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Everything posted by blacklabjumper

  1. if he sells the property for less than what is owed but writes a check for the difference then it is not a short sale and therefore will not affect his credit. if he does not make up the difference then it would be considered a short sale and that cannot be completed without the approval of the lending institution that currently holds the mortgage. The other risk of a short sale is that in order for the lender to approve the short sale they may ask that the borrower sign a promissary note for the difference or issue a 1099 at the end of the year reporting the shorted difference as income. Also, the mortgage holder may not allow a short sale if the loan is not delinquent and they determine that the borrower has the capacity to pay the mortgage. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  2. Damn Brandon! I am old school. i'm not hip to all this social networking crap. I'm trying to catch up. So I guess it doesn't mean she wants to fuck me. Damn too bad she is like 15 years younger than me. Oh well. It's good to have hope. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  3. OK seriously! what does that poking thing mean. I just joined a few weeks ago and I don't check it very often. So I check it tonight and a very hot girl I know at work poked me. When I opened it up to poke back there was a picture of her in a black tank top in a kind of sexy pose but i wouldn't say completely suggestive. Maybe more of a glamore shot pose but definitely sexy. Don't bullshit me. Because this dosn'r happen very often to me so I want to be sure i play this right. Plus it is someone I know at work and don't need the trouble if I misinterpret the meaning. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  4. No, it is West Point, VA we are about 45 minutes southeast of Richmond. yes it is the "home of the queen" We are only 15 minutes from the Highway and it is an easy stop on the way to Suffolk. We have a King Air and Suffolk has a PAC. Both great, friendly and welcoming dropzones. We have a good mix of freeflyers and bellyflyers at The Point. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  5. Thank you both for the information. Cato the information you sent me is great! Thank you again. This a tremendous help. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  6. Anyone feel free to PM me if you so choose. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  7. Hello everyone! My name is Tom (everybody at my DZ calls me Boston Tom) for obvious reasons. Anyways, I was interested in getting into doing some CRW this upcoming season. I have a reputation for doing alot of high pulls and low pass hop n pops at my home DZ. So much so that the last free fly jump I made from altitude several people on the load commented about me being in the plane at altitude. I have done some flying close in with a buddy of mine. We will touch end cells or fly boxes around each other using the harness and the steering lines to make the moves. I have experienced a canopy collision (not of my doing) I was flown into. I also have had a very hard opening the broke a sterring line and tore several other lines away from the canopy. I was put into a violent spin and I initiated my EPs and land on the DZ under a beautiful reserve. With all that being said it is my intent to enter into this new discipline with the utmost care and professionalism. I have read the Learning CRW thread and heeding the advice given in that thread. I want to get the proper instruction using the proper gear and taking the correct approach to be safe and successful doing CRW jumps. I have no intention of being "that guy". In no way do I want to endanger myself or others around me becuase of improper training or behavior on my part. The best part of any jump is landing and being able to talk about the jump. I am not going into this niave about the risks but the fact is I love flying my canopy and I want to take it to the next level and fly with other people and a safe and enjoyable way. So, that leads me to the question of where can I go to learn CRW and does anyone know of a pup camp in the future. I do not even consider myself a pup. i am still in the womb and I need a good doctor to bring out into this new world then I will be a pup. I live in Virginia and there are no CRW guys at my DZ. I was thinking if I start doing it I can probably get a few more people interested. I never have a problem finding people to go out and do high pulls with me. especially in the middle of July in Virginia. i have read the SIM a couple of times now. I am just looking to be pointed in the right direction. So if anyone would be so kind, please point. Thanks for taking the time to read this and as always any advise is greatly appreciated. Blue Skies Boston Tom Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  8. Impose on USPA thats what they are there for. I don't think anyone at USPA will consider it an imposition to assist you in your search. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  9. Looks like you can shovel a path to the gas grill over in the corner for some grillin' tonight. LOL Hang in there this will all be forgotten in a couple of months. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  10. blacklabjumper


    I think if you go out and bang on the downspouts it will breakup the ice in the downspout and it should all come out at the bottom. I had to do this last weekend and go the melting snow to flow down the downspouts. I started at the bottom of the down spout and just pounded on it with my fist and work my way up until i could reach no more but the constant pounding helped move the ice above where i could reach to come sliding down. just a suggestion. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  11. blacklabjumper


