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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Reality check, I don’t know exactly what he’s on about. I do know that this will not be the post that everyone ignores that I’m hoping for.
  2. I'll be listening to morning edition starting at about 4 AM CST.
  3. Vaccine mandates are complicated. Abortion is very simple. But it seems complicated because it is very emotional.
  4. The effect on anyone else is insignificant compared to the mother. There is no real comparison.
  5. Why not just ask about the matter at the heart of your question? Yes, I am in favour of vaccine mandates. I could go on at length justifying it but I’m gonna leave it right there.
  6. Never forget, every time a woman has a period a potential human life is wasted. Why is birth control moral, but abortion is not? It was not that long ago that it wasn’t.
  7. It applies to all of those that have no effect on anyone else’s body.
  8. This is just another form of saying that it is okay for good girls, but bad girls need to be controlled. How many women do you think use abortion as a primary form of birth control? And if a woman is so messed up and irresponsible that she does that, what kind of mother do you think she will make? Just let people make their own decisions.
  9. You should try to use words that get your meaning across instead of bluffing. Life is not a card game.
  10. This is where your arrogance really shows. You assume that those who disagree with your position are just too lazy and/or stupid to have spent time thinking about it. Of course you also feel that if they only did they would see things your way. You could not be more wrong.
  11. IDK, but sure is purdy.
  12. Yes, and it is too much power to give the government. There are definitely criminals that I do not feel the least bit sorry for when they are executed. But I feel even more sorry for the people who have to run the machinery of death. A nation that has capital punishment is one that turns it's own people into killers. And as you say, at this time we don't need it. Unless someone kills my loved one that is. Quite a paradox.
  13. gowlerk


    When I look at this it is hard to find any real hard data. Or stories in trustworthy places that are not more than a couple weeks old. Which may as well be last year! But NPR did have a story using information about 10 days old. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/12/31/1067702355/omicron-is-spreading-like-wildfire-scientists-are-trying-to-figure-out-why Researchers compared the spread of omicron and of delta among members of the same household and concluded that omicron is about 2.7 to 3.7 times more infectious than the delta variant among vaccinated and boosted individuals. But here's an interesting additional point: For unvaccinated people, there was no significant difference in rates of infection between delta and omicron. That would indicate that both variants are about at the same level of transmissibility among the unvaccinated. In other words, under those circumstances, omicron is not necessarily more transmissible than delta. I believe that part of the reason for the huge numbers is the two fold effect of vaccines not being as effective against it and society no longer being as careful because we have somewhat decided that those who won't get vaccinated are just going to have to live with it now.
  14. Jerry, I think you would be fine. 25 weeks gestation is the current line usually used for viability. We count living in an incubator as being independent from the mother. At your age you were probably a bit of a miracle to survive given the technology of the day.
  15. Not hardly. It is an attempt to protect one only by definition. The foetus did not rape anyone. It committed no crime. It is as pure as the driven snow. (unlike the wanton harlots who would find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy after having consensual sex) How can a foetus conceived by force be less worthy than one conceived in love, or at least mutual lust? There is nothing gray here. It is black and white. Either a foetus deserves protection from being aborted or it does not. They argument used in that case is not that "taking life is okay" it is that the woman is innocent and deserves a choice. No one says taking life is okay. At the moment that is the quite reasonable compromise. Pregnancies are sometimes terminated in the third trimester, not for birth control reasons but for heartbreaking ones.
  16. Yup, men don't give birth and women pay attention to the road when they drive.
  17. I doubt it. He has not quite gone over the edge.
  18. Have you ever seen a neonatal ICU?
  19. If wishes were horses...... Yes, it can be an honest disagreement. But it can never be settled without a bottom line. SCOTUS in your nation drew a line. And we all know the story of what led to where we are now with that line about to be erased, or at least moved in some sort of grotesque compromise. People use emotional arguments about late term abortions to make it seem as if it is necessary to involve the law in the matter. But it is not. Rape and incest do nothing to change the morality around the act, they only serve to let people know that it is really about whether or not a woman is moral enough or victim enough to deserve a choice. It has little to do with the sanctity of life if there are exceptions. Either it is murder or it is not. And if it is not then the law should not get involved.
  20. Yes, but the false equivalence here is that there is a good reason for gun laws. Gun laws can help keep everyone safe. Unless you feel that human life begins at conception there is no good reason to exert that control over women. So which is it, is a zygote a human being or not? Where is the line? And who gets to draw it?
  21. All you have to do to make it true in all cases is to remove the word "just". In other words control of women may not be the ONLY reason, but it is always the effect of laws that limit or eliminate access to the most safe and effective pregnancy termination methods. So, let me state it this way.....People who want to prevent access to abortion services want to control pregnant women.
  22. gowlerk


    And speaking of vaccine mandates, next week the exemption for essential workers crossing the Canada/US border will end. Unvaccinated Canadian truck drivers returning will need to be tested and then quarantine. Unvaccinated American drivers will be refused. The following week the US side will refuse unvaccinated Canadians. The trucking industry is of course claiming that this will be a disaster for transportation as about 10% of Canadian drivers are resisting. The company I work for has just initiated a 10 cent per mile increase in pay for all of my US miles. Somehow this is supposed to be an incentive I suppose. I'm guessing that in the end it will be much ado about nothing.
  23. And.... https://www.ktbs.com/news/caddo-coroner-identifies-teenager-killed-sunday-in-backseat-of-fathers-car/article_352d7982-6ca1-11ec-b59f-0bd3cdf09ff9.html https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2022/01/04/another-operation-lone-star-soldier-dies-amid-morale-crisis/
  24. And more to the point..... https://neshobademocrat.com/stories/teen-killed-in-accidental-shooting-close-to-dixon,53078