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Everything posted by skydemon2

  1. cool.... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  2. cauliflower looks like brains..... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  3. Wow internet love blossoms....... I wonder who I could randomly ask to marry me?
  4. You can chastise me....... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  5. Its ok Im patient....... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  6. And what were you purchasing when you found out about it? Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  7. OOOOOhhh Dont get me started, I love them web footed hookers!!!! Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  8. Only you can answer that grasshoper.......... Answers you will get here: Yes get a bigger one. Ask your instructors. Get coaching. Practice up high. All of the above. Did I cover everything? Im sure I missed something At your jump numbers I was at 1.6wl so I dont think Im the greatest example to follow. But if I were you I would take the coaching and then decide how you feel. You have already jumped it for a number of jumps, going bigger will definatley feel strange. But in the end its all about how safe and confident you feel. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  9. Such language, my ears will never be the same...... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  10. Since its all girls, I cant go........ So I dont care...... But it may make a nice dream... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  11. He should do what he wants but as you said family first, if he doesnt get it then deliver the swift punch to the testicle region. Rules are rules, he is in the frickin military, he should understand that.... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  12. I think you should slap him around and let him know you and the family want to spend some time with him skydiving or not. Its not like hes going to a stateside base, he is going to iraq and nothing sucks more than brothers not coming back from there. So see him every chance you can. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  13. Wow you guys have some issues, here is some light reading on the subject. Of course I am assuming you are the man in the relationship. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  14. When I was flying a bigger canopy I could release the toggles and undo my chest strap while holding the toggles and the canopy remained stable enough for me to do it. At the wingloading Im at now I cant do it because any small movement with the toggles can make the canopy dive or spin. So I have actually changed my order from slider, toggles, cheststrap to slider, cheststrap, toggles. The reason is I dont have velcro to stow the toggles and I hate grabbing around for them so once I grab and unstow the toggles I dont like to let go of them. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  15. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  16. I have had no problems yet doing it this way! Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  17. Ask Sunshine, Im sure she can find it for you. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  18. Old story... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  19. You look paler than I remember. Get some sun man Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  20. WTF no boobies yet? Obviously not mine, but enjoy NSFW Fockers Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  21. BSBD........ Semper Fi Devil Dog! I wish your family well. You will be missed. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  22. I agree with you, while I dont mind kids, the DZ is is where I go to unwind and act like I want. I spend all week being nice to people who dont deserve it and I hate having to do it on the weekends too and if there are kids around I will act nice, Im not going to run my mouth off around kids. But its my time and I shouldnt have to. I consider the DZ and skydiving adult activities. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  23. SUICC it sucks now but youll get thru it....... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
  24. Happy B-Day !! Happy 29th! I would offer birthday spankings but I dont want to see you get addicted.... Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!