    this is some serious BS. It stopped snowing here in richmond a couple of hours ago but the drive to work this morning was scary and I grew up in massachusetts. We have gotten more snow in the last 2 weeks than they have gotten in mass. I think the world is coming to an end. Looks like DC and Balto are getting hammered. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  12. If you go to you find at least two aryicles of people with permits to carry stopped an armed robbery in progress. One incident happen in the last 6 months and the other was a little longer ago than six months. We are an open carry state and it is not unusual to go some place like starbucks and see several people with sidearms. It's not an everyday occurance but I have personally witnessed it. People here do not freak out. Oh this is all in Richmond, VA. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  13. That just hurts. LOL damn I'm jealous. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  14. Well the last couple of years down here have been pretty mild snow wise. I just moved into this house last April so this is the first winter living in this house. Sounds like you are ready to go. Thats what experinced people do not like most of the people down here. Good luck hope the power stays on. It's a good time to do some interior painting and get my taxes done. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  15. LOL actually I did but only because I had ran out o fthose items. It just happened to be timed with the snow. I was born and raised in New England. This is nothing. I moved south to avoid the snow but this year has been rather unusual for us here in Virginia. My neighbors are blaming "the yankee" for all the snow this year. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  16. It has started snowing here in richmond, VA. Looks like DC, baltimore and Philly are going to get the bulk of the storm. Just got back from grocery shopping and the liquor store. Bring it on! Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  17. I totally get what you are saying. When you walk into any business and you purchase goods or services you expect to pay the same price as everyone else purchasing the same goods and services. I do not disagree with you there. However, it is no different than going to Best Buy and they will tell you "if you spend x amount of dollars we will give you Best buy gift card for x amount of money. As it is getting rewards points albeit from airlines, credit card companies etc. They are all trying to establish customer loyalty which equates to additional revenue. Which I believe is the goal of someone rigging. Your being rewarded for customer loyalty just like every other service industry in the world is doing. When you buy that GPS unit at Best Buy and you hand them that $25 gift card you just paid less than the person in line behind you who bought the exact same unit but this is first time at best buy and does not have a gift card to use. I don't see any difference bewteen the two scenarios. The rigger I use has this policy and I have been using him for 4 years at least. I can tell that three months ago when I had a nasty malfunction and I was spinning violently out of control and that reserve opened over my head, I can tell you the few extra bucks I paid a few years ago seems rather insignificant at that time. Just my .02 but I tought if looked at it from a different angle you might change your mind but I respect your right to havie a differing opinion. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  18. when did they start allowing mental patients access to the internet. I thought the mental hospitals were suppose to be watching the inmates. I mean patients. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  19. Yeah your right I don't get choked easily either but damn that got me. TK I am truly sorry to hear about your Aussie. I hope and pray things work out. I hate to hear about things like this. I have had to put a few dogs down over the years and no matter what it never gets easier. I wish you and yours the best thru this very difficult time. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  20. who is going to play the late game? I am the only one registered and the game starts in 7 minutes Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  21. That is cool. Kind of like a little boogie within a boogie. I think that is a great start. I wasn't planning on going but I can change that in a heartbeat. It would be a good opportunity maybe for a few of us to sit around the table one night, drink a few beers and hash something out for a boogie of our own. I also thought if by chance we get the ball rolling on this thing we could make it an annual event and just move to a different DZ each year. It seems like there are enough people spread out all over the place. Again just throwing out ideas. Maybe I'm thinking to agressively on this but you never know it could become a tradition. I think that would be cool to know you started something like that and like all traditions they have to start somewhere. I know that is getting way ahead of ourselves but justa thought. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  22. Ok I have been following this thread for a little while now and I noticed there are quite a few people becoming dudes. I was thinking (always a dangerous thing) we should have a dudeist boogie. I am fairly confident i could put something together at my Home DZ. They have published a calender of events and I could probably get for a long weekend. If I knew we had enough people I think i could get a CASA (depending on availability) for the boogie. We usually get a CASA 3 or 4 times a year so I don't think one more time would not be a burden or difficult to do. My home DZ is West Point, VA. We are a smaller drop zone but we love to throw a big party. These are just thoughts and was wondering what everyone else thought. Good Idea? bad Idea? good location? bad location? tell me what you guys think is best. I think we would all have a great time no matter what. If there is enough interest i am sure I can get the wheels turning to see what the DZ would be willing to do. It doesn't have to be here it could be at another DZ more central to everyone. Let the ideas fly. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  23. Dudes! I have been ordained. can I please have #1962. Please! Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  24. I agree with Top and the other posters. I don't see this scenario playing out (although the OP said it has) in my case. Having had a recent cutaway I can tell you I wasn't looking up at my canopy when I intiated my EPs. Once i decided on Plan B I stuck with it. Also, when i go for the reserve I grab that bitch and yank on it like my life depended on it. In my case that is one quick motion. reach down grab pull. i think that it took all of a few seconds. Once you have comitted to Plan B stick with it. Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2
  25. damn i thought my chocolate lab was good looking. That is a great looking dog! Rodriguez Brother #1626 Dudiest Skydiver #1962 DPH #-2