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Everything posted by Thijs

  1. Price is 25 USD (without shipping) and the dvd is both PAL and NTSC (one side is PAL, the other is NTSC)
  2. Tom, how would your jump / object ratio be if you would exclude jumps from your local span? Maybe the US jumpers can add how many percent of their jumps were made from that bridge. I think that the jump / object ratio will look very different then.
  3. Very often, European jumpers tend to jump more difficult and more dangerous objects at a lower jump number then Americans. This gives them the reputation of being hard. Going stowed from sub 100 meter buildings in cities is pretty much considered 'normal' here, in the US it is considered crazy... Yeah, some even jump indoor in churches...
  4. No, but what 813 means is that if you have 200 jumps in total and did them from 50 objects, you have more experience then you did 200 jumps from 25 objects. It is funny to read so many times that Americans see European jumpers as hard.
  5. If I'm not mistaking they have dismanteled the balloon (well, I can't see it anymore from the train and I used to be able to see it). Sad, because it looked a nice object to jump from...
  6. That guy is lieing! I already hitted an object on jump 3 while doing this crazy activity. I don't understand how this dangerous sport can be 'legal'...
  7. yeah, I know that one . One of the wierdest but most beautiful A's I have ever seen.
  8. Thijs

    BASE Movies

    Not yet available but: 'The Ground is the limt' by Iiro 'Journey to the center' by Iiro 'New Standards'
  9. I'm currently designing one for myself, although it is far from professional and good looking. I can't even work with flash, just with html, javascript, div-layers etc... Besides that, I'm studying in Ingeneering, so if I ever get my degree (very doubtfull) I maybe will start to design that perfect base canopy that always opens on heading and flies better with a line-over then without one... I really like taking pictures and video (with my digital camera, low on cash, can't buy a real videocam ) but I know nothing about photoshop or other things... But most of all I ask Jaap all kind of stupid questions about base on msn Thanks for that dude! Nah, I don't have skills that can benefit the basecommunicty yet, or I have to find them...
  10. Found a lot of info. Thanks Tom!
  11. Hi, When I have some more experience in skydiving I would like to start doing some jumps with trackpants. Unfortunatly I'm short on money so I'm not going to be able to buy some good pants from PF or BM. So, I thaughed about making some pants myself. Is there any 'manual' or something like it to make your own pants (like what materials to use and where to place the inlets etc) because I know not really a lot about this. Well, this is a long term project, since I'll first have to convince some-one to learn me how to sew... Thanks in advance Thijs
  13. it is on skydivingmovies now...
  14. Thijs

    Highest? Lowest?

    I have to say you got a pretty large van...
  15. Anyone know the song after that? Starting from 2:04. I think it is a remix of Moby's Porcelain but not sure. And if it is, what remix is it? Hell, some one please give the track list!
  16. Can anybody 'download' it somehow to their harddrive? This is a weekly program on the television so they will probably delete the file next monday or tuesday. Thijs
  17. Does Ray like to jump without using his legstraps?
  18. Three weeks ago, on my third jump, I had an accident. I landed at the border of the dz and hitted a concrete fence upon landing. It was only this weekend I was able to see how lucky I was that day. 10 meters further and I would have probably went in. Friends and family have asked me several times if I wanted to jump again, and for the moment I definitly want to jump again. So, this is basicly a question for AFF-jumpmasters and SL-masters. How do most students react to getting injured during their course? Do they get back into the sport (if they are still physicly able offcourse) or do you never see them again at the dz?
  19. Thijs


    Having good canopy skills may one day save your life... Check this out
  20. Thijs


    Hey Jaap, Very nice site man! I wish I had more time to read and study it all
  21. You can download the song for free from this website:
  22. This what the URL: It was deleted some time ago. Don't know why, it was a pretty nice website.
  23. Thijs

    I'm so happy :)

    Skydiving is something I have been dreaming about a very long time and especially the last two years. During that time I didn't really like myself, my life... Since I did my first jumps early September I kinda changed a lot. I'm so happy right now, and I don't know really how much more happy i'm going to get. I'm enjoying things now, I smile and laugh for no reason at all, even now.
  24. It is already on Thijs
  25. Both jumps were from a Cessna Caravan. Thanks for the replies everyone. Belgium weather ain't cooperating this weekend, so no jumping