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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Finally a joke. A very sick one but what the hell?
  2. Your raving against "wokeism" is so utterly meaningless that it is impossible to argue against. That is why you like the term so much. Instead of debating individual ideas which you could never defend you get to wrap up all your fears and hatreds into a bundle and give it a name. It is so vague that it is nothing more than a shadow.
  3. It probably got left in a hot car trunk or some other warm place. That makes the urethane coating get sticky. Sunpath was not the only manufacturer to use this material. The water proofing aspect was likely seen as a good thing, and it came from the mill that way.
  4. Yes, Sunpath had a SB for the red Cordura. Some of it had a very thick coating and it would get very sticky especially if in a warm place. This is a different thing with the coating in the freebag. As far as I know it has never been more than just a nuisance.
  5. They have always been made of a white parapack type material with urethane coating on one side, like cordura normally is. I'm not sure why, but I suspect it was just the standard from the textile mill for that particular fabric which is often used where water resistance is important. The thickness of the coating was never consistent and often it was quite sticky. In the the last at least a couple years Sunpath seems to have changed the material to uncoated and the newer bags don't have the problem. I don't think it was ever bad enough to cause a reserve malfunction or anything like that, but it made the job of inserting the reserve into the bag difficult sometimes.
  6. I thought that was because of a shortage of yellow vests.
  7. Yes of course. You don't see the problem in your life and therefore don't believe it exists. Pretty much sums up the theme of the whole thread from your POV.
  8. You must be kidding me Winsor. France? France is the nation you pick to highlight? Do some basic research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_France French policies have been making an effort, but they have a long way to go. Like the US it does have high minded ideals and has never been able to live up to them.
  9. gowlerk


    Yes, that would be unethical. It is also unethical to deliberately place yourself in harms way knowing that you could end up placing a strain on the over burdened hospital that could result in someone else not being able to get a badly needed ICU bed. Like doing BASE jumps and even sometimes skydiving unnecessarily. Is it ethical that high ranking members of society get first call on scarce resources like the latest anti-virals? The whole US healthcare system is based on ability to pay. Is that ethical? There are no absolute answers.
  10. I'm pretty sure that black kids are not afraid of confronting their past. Unlike the lily white snowflakes of the valley.
  11. You are a fine man and a shining example for all. Unfortunately everyone else in the world is racist and at least part of the way that we all judge character is by the appearance of a person at first impression. It saddens me that I can not be the perfect person that you are.
  12. gowlerk


    It’s so hard to keep track of the Federalist Society judges.
  13. gowlerk


    As far as Gorsuch is concerned girls are for holding down and assaulting.
  14. gowlerk


    I'm sure it's funny, but not available in my country.
  15. gowlerk


    I've said this before. Here where I live people regularly complain the first nations peoples are given too many advantages for free. I have never once heard anyone say that they would prefer to change places with them though.
  16. Well.....they do claim it will somehow make white children fill with shame and even hate themselves. A little projection perhaps?
  17. gowlerk


    Well then, that's a cool way of completely ignoring the point.
  18. gowlerk


    And I suppose you believe that you earned all the privilege you were born with.
  19. gowlerk


    Indeed. And some people are dealt better hands than others. Part of playing the game is knowing when to sit out the round and get a better hand next time. Life is not fair and it is not a casino game either. I have no idea why you would think that the playing field is level. How ridiculous.
  20. This disgusting and inaccurate accusation has been repeated by the same poster in this forum several times. He appears to be obsessed with the woman's sex life for some reason.
  21. People are still people and tribes are still tribes. The decline in the number of lynchings shows that progress is occurring. It is hard to change people but it is possible to change their behavior.
  22. There are a lot of inherent advantages to EVs over soon to be obsolete ICE powered cars. And really few disadvantages. The writing on the wall is pretty clear. As evidenced by every major automobile manufacturer's statements. Even without considering greenhouse gases the days of inefficient reciprocating pistons and prone to breakdown driveline components for autos are numbered. Trucks and buses that need to go further are another matter at this point.
  23. gowlerk


    Good old Manitoba deplorable truck driving anti-vaxxers had a "protest" near the border today. Canada now requires them to be vaccinated to cross the border. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-truckers-vaccine-protest-international-border-1.6317604
  24. Yes, the culture warriors who insist that the European Heritage is what defines the USA and can "Never Be Forgotten" also say that the history of everyone else is just ancient and irrelevant and to "Just Get Over It".
  25. Sure, you could just adopt the UAE model. Then rebrand it as "The Great Society". Just what you need, another class of non-citizens. Steven Miller style.