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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. gowlerk


    Sigh......I do waste a lot of time here.
  2. Huh? Are you kidding, or do you really thing religion is governing policy? Tell me about all the Christian values and how they form the core of the Republican Party policies. Tribalism is the only influence religion is having. The Taliban. or the Cristian fundamentalist it is all the same. They completely ignore the "word of god" that they claim to believe in and only care about power for their group.
  3. Yup, I don't want to get shot by some raging American zealot in a parking lot. Much safer to let it all hang out here.
  4. You don't have to be in the bible belt, as you well know. I no longer even have a CB radio. But that would be rude. The push back that some engage in here is mostly push back toward those who come here to complain that their word is changing. My feeling is that it is not changing nearly fast enough, but at least it is changing. Religion and politics are tied in an unholy knot and that bodes ill for all of us.
  5. Besides, they are all on the Liberal west coast side of the state. REAL Oregonians want to breakaway and join Idaho in a union of freedom from all of that. And yes, it sure must suck to be a believer. It's hard to live with such a strong persecution complex. Everywhere around you if you try to talk to people about your beliefs you just get laughed at. I'll tell you what, when they STFU maybe we will too. We are as tired of the proselyting as you are tired of us laughing at them. I can not drive down the freaking interstate without being told over and over that that I am going to spend eternity burning in hell. So maybe that could help you understand that here in SC people take the chance to push back.
  6. No one wants the shithole countries. Russia wants Ukraine. China wants to be proud like America. The EU wants the UK back. And the KKK wants Kentucky and Northern GA to itself
  7. Time to break up those large nations into more manageable sizes then. One for each tribe.
  8. A meteor impact is a fairly quick acting disaster. The impact of the expansion of humanity seems more akin to that of a fungus, a cancer or dare I say a virus. I am not a doomsayer but it is pretty clear that our impact on other species is rapidly becoming even more intense. I love our current lifestyle, or at least the one I get to experience here. But I can see that a lot of it is dependent on so many international connections and complicated technology that could be easily disrupted.
  9. Oh, you certainly can. You could put it in writing and make it part of the the theology. The pope has made many comments that are personal opinions and not policy.
  10. Hi Jerry, I guess Keith is confusing the level of comfort and self assurance that all was right in his world with the reality the many others faced. We all are in some ways I suppose. These damned modern communication methods we have make it very hard to not know about so much conflict. Maybe the Chinese have it right. Enforced harmony.
  11. It will all be over just as soon as everyone adopts my point of view and comes to the same conclusion as me. Unless of course I change my mind in some way. Then I will have to let you all know what to think next.
  12. The storm was forecast over a wide area. The problem occurred over a 50 mile stretch of I-95 and it's alternate routes. By the standards of where I live, and even Chicago, it was not that much of a storm. But yes, most likely I would have seen it coming and been hiding away in a safe truckstop like I usually do these days.
  13. Please show me where the has church abandoned the view that Genesis is a literal truth. Certainly almost all members have, but officially? No way.
  14. But what does it say about the origin of those supposed ancestors? All three of the mainline monotheistic religions teach that they were created as fully human. Science does not support that in any way shape or form.
  15. Another reason would be that his origins are not European. Not that the church is anymore racist than other parts of society, but the power in it is mostly held in Rome by Europeans.
  16. It is not neither a good or a bad thing. I'm merely pointing out that pretending to understand the nature of existence through the doctrine of the church, or any other doctrine is pointless by any objective measurement. The current Pope's move toward more modern and moderate positions is a good thing as far as it goes. But that is not very far. He is still the head of a very deeply flawed and powerful institution with a long and abusive history.
  17. gowlerk


    The talking heads have a job. That job is to find out the relevant information and to report it to you. But if you don't like the message I suppose that you could search in the dark corners of the web and find people with more "interesting" things to report that are more along the lines of what you want to hear. Some people call that "research".
  18. He seems like a better salesman than most. But it is still nothing but his personal speculation on a matter that no human can possibly know or understand. In other words it is just made up shit, but with an attempt to frame it in a way that helps reconcile it with the little knowledge that we have. It is no better than sticking with the 6 day and one day of rest formula in the end. His job is to do the best he can to maintain the power of his church.
  19. Everything has a price. You have to service your market to continue in business.
  20. My children were raised completely outside of any religion. The only downside to that I have found is a small amount of regret that they have little to no knowledge of the common fables of the bible. They seem to have no regrets at all.
  21. gowlerk


    Seems like a good idea.... https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/05/europe/macron-unvaccinated-comments-vaccine-pass-intl/index.html
  22. gowlerk


    Have you not already learned your lesson on this?