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Everything posted by skreamer

  1. skreamer


    *ahem* *cough* *cough* Froggy, you know that thread about the izone polaroid cameras you resurrected, well.... /s
  2. PS Speedracer, it has only just gone 10h16pm here in London. Yes, the pubs still close at 11pm, but I had to leave the pub early because management joins us on a Friday evening and one of them was being a real dick (coming from me that says a lot). Anyway, right now I am sipping on some Chivas (neat of course) - it was a present, I don't often get whiskey this good... /s
  3. Or how about crazy ed's original cave creek chili beer? Brewed and bottled by Black Mountain Brewing. Discovered it in Arizona beginning of last year and HOOOOOOO, will this stuff put a sting in your ring!!! /s
  4. skreamer


    Plus when you drink Guinness, you never get the munchies, so you don't buy take away (out) at 3AM, so you wake up the next day with more money for jump tickets! Plus if you are pregnant, Guinness is good for you, very reassuring should I ever get knocked up (even more so since I'm not a chick!) Aaaah, now I'm starting to make as much sense as the Guinness ads - it's 10PM on a Friday night, I'm drunk and posting to a ng - SPOT THE PATHETIC GEEK!!!
  5. Doesn't matter - D or no D, he is still in shit when the main dude gets back... /s
  6. rotflmfao hahahahahhah - new canopy - hahahhahahahahhahah too funny
  7. Yeah, firstly - BEER!!! Secondly - did you break something, cause there is an error where there should be a symbol next to your initial post (boy, are you in trouble when Sangiro gets back - I'm telling)
  8. Wingi, think we're gonna have to wait for miked to clear this one up for us, he knows everything about everything. /s
  9. The end to all hangovers, the holy grail... Please let it be real!!! /s
  10. If the nappy fits... /s
  11. skreamer


    You keep talking like that Sis, and I might just buy that ticket to Texas and show YOU a *new member*! Nyeehahahahaha /s
  12. skreamer


    Your brother went to BJ university??? Is his intended significant other of the male or female persuasion?
  13. Here's another idea for old canopies : use ZP material to make incontinence nappies for old people and inebriated skydivers! waaahaaaahaaaa
  14. Hey Pammi, how about some lingerie pics on your web-site, huh, huh? If it looks as good as you say, people will pay money to view your site.
  15. Yeah, you're right, they probably find it boring, the way we ride little planes to altitude, step out of them, fall until we reach terminal velocity, do stuff for a while and then chuck out a PC and watch (hope?) our main deploy. Of course then we have the boooooring canopy ride and landing to look forward to. Yep, I can totally see why whuffos would find skydiving stories boring to listen to... Plus of course some of the shit we get up to at the end of the day when the bar opens.... well, whuffos just don't do that kind of thing, thank you very much! /s
  16. skreamer

    Got it!!!!!!

    Don't be so hard on your bro - how was he supposed to know what an altimeter and reserve are??? hahahahahaha Give him hell! (for the rest of his life)
  17. skreamer

    Got it!!!!!!

    WHERE'S THE BEER??? (I'll be checking my inbox) congrats dude /s
  18. Hi guys I lost the instructions for baking my bonehead - could somebody please post them. Actually, how advisable is it? My bonehead fits fairly snug already - should I still bake it? /s PS please no practical jokes like getting me to *nuke* it in the microwave...
  19. Good move! You won't regret it! /s
  20. I appreciate the offer Tom. But since I am the Luke to your Yoda, why don't you drop me an email the next time you are going out to Netheravon and I will make sure I am there. I have yet to jump in the UK, so have no preference yet about where. I was a bit surprized about your comment about only getting one jump in at Netheravon, since they mention on their site that they have the highest lift capacity in the UK. Do civilians get bumped easily? May the blue skies be with you! Luke (aka skreamer) PS I only have an RW suit - is this a problem?
  21. lmfao Whatever you do, don't tell her you want to take her 'head-down'!!!
  22. Dave, I thought we had discussed this and you were going to stop looking for love in the mortuary... lmfao /s
  23. OK, wingi - I'm keen for both boogies! Quite co-incidentally, I have a skydiver friend in Germany who I would really like to visit. You name a weekend dude, and I'll be there! This is great, I will probably be the only dz.commer who gets to go to both the European and American blitzes! Let's get it on!
  24. OK, OK now you've done it! So the captain of our national cricket team accepted money to throw the odd game, and South Africa has the world's highest rates of murder, rape and HIV (gee, wonder how we lost out to Canada in that UN survey...). But you know what? At least we wouldn't claim food poisoning, because our team was sooooo scared before a world cup final that they all got diarrhoea and crapped themself on the day!!! Oh, but seriously though, that has to be one of the worst cases of bad sportsmanship ever (right after Hansie's little *indiscretion* anyway). Your team of world class whingers stayed in a 5 star hotel and ate from the same buffet as all the other guests in the hotel (which was sold out). Next Kiwi who says we poisoned you, why I'm going to slip some rat poison in his coffee...