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Everything posted by OrangeJumper

  1. No means no damn it The Original Cabana Boy!
  2. The Original Cabana Boy!
  3. WOW....those photos are absolutely amazing!! The Original Cabana Boy!
  4. thanks brother! I will pass on the pics The Original Cabana Boy!
  5. Well, I don't know about seeing the pictures but the thread was absolutely classic! The Original Cabana Boy!
  6. .....I just read the championship turd-off thread OMG, that has to the funniest thing I have ever read on this website. I've got to start logging on more consistantly. co-workers were looking at me like I was insane because I was crying from laughing! Normally, I would refrain from a repost but that was just too damn funny! Walt, I don't know you but thank you for making my day better! The Original Cabana Boy!
  7. Hahahahahahahahaha The Original Cabana Boy!
  8. Green, black and yellow are my colors. Kind of hard to miss my ginorma-canopy in the sky. The Original Cabana Boy!
  9. Hey....wait just a second.....I thought Jerry Garcia died. What the hell? The Original Cabana Boy!
  10. No kidding, you can't even make a damn joke...phew! The Original Cabana Boy!
  11. Precisely why I don't get it. Now, I may know one or two people who would fall into that category for Mr. Orange, but it is not what he is implying, fo shizzle. Hey, hey, why do you have to throw my buisness out in the damn street punk? I was only kidding ya retard! The Original Cabana Boy!
  12. Remember that time I spent the night? The Original Cabana Boy!
  13. lol....oh, you know I'm rabbit.....again, nuff said. The Original Cabana Boy!
  14. Oh, I'm definitely rabbit.....nuff said The Original Cabana Boy!
  15. OrangeJumper


    I'm waiting scrub! The Original Cabana Boy!
  16. OrangeJumper


    I can handle the talking, it's the whole sharing thing I have a problem with.....pppprrrrtttttttttttttt The Original Cabana Boy!
  17. Why are you stalking me? Are you feeling the love or what??????? Of course! The Original Cabana Boy!
  18. Why are you stalking me? The Original Cabana Boy!
  19. That is what she says....for now.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed.... The Original Cabana Boy!
  20. I've just had a lot going on in the last 5 months. I had to save some fundage for my vacation while trying to pay for a million dollar mortgage... I'm coming back out so we will definitely get that jump in. The Original Cabana Boy!
  21. Hahahahahahaha....I swear that thread just won't die. The Original Cabana Boy!
  22. I have no clue what your talking about? The Original Cabana Boy!
  23. we had you first god damnit! at least i now know why you didn't return my phone call last week. gosh! nice excuse! I swear, I'm coming back. We need to figure out when we are going to have that The Original Cabana Boy!
  24. TROLL....WE HAVE A TROLL HERE!! Just kidding! The Original Cabana Boy!