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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Now then, role playing is a sport where gender fluidity is not only allowed, but encouraged.
  2. a couple pre-publication papers, no replicated results, and some media hype with associated memes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK-99
  3. Back to the subject actually being discussed here. Golf is not a team sport in most cases. The team and the player do not have the last word. The league usually does, as it should. The Olympic Games generally follow the rules of the governing body for each sport individually. We are not yet sure on what the rules are going to be for Russian athletes in Paris. The Paris games will not be allowing TG athletes in women's track events. They are also tightening the rules for DSD athletes.
  4. My point is actually that I agree with you on this. But it is a red herring.
  5. Most likely it won't matter because of all the free fusion power just around the corner.
  6. Neither do I. But that is not the issue at hand. Your disregard for professional sports is something we share, but completely irrelevant in this matter. The right to be treated fairly needs to be extended to everyone. For every "elite athlete" there are 10s of thousands who want to play on an even field.
  7. That is more than a little disingenuous. The event was professional and money was involved. Are you saying women can choose to just forego getting paid in order to support the expression of a false gender? I do support the right of anyone to express the gender they choose, or even a mixed gender, but testes give an unfair hormonal advantage in strength to those who have them over those who have ovaries. There is a serious problem here that glib talk is not going to fix.
  8. Donald Trump Donald trump He's a chump That Donald Trump He is going to go to jail, just you wait and see "WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME?"
  9. There clearly needs to be a firm line drawn somewhere. Or there is no use having separate competitions for men and women. It is the same as banning the use of drugs to increase muscle mass and strength.
  10. Yes, some people call it "Sunday school".
  11. Mostly it depends where in the world the DZ is. In Western Europe they will usually have a vote to decide the issue. In more macho Latin countries each group will choose a champion and it will be decided in a friendly arm wrestling contest. Of course in the USA the group with the best armaments gets to choose, in a tie there will often be a shootout with the survivors doing whatever they want. In other words, it’s pretty much the same as you remember.
  12. It’s the same as Ron. It’s all about the feels.
  13. That’s not going to happen. And if it did, the price of Tesla stock would collapse quickly because the main reason it’s so high is his fan boys have driven it there.
  14. Well then……bless your little heart.
  15. On the one hand Chuck's correct in strongly encouraging good training if one is going to play this unforgiving game. On the other hand you are correct because there is no such thing as "professional training" for this. What we all are wrestling with is that the leadership of USPA clearly states.. And he is correct. Yet USPA ( and FAI and CSPA etc.) popularizes and promotes and encourages this aspect of the sport.
  16. Because that is how the extreme anti-woke people feel. Only the woke can acknowledge that Emmitt was an innocent victim. Or to get back to the topic of the thread that slaves were victims.
  17. Good Lord, you are a stubborn man. The murderers were not zombies. The jury that acquitted them were not zombies. They were people just like you who blamed Till because they saw him as less than a human with less than the rights of a full citizen. If you had been on that jury would you have voted to convict?
  18. He was murdered as a result of murdering murderers torturing and murdering him Winsor. He was not murdered for being friendly, he was murdered for being a black male. And once again you are blaming the victim who was completely innocent of any wrong doing in the incident. Open your mind up to the fact that you are completely and totally wrong here. It is not a grey area. YOU ARE WRONG. Can you hear it clearly now?
  19. Okay Winsor, since you don't seem to get it or to be willing to get it I will make it simple. At the time of Till's murder the people who did it and the larger community were allowed to get away with the evil deed by telling each other that he deserved it. What you said in your post was pretty much a repeat of what they told each other at the time. It is sickening. You are perpetuating the evil. It is that simple and no amount of explanation of your reasoning will change that fact.
  20. You should have no problem going back to re-read what you actually posted to see what people objected to. There is no thread drift here except the one you are trying to initiate as you search in vain for justifications instead of admitting you are wrong.
  21. This thread is starting to get way too personal and that is mostly my fault. So I will just say that like most of us I find victim blaming to be wrong and in this instance more than a little offensive. Winsor is a complicated person.
  22. I'm trying to understand where this guy is coming from. Is research stalking?
  23. Probably he is not. He does have a PA-28-140 registered in his name.
  24. My impression of him is mainly his smug superiority and his willingness to suffer us fools enough to share tidbits of his intellect and accumulated life wisdom. Which seems these days to have developed into a fine sense of which groups in society are the most deserving of utter contempt and hatred. The impression I get is of a shrinking man in a shrinking world nearing a very bitter and angry end.
  25. Will there be a moment when it is realized that god cannot fix everything? Thoughts and prayers are cheap, and worth every penny.