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Everything posted by Jeth

  1. Congrats, guys! That is awesome that so much money was raised and a good time was had by all!!
  2. Jeth

    Paying beer debts

    Ok, so I know I owe a lot of beer. At my dz, when jumping is over, ppl go to the skybar or tiki hut to kick a few back. So where do I bring my cases? I can't bring it in the bar, right? So should I just crack it open in the hangar? (I've never seen that going on before) I'm just looking for some guidance on how a rookie properly repays a beer debt. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  3. I just don't get this bit. Why would you hate freefall? Maybe if you tell her to keep her eyes open, she'll enjoy it. I don't know why people would pay all that money to skydive & then keep their eyes closed. I sure as hell had my eyes open during my first freefall! Because some people (**cough** my mom) psych themselves out so much that they have thoroughly scared themselves silly and just can't handle the speed. Plus, some people just don't like freefall. Yup. But its not just being scared. It is pretty intense if you've never done it. Theres the speed, the noise, the pressure on your body (especially your face), not to mention the incredible view with nothing underneath you. If you close your eyes, you are only missing out on the view. You are still "feeling" the freefall. I'm sure my Mom will close her eyes, too. The view might be too much to handle along with everything else. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  4. Thats so awesome!! My mom is coming to do a tandem for her 65th birthday. Its funny, she feels the same way your mom did -- that she's going to hate the freefall but love the canopy ride. I hope she at least loves some of it! I know I'm going to be nervous for her when she does it. But it'll also be great to be there to share the moment with her.
  5. Jeth

    Weekend numbers

    It fits pretty well (many exp people and instructors have actually commented that it fits me very well). Its mine, but wasn't custom made. (But it is the correct size for my body) It is definitely more comfortable than the student rig I used! I don't think I'm floating up in the straps before opening. I cinch them down really tight on the ground, and they are just a tiny bit looser after I land. Thanks for the suggestion, tho! I need all the help I can get to figure this one out!
  6. Jeth

    Weekend numbers

    I had about 5 people and 3 riggers offering up suggestions and packing for me (thanks everybody!). Its not my body position, not my tracking, rolling the nose didn't help, psycho pack didn't help. Consensus seems to be I need a bigger slider. But someone else suggested a F-111 pc, so I put one on and tried it. Still seemed hard, but not quite as bad. I'm gonna try that one more time and then go with the slider if its hard again. I can't take another full weekend of these openings! Ok, ok, I'll pay up. Next time I come I'll bring a few cases to cover all my debts. Awww, you're kidding me! I gotta wait till AJ hits 1000 to pie her? I think she needs it before then. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  7. It was 103 at SDC yesterday. It sucked standing in the loading area fully geared up for what was supposed to be 5 minutes but turned into 20. Once we took off it was ahhhhhhhhh..... yea!
  8. Jeth

    Weekend numbers

    I had an awesome time at the New Wave Boogie at SDC!! And also some not-so-good times. 0:8:Way too much 8 jumps - Some awesome 2-ways, 2 3-ways, 2 4-ways and a 5-way at the end!
  9. Jeth

    Weekend numbers

    OMG, Glad you're okay! I didn't hear about that. It was nice to meet you this weekend! Thanks a million for the pack job and advice!
  10. Jeth


    Sorry, I gotta chime in here! If you want the best Chicago style pizza, forget Gino's or Uno's or Due. The hands down, BEST pizza anywhere is at Lou Malnati's!! Its on Kinzie near the Merchandise Mart. That pizza is to die for and way better than the other deep-dish pizza places that tourists go to. (Yes, I've tried them all.) Ok, thats all. Everything else he said is true. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  11. Yes, definitely!! If you have a choice between a program that uses video, and one that doesn't -- get video! I had it on all my AFP jumps. I couldn't imagine going through a debrief without it. (Also it give you some cool footage to impress your friends with. ) "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  12. Ya, he's not the brightest bulb. But he's still my favorite.
  13. Then there's the other group of people, like yours truly. It took me 3 jumps to learn hover control and 4 jumps to learn turns properly. Its amazing how much better the maneuvers work when you are relaxed! But then after that, I nailed the flips on the first try! Everybody is different. If it takes you longer, so what. The basic AFF program is 7 levels. Once you pass those, then you can fly solo's without an instructor. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  14. A whopping 29! It sure is nice to not be a student anymore, I'm having a blast!
  15. Yep, on my first track I was doin the ol' helicopter track, spinning around instead of going straight. I forgot to count (was supposed to be a 3 second track) and was trying to straighten it out. I ended up pulling just below 3k. (Tracked for about 14 seconds instead of 3! ) The worst thing was I thought I pulled at 4!! It was kind of funny, though. After I opened I noticed canopies above me and I just thought "hmmm... thats strange". I didn't register the reason there were canopies above me! Anyway, I got the stern alititude awareness speech from my instructor, and I didn't do it again. My tracks got much better too! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  16. Thats what I said a year ago -- then I spent 6 months and $5000+ on AFP and gear. Wait till you get into the sky -- you might not have a choice. After my tandem I was completely hooked and I found a way to make time and pay for it. Go do the tandem! It'll be a blast!! And then you can decide what to do for your birthday.
  17. Congrats dude! Sounds like a great weekend!
  18. Congrats! Its awesome having your own stuff!! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  19. Ya, definitely read the SIM. I also recommend a book called "The Skydivers Handbook", thats a great read with lots of info. Try not to worry too much about the solo jump. At first you will have instructor(s) holding onto you. They will keep you stable. Eventually you will learn how to be stable and control your body in freefall. And let me tell you -- when you figure it out, its a really awesome feeling!! If you're curious about student training, you could read my jump journal. It's the link in my sig. I just got my A a few weeks ago. (I was in AFP, a more comprehensive program than traditional AFF.) Welcome and enjoy! Its gonna change your life!!
  20. Congrats!! I'm sure that felt so awesome for you to finally get it!! Now the fun and learning really begins!!
  21. 0:3:4 Woo-hoo!! What fun yesterday!! Lotsa firsts!! * 1st jumped pack job (it opened!!) * 1st jump with new rig * 1st solo * 1st 2-way Rook says I also owe beer for crossing the 1500-jump line. Hey, at least I landed on the airport! I had a blast with those 2-ways, thanks Adam!! (And thanks eeneR for organizing that one! Great to meet U!
  22. Wo! Nice catch! Geezus, I couldn't imagine being under a 109 when I should be under a 190! Are the colors similiar for those sizes? Is that an easy mistake to make with that rental gear? "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  23. It depends on the dz and the program. At my dz we have AFP, which is 20 jumps. You can't go solo till U graduate from that. Basically, whatever the program, when you are "off student status" you can jump solo for the cheaper price (plus gear rental unless you have your own). "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site