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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. WTF does this even mean? Think about it.
  2. I believe that they are all hoping Trump will crash and burn and are positioning themselves for the aftermath.
  3. Trust is an emotion or a feeling. It is real but it is not and can never be a proof. Which is the source of your (and Ron's) confusion. You have developed your feelings to the point where you believe they are facts. So to you they are, but that is meaningless to the rest of us. I claim no answers and I know I will never have any. A fact that I can live with but some people can not.
  4. I said I get it. I meant that. Hopefully your need to flaunt your beliefs to reinforce them will be met.
  5. Yes, I get it. It is my own fault that I find your message so irritating.
  6. It's hard not to be condescending when discussing the core of this subject. I can choose to be condescending in the way we are to children who are young enough to believe in Santa, or I can be condescending in the way religious people are when they patiently explain to me that if I don't believe what they believe I will be tortured for eternity. Who is being more condescending than you? No one.
  7. God is an imaginary construct. There is no reason to believe otherwise other than a human need to have answers for what we can never know. Your dance of illogical beliefs is kind of cute in a simple way and you are welcome to them. But why do you feel the need to write about it here? Most likely you a trying to convince yourself by repeating the the fantasy to us and others. Those who are stronger in their faith don't feel this need. Good luck with your struggle to understand.
  8. That would be a convenient way out of the mess the GOP is mired in.
  9. God works in mysterious ways. Why should it need to make sense. The people I feel sorry for are the members of uncontacted tribes, who have no way of finding God.
  10. So like so many things in religion it comes down to misogyny?
  11. That you see this as truth revealed is just plain funny. Thanks.
  12. This we can agree on. Blaming god is simply false for obvious reasons.
  13. You may be a believer, but are you a true believer? There are many flavours of belief even within each of the major religions. God may not care but so many of Her children are willing to hate and even kill each other over theology. Religion can be quite a force for evil.
  14. Would you rather live in a theocracy? Speaker's corner is mob rule within limits.
  15. Keep it to yourself unless someone asks you. It's none of your business. Do you believe in democracy or would you rather live in a "christian" theocratic state? Did you fight for freedom or for Christ?
  16. When you told us that we are "in trouble" for saying we don't believe. Shove it.
  17. Many people make the mistake of thinking I object to other’s religious beliefs. Not true at all. What I object to is the way some people behave. Especially when they try to tell others what they should believe. You are an offender on this front.
  18. I’m not even American and yet I seem to have more faith in your system than many here. It will be fine. Most of the nutters have no guts to do anything anyway.
  19. It’s not like she tried it in a small town.
  20. The agenda is to stop this shit. This is American persecution. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/23/opinions/lgbtq-california-pride-flag-shooting-lauri-carleton-hope/index.html Do you get it now?