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Everything posted by skreamer

  1. FFF They do, it's called Belgium and it gets f£*$ed regularly!!! hahahahahahahaha (saaaay isn't john claude von dumb dumb from Belgium???) /s [drop till you party!]
  2. Thanks for the advice guys! I can't wait to try Krishan's exit and also the 'cork-screw' method! Cheers /s [drop till you party!]
  3. Qualify? Hell, Lummy, we might have found a new *Lord of the Geeks*!
  4. Woo-hoo! Party at Ben's place boys! Invite absolutely everybody you know...
  5. *ahem* nudie bar pics please *cough* *cough*
  6. Hey Jumpergirl Is this part of what they would teach me at Skydive University at Dallas??? My mommy warned me about women like you and places like that... /s [drop till you party!]
  7. Damn FFF Now our little friend is going to be crying into his pillow tonight. He told me (in confidence) that he was *saving* himself just for you... Yeah, I reckon you must be right about those wimpy Aussie men, the only reason they always win gold at the Olympics high jump is cause when they can't catch sheep they have a go at the kangaroos! Also watch your stuff while you are out there, remember how they all ended up in Australia in the first place! /s [drop till you party!]
  8. a very offensive joke : Why haven't they sent a woman to the moon yet? Because it doesn't need cleaning! One for the ladies : How does the average man change a light-bulb? Just holds the bulb up and waits for the world to revolve around HIM...
  9. *drool* *pant* *drool* Damn, I just short-circuited another keyboard with my slobber! If you ever need a photographer...
  10. skreamer

    I did it!!

    I reckon you really got it from when you and Sis and Merrick shacked up in the plane last night... Congrats Pammi! /s [drop till you party!]
  11. Zelda, thing is if you don't tell them, then when they find out (and you KNOW they will) it might be a big deal. Better to not get a job at the interview stage than to work off the 3 month probation and then lose the job. I would say you are better off telling them about it, but don't make like it is that big a deal. List it as one of two or three sports (yeah right, like we have the time/money for any other sports) and then answer any questions that arise. That way they are informed from the start, can't make a big deal about it later and will understand when your sick-days always correspond to days with blue skies!
  12. You've got a rapist's wit! hee hee
  13. Well Tee, ever heard of a little principle called 'tit for tat'? Or maybe in this case 'tat for tit'! hahahahhahahaha Just kidding, but it is about time the rest of you ladies started posting pics. They don't have to be nudies (wouldn't hurt of course....), but it would be kinda nice to know what you kick-ass chick skydivers look like. Pammi, Stacey and Lisa have all posted pics/web-sites, so how about the rest of you... I now understand what one of you ladies said once about all skydiver chicks looking HOT after a jump. Man, after a skydive you women have this nostril-flaring, just had multiples, heaving little puppy breaths look and IT IS A TOTAL TURN-ON!!! Chicks who skydive can give furniture multiple orgasms just by sitting on it! Since getting into skydiving, if I go out now wearing a skydiving T-shirt (and I only do) it is nice having whuffo chicks ask you about skydiving. But after like 2 minutes they get boring and I would much rather be talking to a female skydiver (ANY female skydiver). Aaaaah, spring must be in the air because my hormones are getting the better of me and making me say all nice stuff...
  14. Isn't there a rule : 'Follow your shit down!' /s [drop till you party!]
  15. Yeah right, like Freaksis would have posted THAT anonymously... /s [drop till you party!]
  16. skreamer


    Pammi, I am so there!!! Only problem is, I am on 33 jumps at the moment and with the English weather I will probably still be on 33 jumps by August... Just kidding, I think Quincy will be a good time for a lot of the cyber beers that have been earned here to be converted into the real thing. /s [drop till you party!]
  17. Was there anybody with you in the plane at the time? Because I have been told that when you have sex on your own it doesn't really count... How about we respect your anonymity, but you tell us who you did the deed with? /s [drop till you party!]
  18. OK, for all you DZ.commers who live in Europe and can't afford to go to the Vegas blitz (don't know what you guys spend your money on, but we KNOW it isn't personal hygiene products
  19. Hey SkySlut methinks you should change your signature to "I'll listen to anything (crap)!" /s [drop till you party!]
  20. FFF be afraid - in Australia they have a rape crisis line FOR MEN!!!! Those Aussie women do NOT mess around - the only contraceptive they use in Australia is their personalities!!! What's that I hear? Oh, it's a little skyhawk about to do its stuka imitation on my insolent ass... /s [drop till you party!]
  21. You know you're a skydiver when your only motivation (I walk to work and home) for buying a car is so you have transport for the weekends (to go you know where...). You really know when you are a skydiver when the *new* car you are buying is £375 cheaper than your *new* rig. You consider your rig a bargain at the price and still think you paid too much for the car. /s [drop till you party!]
  22. Dude, they know we live in England - no need to state the obvious...
  23. Maybe the student should have gone for a *hard pull* instead of the bad *dock*...
  24. Hey Skyhawk - I am a skygeek (shit skydiver with acne and twitchy right index finger) and I say Dan is in, now respect our authoritaaaah or you WILL get spoofed, smurfed and spammed (and you thought those were computing terms - nyee hahaahahaha), /s [drop till you party!]