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Everything posted by Jeth

  1. No, it's not easy. But once it becomes habit you do it without even thinking. Years ago I would always get all the junk food at the grocery store. Yesterday I realized that as I was putting my items on the check out belt, that not one item was junk. I even passed on the free candy bar the cashier was giving away. It has now become habit for me. Take it a day at a time and keep a journal. That helped me. I wrote down every thing I ate. Yep, same here. Its all in your head. I used to eat crap, and lots of snacks. I lost 75 lbs by cutting out all of that, plus sweets and soda. People often ask me how I do it (keep the weight off - its been 6 yrs), like its this huge ordeal. But flyangel's right, its just your way of life after that. Like, I can't tell U how many people have come to my house and after dinner they say "U got any cookies or cake?" When I tell them no, they can't believe it. But thats one of the easiest ways to not eat that stuff -- don't keep it in your house! And don't poo-poo foods that are good for you. When I tell people I have granola bars instead of cookies, they don't want one. But they have never even tried one!! And what they don't realize is that these have chocolate and snickers pieces and are yummier than a lot of cookies! Don't think of everything as something you're giving up, look at it like you're discovering new yummy things that are better for you.
  2. See! There U have it!! Exactly what I don't want to deal with when I'm trying to sidebody someone at 8000ft! And I think the same risk is there for a first-time tandem, so I wouldn't let them. The mint is definitely a better idea for bad breath/dry mouth. BTW, I can't believe this thread is still alive! LOL! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  3. Got my "A"!!!!!! (Most people had serious doubts it would happen. ) Also the non-profit group I'm part of, we reached our target fundraising goal of $75,000!! Now if I can just get a new job, that would be the ultimate accomplishment for this year... "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  4. When I was in college I had a job for 2 hours. It was for a crossing guard. Took it cuz the money was really good. But as soon as I had my ass out there in the sub-zero temps with all my extremities frozen, waiting for the little rugrats to cross the street, I decided there was no freakin way I was coming back! I called my boss and said they'd need someone else for the afternoon shift. In my current job, I knew I hated it after about 3 days. Unfortunately, I'm still here after 4+ years. The job market is a lot tougher than when I got out of college. And I wasn't looking that hard before. But I'm really trying now and shooting for being out of here by years end. Keep your fingers crossed!!! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  5. Not sure where to post this -- I was just wondering how long it takes for a dz review to be posted? Or will I get notified if my review was rejected for some reason? Thanks. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  6. Exactly. Thank you. That is what I would be worried about if I was a TM. But I also agree with others that even for myself, I will not chew gum in freefall. But thats good that so many others do it and haven't choked!
  7. Smart ass!! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  8. Even though I live not far from there, I didn't go to WFFC cuz I was scared. With the low minimum opening altitude, the frequency of jump runs, the number of canopies in the air, the unpredictable landing patterns, the potential for people to be doing crazy/stupid things in the air (especially after boozing all night), and the opening over a town -- thats all too much for me at this point. Now I might've gone to hang out and just check things out, but there was no way I was gonna pay the entire registration fee just to drop by! Why can't they do a daily rate or visitor rate or something like that? "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  9. Ok, guess I'm over reacting. But you guys will all be eating your words when the next guy chokes on gum in freefall!! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  10. So at the dz yesterday I was there in the loading area waiting for the plane. I was chatting with this tandem student. He was there for his 1st jump with his son. He was asking me/the TM if he'd have trouble breathing in freefall. The TM told him to just shut his mouth if he's having trouble. Then the student goes "I'll probably end up swollowing my gum, then it'll sit in my stomach for the next 10 years." The TM just chuckled. WTF?! Why would the TM let that guy go up with gum in his mouth? He could so easily choke on that!! I remember a girl who died on a roller coaster cuz she had gum in her mouth and she choked on it while trying to scream. That just seems like a silly risk to take with someone who's never been in freefall before. Who knows if he's gonna try to scream, keep his mouth open or closed or whatever. What do you guys think, am I overreacting to this? "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  11. Congrats, dude! Now U gotta get that A! I got mine a few months ago and I can tell you it DOES get much better than AFF! (And thats also when U do really start learning stuff, too. ) Enjoy!!
  12. Wow, you actually kept 'em clean! That won't last... Yep, great day at SDC!
  13. Tandem here. Birthday present. Like many others -- was just gonna be a one-time thing. I would have NEVER, EVER gone if I couldn't do tandem. I didn't even consider that this is something people do over and over again. Then when I saw all the "real skydivers" at the dz, I figured they were all in it for the competition or something. Then after I landed I knew I was gonna be one of those people that does it over and over again. Actually, I tried to talk myself out of going into AFP, but after my 2nd tandem a month later I knew I could not escape the pull of the sky.
  14. Danger had nothing to do with why I took up skydiving. I thought it would be a thrill. (NOT based on being dangerous, like a roller coaster-type thrill.) What I found was that it was so much more than just a thrill. Its a sense of accomplishment, pride, and complete joy. It frees my mind, and challenges me every time I go up. It gives me wonderful friends who I can count on. The appeal for me has absolutely nothing to do with it being dangerous. I decided the benefits I get from it outweigh the risks and thats why I keep doing it. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  15. I personally do not like the analogy of "when you jump out a plane, you're effectively dead until you do something to save your life". I mean, that is also true every time you get in the car and drive down the highway! You are dead unless you apply pressure to the brakes and use the steering wheel to stop the car from crashing into something. But with that said, it DOES need to be made clear to students that THEY ALONE are responsible for getting themselves safely to the ground on every skydive. If someone wants to take up skydiving they must have confidence in themselves to do whats necessary to land safely no matter what they may be presented with. I think it was obvious to me the sport can be dangerous. (Once I was in AFP, not on my tandems) For myself, I would be uncomfortable jumping without an AAD. I also urge my friends to use one. Not because I don't trust myself and need to rely on a device. Shit happens! I just read the discussion about unconcious jumpers. Someday that could be me and that'd really suck if I died cuz I konked my head and was too cheap to spend $1000 on something that could've kept me alive. I'm stacking the odds as far in my favor as I can! But my biggest fear or sense of danger in this sport is a canopy collision. I have heard of so many people losing their lives that way. It could just take one guy a split second to take me out. (Or me to take someone else out.) Of course there are other "shit happens" possibilities in the sport, but thats the one I think of every time I go to the dz. I don't think the danger was downplayed to me in AFP. We were told that the fatality rate is low, but also that anything can happen. I DO think AFF/AFP students are scared of lower openings. But thats not necessarily from instruction. Well, maybe a little because I remember my instructors often telling me "don't worry, you're at 5500 ft, you have lots of time." So that could've made me think "Well then if I'm at 2500 ft I don't have a lot of time!" I was scared of my 3500 HnP, but it was fun once I did it. I do worry about having a mal at that altitude, though. And I often wonder about aircraft emergencies. I would definitely be freaked to bail out at 1000 ft, especially with others right behind me! I do think that is a big benefit of doing S/L versus AFF, they seem much more comfortable down lower. And I agree with someone else who said the sport would have a lot fewer participants if we were using the same stuff they used 20 yrs ago. Kudos to you old-timers for staying alive without the stuff, but I'm glad its available to me.
  16. Wendy, I like this method a lot. I am getting better at my accuracy now, but sometimes I am still not sure where I'm going to end up. So I will always look out ahead of me and steer myself to the area that gives me the longest "runway" to land on. I learned that one the hard way when I over-shot my target and landed on the runway. I have landed off 3 times and every time thats what I did. Even when I'm landing on my home field, if I'm not sure where I'm gonna end up, I just set myself up with the longest clear area out in front of me. Oh, and I ALWAYS PLF an off landing!
  17. Jeth

