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Everything posted by legalart

  1. I am a graduate of SDSU. It used to have a rep as quite the party school. I have no idea, other than local news reports, what it's like these days, the stories though, are generally positive. The engineering, nursing, and counseling programs have always been highly rated. It has been overshadowed in town by the national recognition that UCSD has received. It is, (or was, I was there some time ago), a commuter school, which worked well for me as I had to work my way through school and graduated when, (what I considered at the time the ancient age of 24). San Diego is a damn expensive place to live, so consider that in your decision. Both the campus and San Diego are beautiful (think no humidity). My favorite taunt to both my in-laws and my children when they bitch about the weather where they live is -- 72 and sunny, generally the daily forecast. And no I wasn't an English major so, my over-use of commas and lack of coherent writing is no reflection on the school or the two lower division english classes I took. As to DZs ask the experienced jumpers for that info but three major otter DZ's within 1 hour drive should fill the bill.
  2. MNEMONICs. I'll let the med students comment on this but they helped me in high-school physiology/anatomy when we were dissecting the cat. May be scoffed at today as this was umm.. a while back. Cranial Nerves = Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel A Girl's Vagina Aah Heavenly. (Olfactory, Optic, Occulomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducent, Facial, Auditory, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal).
  3. Michele, Amazon is right about having real classes on your transcript. I thought I was quite clever taking Botany 312. You know upper division science class as a psych major. On my transcript it says Cultivated Trees and Shrubs.
  4. Mission Bay High, San Diego, CA Alamogordo High School, New Mexico Mission Bay, High School, San Diego, CA
  5. Sorry no sticky skills.
  6. A woman once told me she never forgot anything because she had a "photogenic" memory.
  7. legalart

    Is she...

    Run Forrest, Run!! From your description she sounds like a self-involved humorless twit. I agree with super-kitty.
  8. Happy Happy Birthday. Sorry, missed the thread. Busy beyond belief. As always, thank you for ... well you know.
  9. Mark was at Perris last year and left to take a job in Japan. That is, if the Mark you are talking about is Mark Hourning. Great guy.
  10. Well, if the comment about your ex made by your therapist is about her father, then yes maybe a bit-o-trouble. Personally I think its the funniest thing I have ever seen posted in any forum I have ever visited.
  11. Bump. This is some funny shit.
  12. Your Pop chose you for your smile, a smile you still share with all of us who know you. He taught you to love, he taught you to care for others, he taught you to battle the endless bullshit we face day-to-day. I hope he will be ok. I know he loves you dearly. Do you think he could ever be more proud of his daughter than for what she did this year? I think not. Love and Hugs Rick
  13. Your question confuses me. Do you mean "did" you have a right to record the deposition? The answer is yes in California and most jurisdictions. Obviously, once the deposition is over and transcribed by the reporter, what you could or could not have done doesn't matter. The reporter signs the transcript and swears that what is contained therein is what she/he heard and recorded during the deposition.
  14. Live in a van down by the dz. See if I can continue to skydive without getting the TUB speech or repeating each AFF level twice. Pay for the trip my wife wants to take to Australia with her best buddy. Buy a flat in London for my daughter. Ok, I know nothing of UK real estate, if it costs anything like San Diego make fun at will. (Edited for punk-tu-ation)
  15. I am thankful that the planet still contains people who, when asked, say hell yes I'll help you regardless of the cost.
  16. Ditto. Thank you for the sweet thoughts and wishes.
  18. Roll Over Beethoven. Which, of course, makes me 395 years old.
  19. A kid at a bagel store asked me not long ago when I ordered an iced tea. "Do you want ice in that?"
  20. I contribute to the deforestation of the planet and piss off judges and law clerks.
  21. As with all legal questions there is no simple answer. Emancipation is generally necessary in order for a minor to live alone. But, and of course its a very big but, it depends upon the law in the state in which the minor is living.
  22. Good Lord is there REALLY anything left to probe and dissect about the life of this poor fellow? The estate must be running low on funds. Then again there is probably another Marilyn Monroe movie in production as I write.
  23. Happy Birthday Michele! Thank you for reaching out to others with your wisdom, kindness and compassion in this sometimes difficult world.