainless steel bars down my exhaust system to protect mine.
  6. Body fat percentage isn’t necessarily tied to cardio ability but I get your point. Skinny people do way better than I do hiking in the desert for similar reasons.
  7. I don’t feel so smart now. I finally came across that info myself. One runner claimed their blanket was torn to bits in the winds. Conditions rapidly became quite extreme. Ironically the most capable runners, who were furthest into the race, were the ones who got hit the worst. I guess hypothermia doesn’t care about your cardio ability.
  8. This also happened to a guy in Anaheim back in March. There was no sympathy from the guys on the Prius forums as that car is a particularly lucrative and common target. My cat got stolen in the Bay Area three weeks after I bought the the car. Yet another benefit of EVs will be not having to deal with converter theft.
  9. I carry a Mylar survival blanket everywhere I hike, even in the summer. It weighs about 100 grams. But I’m not in a competition when I hike.
  10. It would be really nice if there were actually a gravitational constant pulling temperatures down. If anything there is a solar constant raising them. I agree with billvon the analogy is sketchy at best.
  11. While it’s true that Newsom is moving the process along, and most likely for the reason you state, the budget surplus is large enough this year that that they are required by law to refund some tax dollars. Of course, they aren’t refunding the money back to those who actually paid it in the first place. In 2018 CA voters passed a ballot measure to raise gas taxes to pay for road & highway improvements. I’m going to take a guess that every person who drives an EV on said roads & highways voted yes on that one.
  12. Didn’t actually mean to quote & reply but accidentally did on my small work phone. Thanks for the link.
  14. I agree the comments section is pretty bad at fox. But check out breitbart if you want to take a deeper dive sometime.
  15. Maybe re read what I posted a bit more closely? I posted a link to the incident I was referring to. It wasn’t this one.
  16. Very observant. Looked like she was using her legs to move around too. Not saying police had any other choice in this situation though.
  17. I don’t mean to suggest that a baton would have any effect at all in real life and in this situation. I don’t even recall a movie where that tactic worked either.
  18. All fair points, and that’s not even to mention the stress of each situation. I don’t mean to armchair quarterback either. I’ve just never seen the tactic used and wondered why. You can’t really do much with a knife if only one leg works. the incident I was thinking about is this one from 6 years ago. To be fair, SFPD tried non lethal options but couldn’t get the man to stop. It seemed to me at the time there were enough guys there shooting that they could easily have taken out his legs. Sorry I guess that actually is armchair quarterbacking, and in hindsight no less. All of your points could apply.
  19. Interesting the suggestion to possibly throw a baton to trip up the knife wielding girl. Can police do nothing else but shoot to kill? Why not a good shot to the thigh? I wondered the same thing years ago when SFPD unloaded on a clearly mentally disturbed individual in the city who also had a knife.
  20. Interesting that in your mind the actions of the right are the fault of Dems. Trump didn’t fill three seats because of that precedent. He filled two. He filled a third because of Mitch McConnell refusing to hold a vote on Obama’s last nomination, despite Garland being a pretty centrist pick. The lesson to be learned is that Republicans will do there worst no matter how nice you try to play with them. And they’ll cry victim as they do it.