    Weekend numbers

    Yup, we had fun even with the damn rain!
  18. Jeth

    Weekend numbers

    0 : 2 : 2 Beer owed for my first jump from a Cessna! Also a new dropzone for me. Despite the weather, had a great time at Goshen. Nice place! Great people!
  19. FWIW, when I was a student, I mostly went 2-3 weeks inbetween jumps, and only 1 jump each time. That made it harder. I would highly recommend getting back out there ASAP! I did so much better, and was much more relaxed, when I did more jumps, more often. Since you have only done 1 solo, I would definitely review things with your instructors if you are gonna be gone 25 days. At my dz when a newbie comes back from a layoff they have you do a coached jump as your first one back. As far as the 50 jumps a year -- I'm sure there are poeple who do that. But for me, especially in the beginning when we're new and trying to learn, I think we need to go a lot more than that. I try to go at least every other weekend now. I'm sure there will come a time when I will cut back on my time skydiving, but not yet! Anyway, good luck with your training! It feels awesome when you finally get that 'A'!! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  20. You might want to try posting on the SDC board, too. Sorry I can't help you out with that ride. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  21. Good job for recovering and pulling on your own!
  22. I rent cars several times a month. Definitely go with the internet, and go directly to the company's web sites. Most of the time, they offer their own best rates. However, I have found that sometimes beats them. Just do a little comparison shopping to see. Then when you find a good rate, call the company and ask about their "under 25" policy. I think Avis is just an extra deposit which you will get back. BTW, Enterprise has a kick-ass weekend deal which is only 9.95 a day for the weekend. Its only in certain locations, but you can't beat the price if you can get it. But I have no idea about their under 25 policy, so definitely check on that. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  23. I found it with a search when I was furiously scouring the internet for information after my first jump. I went right away to the forums. I read threads for a week before posting my first one. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  24. Ok, I voted the first one (that I was only going to do it once). That is why I went to the dz. But to be completely correct, what actually got me OUT THE DOOR, was that I didn't want to be a wuss and tell my TM that I couldn't handle it. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  25. 1:4:2 Man, I had an AWESOME time at the dz on Friday!!