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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Yes, it is okay to dislike abortion. And that is what I mean by being anti-abortion. There seems to be this idea among some that women like having abortions or find it a convenient way to manage their fertility. Pro-choice means that I think no government has any business deciding the matter. And it is working out just fine in Canada where the abortion rate per 1000 women is lower than in your nation where several states do as much as possible to restrict it. Just leave people alone. There is a name for that, we call it "freedom".
  2. No. And I don't "remove words". I quote the part of the post that I am responding to.
  3. But no one does that and no Dr. would unless there was a reason. It is a red herring. I prefer a hard line drawn in the sand.
  4. The OP in this thread is from Dr. John and references a mass shooting in CO. I have no idea what post you are referencing and I don't care. Like almost all "pro-lifers" what you are really about is control, not the sanctity of life. The only anti-abortion view point worthy of any respect is the one with no compromise. It is still wrong, but at least it is not hypocritical.
  5. The point is to pin you down on just how much control you think your vision of society needs to exert. Unless you can answer what is your point?
  6. Alright, lets just get to the heart of it. At what point do you consider a human life to begin and to become sacrosanct? Is it when sperm fertilizes egg or some other point. What point?
  7. But in the meantime their position is that if a woman gets pregnant the law should force her to do everything possible to deliver a newborn to them, or die trying. My position is that it is none of the law's business. Which is also the position of the SCOTUS until June 2022 when they will turn your nation into a battle ground over the issue. A battle that will be fought on a state to state basis until women regain their rights. No where else in the world has a democracy come to a different result.
  8. He got fired, supposedly for a political/social disagreement. I would bet that there is a completely different narrative from the point of view of the company who fired hm. I that is really what happened at all. I must admit that I did not read the whole very lengthy story of how he was wronged. But apparently you and he are both fully woke to what discrimination feels like to experience. I sure hope that no one at Reuters HR ever kneels on his neck until he expires.
  9. It may have been about church owned rental properties. They have sometimes been controversial.
  10. Stacking the SCOTUS with Justices chosen for their commitment to removing a right from women changes everything about the previously settled law in your nation. I'm not sure how this ended up in the 2nd amendment thread. You are very obsessed with the fight to remove those rights it seems.
  11. gowlerk


    Yes, it is just a song I like and probably Pete Townsend's best lyric. I'm 64 and I have two grandchildren.
  12. It isn't. It is a political issue that had politicians form an alliance with various US Christian churches. The R party very skillfully used the issue. However if you ask the Holy Roman Church they will gladly inform you that it is a religious issue. Don't be setting traps for me to tell you how it is a religious issue. Ask someone who is religious and they will tell you.
  13. gowlerk


    I hope I die before I get old......... Don't try to dig what we all say.
  14. Yes, I am not old enough to remember him. But I am aware of who he was.
  15. Only if the point you are making is that we need as many people as possible to fight back hard against religions making public policy.
  16. We all pay to service and protect those buildings. And not just in America, in Canada as well.
  17. So what. Do you think JFK wrote his own speeches? He chose to deliver it.
  18. Overall the tax from that group would be much smaller than from the mega evangelical ones. So for myself I would make that trade off.
  19. Not a bad quote for Joe...... "You can't love your country only when you win."
  20. gowlerk


    Sigh......I do waste a lot of time here.
  21. Huh? Are you kidding, or do you really thing religion is governing policy? Tell me about all the Christian values and how they form the core of the Republican Party policies. Tribalism is the only influence religion is having. The Taliban. or the Cristian fundamentalist it is all the same. They completely ignore the "word of god" that they claim to believe in and only care about power for their group.
  22. Yup, I don't want to get shot by some raging American zealot in a parking lot. Much safer to let it all hang out here.
  23. You don't have to be in the bible belt, as you well know. I no longer even have a CB radio. But that would be rude. The push back that some engage in here is mostly push back toward those who come here to complain that their word is changing. My feeling is that it is not changing nearly fast enough, but at least it is changing. Religion and politics are tied in an unholy knot and that bodes ill for all of us.